Friday, 12 April 2019


LOCATE IMAGE HERE Image result for understanding the spirit of jezebelINTRODUCTION

As I sit here in Starbucks Coffee, Fairview Mall writing I have directly sitting in front of me a so called homosexual.The little fellow has on  knee high boots in addition to a red pair of shorts, some sick joke conceived in the mind of some white devil. Well this is another month of blogging, unfortunately my production has decreased because of the constant harassment in St. Catharines. Unable to sit at my computers without people doing some analysis or the other or having their set pieces, constant harassment  with their children.
Here am I again it is about 3 a.m. ready to dive into the writing of this blog post for April. I wish the place was warm and cozy but it is Tim Horton’s Scott/Vine Streets they seem to be saving energy everytime I enter their stores. I mean I dislike the cold. I tried hard to write but to no avail it is too cold.
The major events this month were my protests in Toronto and Mississauga. The crooked criminal powers in Ontario have locked my health card. I have had two protests in Toronto against corrupt and criminal Doug Ford and Christine Elliott and crooked Hazel McCallion and the African mutants genomic Nigerians.  Then I returned with another flyer that says ‘Canada is Racist Corrupt Criminal - Release My Documents need to leave Vite! Vite!' I would never live in a country which had to go through such criminality to get me to live in their country.  I tell you people while I was in Toronto you almost read about me. I was introduced to Apple Store in the Oculus in fact it is in this Apple Store that I started using the computer on a regular basis. If you think Canada is bad you are to try New York.  It was in the Brooklyn Public Library that my Onedrive Cloud account was locked to prevent me from publishing my Blog. Then I found the Apple Store in the Oculus, glory hallelujah pretty like money upstairs and downstairs my own personal Security Guard. They did what they were doing in the background I worked around them and we worked together.While I was in the Apple Store and I must say this is the most loosely run Apple Store I have ever been in. Normally the Apple Stores are very professionally run and there are things they do not do. This is the same for Starbucks Coffee all i have to say when any of the Associates are trying to harass me is ‘My dear this is an American Brand, there are certain things we do not get up to.’ That is the end of that.  In this store, in order to prevent any conflict after they had taken away my stool on some pretext or the other. I tried to move out of the passage to prevent everyone passing and brushing against me. I knew it was deliberate. I moved aside and bent over and was working, the next thing I felt was something on my derriere, I paid it no mind the first time then the thing bounced on me again. Now this thing had my attention, I got up and looked around to see a young man with a plate of food in his hand and trying to rub up on my bottom. I looked at him and was at a loss for word. This has never happened to me in my life. Then I went for my knife as I was turning around the invisible Security Guard appeared and advised him to leave. By this time the architects and everybody's eyes were on us. I said nothing and went back to my work. After that I just did a few hours in the store when I could find no computer because I was not going to waste my time meandering through anyone’s booby traps. I choose my battles have no time to waste my energy on little skirmishes, distractions and wear out one’s energy.
Of course the political garbage in Jamaica called politicians are there with their criminality with the two free loaders like themself that they have sent to Canada to live in my brother’s house. The last time I was there I dumped the food I was cooking in the garbage bin. The little fellow was in the kitchen when I went to my meat pot it was depleted. I take no chances these days.  My health is more important than a few dollars. Of course the Canadian and Jamaican Jezebels are trying to get Jack to behave in a similar manner to Granville and Everton Taylor in Jamaica. The criminals say I am a doormat and ladder indicating that people use my situation for advancement. I know that is the culture of Canada that is why now knowing what is going on I take precautions; since people are not looking at the moral of the situation but ‘what is in it for me’ (WIIIFM).I like sleeping and these days I  am not getting enough because I do not want to be killed while I am sleeping. I try not to do anything that will affect my ability to sleep and I keep a short account with God. I cannot dictate to anyone how they are to live their life, I know how I intend to live mine. As I have already informed you I have no intention of harassing anyone in their place neither do I have any intention of leaving myself careless again. I can say where these spirits are concerned i am still a babe in the woods but i refuse to be careless. These people go to bed plotting evil and it is like King Jehoshaphat and the armies of the heathens an innumerable company.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information about this spirit possibly because this spirit does not want to be identified and many people do not even understand its operations, resulting in the spirit operating in the dark and wreaking a lot of havoc especially in the church. These are the days when God is calling for us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. As I was meditating on the topic it came to mind that this spirit manifested itself in King Saul and Haman. Both men wanted to destroy a righteous person King Saul out of jealousy and Haman out of pique. Haman not only wanted to destroy a man he wanted to destroy a whole nation.
In terms of mention of the name Jezebel in the Bible there are a number of references I Kings 18 verse 13, I Kings 19 verses 1-2, II Kings 9 verses 30-37 and Revelation 2 verse 20. The reference in Revelation is instructive and is saying this is going to be an end time spirit and the church can no longer be ignorant of the spirit’s operations.  In legal terms it would be said that ignorance of the law is no defense.

There I was standing at the bus stop  in the dead of night and saying to myself, Daddy, How did I get here? The conditions were dark, damp and cold. It was not the first time I have found myself in the situation What is this spirit that is so insistent on destroying me come what may? Then it fell in my Spirit, the spirit of Jezebel! Immediately, I started doing some research. They say love is blind but marriage is an eye opener. It is a similar thing with me. We are familiar with the story of Jezebel in the Bible we have even prayed against the spirit but have never had a fulsome teaching on the topic. The Lord continues to fill the gap in my education. Can I be  honest with you people? Sometimes I ask myself what have I been doing in church these many years. Remember I am only twenty seven years old. I got saved at twenty eight years old. I am a maths brain from Primary School. Love it!!

Understanding - (noun) The ability to comprehend something
(adjective) - having insight or good judgment.
There is another meaning which is really not for this blog that speaks to empathy.

Spirit - The non-physical part of a person that is the seat of the heart.

Jezebel - The Phoenician wife of Ahab who according to the account in I and II Kings pressed the cult of Baal on the Israelite kingdom but was finally killed in accordance with Elijah’s Prophecy.
2: Often not capitalized:  an impudent, shameless or morally unrestrained woman.

There is really not a lot of research available on the matter and one can understand why, in order to write from experience one has to have some experience with this spirit in order to grasp the nuances of its manifestations. I do not believe most persons had that experience.

  1. What is the Jezebel Spirit
  2. The operations of the Jezebel Spirit
  3. How to handle a Jezebel Spirit

Without question, the nastiest, evil, most disgusting, cunning, and seductive spirit in Satan’s hierarchy has to be what many call the Jezebel spirit Dr. Myles Munroe - The Origin and Character of Satan. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been responsible for breaking up many marriages, friendships, companies, along with getting many people to commit cold-blooded murders and suicides. For those of you who have been hit and slimed by this evil spirit, like myself  or have encountered it in some way, you will know exactly what will be mentioned in this article. It is without question, one of the most evil and vile things to come across in life. Like Satan, this type of spirit is simply pure evil.

What is a Jezebel Spirit?
The Jezebel spirit is not just one spirit like Satan is. This is a “type” (another article spoke to it being a territorial spirit) of evil spirit in Satan’s kingdom. There is only one devil, one Satan, but there are many spirits that would be considered a Jezebel type spirit, as they all have a particular type of personality and a specific way in which they like to operate.
The reason many deliverance ministers have used the term, “Jezebel spirit,” is because of the nature of its personality and the way it operates once it sets up shop within someone.
The word “Jezebel” is coming from the Old Testament story of Queen Jezebel back in the days of Elijah. She was a ruling queen back at that time and she had cold-bloodedly killed many of God’s prophets during the time she was ruling I Kings 18 verse 13.
As was explained to you in the article titled, “The Different Kinds of Demonic Spirits,” demons have two different names. They have their created name given to them by God when they were first created, and they also have a function name, which will tell you what kind of spirit you are dealing with. For example, some of the function names of demons would be spirits of lust, spirits of anger, spirits of murder etc. The function name of the demon will tell you the nature of their personality and what they like to specialize in once they move in and attach to a person.
A spirit of anger will try to get a person to act out in fits of rage and anger. A spirit of murder will try and get someone to commit cold-blooded murder. A spirit of lust will try to get a person to commit fornication and/or adultery. However, when you come across a Jezebel spirit, it is something quite different. Some people have called this a “master” type spirit. Not that it is a master spirit in the sense of being like God, but that it is much more intelligent and cunning than a lot of the other demons are.

Many believe that this type of spirit may be Satan’s smartest and most cunning and evil spirit which he has, and he thus dispatches this kind of spirit on specific targets so he can leverage the situation as much as possible.
Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satan’s higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom.
And with it being much more intelligent than many of the other lower-ranking demons will be, this makes this type of spirit much more evil, cunning, and harder to deal with once it moves in and attaches to a person.
And with this kind of evil spirit being much more cunning, intelligent, and evil than some of the other lower-ranking demons will be, it will cause a lot more trouble and destruction if it is not quickly dealt with and cast out.
One, this spirit operates in basically the same way every time it moves in on someone. As a result, it is actually easy to spot after a certain length of time. In other words, it keeps playing the same types of games every time it moves in on a person or a situation.
The second thing is that this spirit is much more intelligent, cunning, and seductive than many of the other types of demons will be. It will thus be capable of playing more than one type of game with you. For example, a spirit of anger will only try to make you mad and angry, but a Jezebel spirit will play a number of different games with you as I will show you below when I start to describe the way it will operate and the different kinds of games it will use to try and bring you down. As a result of this type of spirit being capable of playing more than one kind of game with you, this makes this kind of spirit much more deadly and destructive.
If this spirit is not properly exposed and dealt with within a reasonable length of time, it can totally destroy and completely bring down a marriage, church, ministry, company, or an individual’s life (tell me about it). The Bible tells us in St. Matthew 12:43, Ephesians 6 verses 12 that there are levels of wickedness in Satan’s kingdom. And if there are levels of wickedness in his kingdom where some demons are actually more evil than some of the other ones will be, it follows there may be different levels of intelligence among the demons as well. The Jezebel spirit, since it is much more intelligent than some of the lower ranking demons will be, is very good at playing head games with people. It is a total control freak (totally), and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding. That is why the spirits will breach everything that concerns you, your social media, bank accounts, e-mails, listen to your telephone calls and steal your mail just to give you an example.

Here are eleven specific things isolated on this spirit once it moves in on someone to set up shop. This type of spirit likes to play the same kind of games everytime it moves in and attaches to someone.
  1. Display the Evil Personality Traits of the Jezebel Spirit
  2. The Spider Web Analogy
  3. A Charismatic Type Energy on the Host
  4. Attracted to Sharp, Intelligent, and Attractive People When It Can
  5. Always Seek to be the Center of Attention
  6. Seek to Infiltrate, Attack, and Undermine Everything
  7. Go After Anyone in a Leadership Position
  8. Capable of Giving False Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams
  9. Runs in Tandem With a Mocking Spirit
  10. Especially Hates Prophets, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
  11. Occasionally Exposes Itself on a Photo
  12. The Host Usually Will Not Know They Have This Kind of Spirit in Them
Now we will briefly discuss each one of the above so you can see how this type of spirit will attempt to move against you and bring you and everything you are connected to completely down.
1. Display the Evil Personality Traits of the Jezebel Spirit
Let us start this section off with the actual traits of this evil spirit, so you can have all of this information. Below is a list of the personality traits of this kind of evil spirit. The Jezebel spirit will try to infect and contaminate the person it is in so they too will operate with these same kinds of evil traits. It is amazing that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. Some of these people will say and do some of the most horrible things, but yet find some way to rationalize it and think they are perfectly justified in doing what they are doing. This spirit will play some of these people like fiddles, like a puppet on a string, with the puppet master being the Jezebel spirit itself.
Here are some of the evil personality traits to look for with a person who has been operating under this spirit’s evil influence for quite some time.
  1. Pure Evil and Hate
  2. Vile
  3. Maximum Pride
  4. Highly Lustful and Seductive
  5. Highly Self-Centered and Narcissistic
  6. Always Seek To Be the Center of Attention
  7. Very Judgmental, Critical, Condescending, and Demeaning
  8. Overly Demanding and Manipulating
  9. Cold, Ruthless, Cunning, and Calculating - Speak about people being over your head day and night trying to find out things about you so they can fabricate lies on you.
  10. Very Combative and Confrontational
  11. Very Good at Lying and Cheating
  12. Cannot Stand Any Type of Constructive Criticism
  13. Hates All Prophets, Prayer, and Anything to Do With Spiritual Warfare - I always thought people loved prayer warrior until i came to Canada and they are trying to do me like the Babylonians did to Daniel kill me because I love to pray.
  14. Will Be Capable of Giving False Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams
This spirit operates with maximum pride in it. As a result, it will try to infect the host with that same kind of pride. Lucifer the ultimate ‘I god’  Isaiah 14 verse 13. And once it does, the host will no longer be able to accept any type of constructive criticism from anyone. The host will seek its own throne and they will now have to be the total center of attention. Everything will now be about them and them alone. They also will no longer be able to bond with anyone because they are now totally self-sufficient in their own blown-up egos. The only true friends they will have are the people who will get duped into falling into their web of deceit and lies, where they will now become their mindless followers. These people will have all of their true friends leave them because no one wants to be around this kind of evil spirit and around these kinds of negative, evil, and destructive personality traits.
And then sooner or later it happens, this person completely fails and falls, as well as losing anything that is close to them. And this was all due to them allowing this kind of evil spirit to get on the inside of them in the first place, and from there, blindly follow this evil spirit’s leadings to do what it wanted them to do. This spirit literally play some people right over the edge of a cliff where they end up losing everything. This all because they were too blind and ignorant to see what was really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm.
This kind of spirit is a master at setting up train wrecks and then orchestrating for them to actually occur with individual people, ministries, churches, and companies.
This is why every single Christian church should be teaching their people the basics of true spiritual warfare in the Lord so they will have the knowledge on how to combat these kinds of evil spirits.
Again, the Lord has already given us fair warning when He tells us in His Word that without His knowledge, that His people will go into captivity and perish Hosea 4 verse 6.

2. The Spider Web Analogy
When someone is walking with this kind of evil spirit deeply entrenched in them, they will initially move and operate on what is  called the spider web analogy. Just like a spider creates a web so it can trap its prey to devour them, the Jezebel spirit will start out in the exact same way once it moves into a certain environment to try and work. These people are very good at playing the good cop-bad cop game. They will always start out playing the good cop.They will initially seem to have their act all together. They will know how to talk the talk. They will know Scripture well enough so they can impress everyone with their high level of spiritual development James 2 verse 19.
They will know how to smooth talk people and use false flattery to gain favour so they can then start to work to get their claws worked into them. Before you know it, you will be caught in their web. Then once they have you comfortably caught in their web through false flattery and deceit, they will then start to attack you and try to tear you to pieces.

3. A  Charismatic Type Energy on the Host
Another thing that helps these people lure unsuspecting people into their webs is the amount of charismatic energy they are carrying on them. When you initially meet these kind of people, you will feel a certain type of energy coming off them and you will initially feel very drawn to them. You will feel like a moth being drawn towards an open flame. This charismatic type energy on them will have a major drawing power to it. Initially you may think it is the presence of the Holy Spirit on them because they will be so good at sounding like they are very spiritual and that they are walking very close to God. You would think if an evil spirit was attached to someone, that you would be initially totally repulsed and repelled by it. Please do not believe Hollywood about demons!! You would not think demons could have this kind of seductive, drawing power within their evil natures and then be able to project it through their host. But some of these evil spirits do, and the Jezebel spirit has this kind of seductive, drawing power within itself, and from there, it will project this drawing power through the person it is living in. The Bible says Satan disguises himself as an angel of light II Corinthians 11 verse 14.
This is why this spirit has been so successful over the years in bringing down individuals, churches, marriages, and good friendships – all because it has the ability to draw people into their well spun webs, and then before the person knows it or realizes what they have been caught up in, it then moves in for the attack to either kill that person, or try and completely take the person out of commission on whatever their calling is in the Lord. This will now take us right into the next caption.

4. Attracted to Sharp, Intelligent, and Attractive People When It Can
As a result of having a very seductive and high energy in its evil nature, the Jezebel spirit likes to attach to sharp, intelligent, and attractive people when it can. Not that it won’t attempt to attach to a less attractive person, but it will make much more headway with what it wants to accomplish if it can find a physically attractive person as will be explained below. Reminds me of how dishonest and deceptive some Caucasians are able to lie without batting an eyelid. Before coming to North America I really had not been exposed to a full blown Jezebel Spirit. In Jamaica anyone who acted out of ‘character’ was a Jezebel or tegereg.  The word loss its significance. However, after being plotted against by women at Ontario Works and in Mississauga who have extended the net worldwide unbeknownst to me, kissed by a demon in the form of Bonnie Crombie i understand this analogy. I believe the reason this spirit likes to target these kinds of people is because it wants total control of everything. It wants to be just like Queen Jezebel. She wants the throne for herself and she does not want to share it with anyone else.
As a result, they look for personalities that can help them climb to the top of the heap in whatever environment they are trying to work in.
In a marriage, if the woman is the one with this spirit, she will try and usurp her husband’s authority as the head of the household and will try to totally replace him as the spiritual head of the household. If this spirit is working in the middle of a prayer group, it will try and work its way to the top so it can be the new leader of the prayer group. If this spirit is working within the church itself, it will try and work its way to the top to be the right hand man of the pastor, and from there, start to directly attack him so she can completely take him out and knock him right out of his call for the Lord.
Look what Delilah did with Samson. I believe there was a good possibility that Delilah may have had this kind of spirit operating on her. And through her very seductive charms and allure, she completely brought down the man with probably the greatest physical strength anointing anyone has ever had with the Lord. And she did it with pure evil seduction. This is reason this kind of spirit is so deadly, because it knows how to use seduction, especially a sexual kind of seduction, to gets its way and then to eventually bring down the person or ministry they have targeted. The spirit of seduction seems to be one of the rise in the church today. Let us take a look at the statistics Statistics in the Ministry.
As we all know, many men are easily lured into illicit affairs by pretty women. Many have used the expression that some women know how to get a man wrapped around their little fingers. I am sure most  of you have seen this phenomena occur over and over again. Sex is a very powerful weapon, and this kind of demon will always try and use it whenever it can. Satan’s weapons are always the same only the people have changed.
This is why it likes to attach to attractive people whenever it can, because it knows it can use that person’s physical attractiveness to draw people into its web.
You think we would all learn our lessons from the past with so many people being brought down by this kind of seductive game, as this same game has been played over and over throughout the centuries by these types of demons. But many people never learn from the past, and just as many people now fall for this same kind of game as they did years ago. The reason salvation is a daily working out be vigilant less you fall I Peter 5 verse 8.
When you combine the power that this spirit has to emit a seductive, charismatic type energy off a person, and then they attach to a person who is naturally attractive, sharp and intelligent, you then have a very deadly combination that this spirit can work with to achieve its ultimate goal.
And that goal is to get total control so it can then work to take down and completely destroy either a person, marriage, church, ministry, friendship, company, or a government.
5.  Always Seek to be the Center of Attention
Once this spirit has gotten a foothold into the environment it now wants to work in, the next thing it will do after it has lured you into its web by playing the good cop, is to then start to always be the center of attention. And this is where you can really start to pick up and spot this spirit in actual operation. We all have a natural need and desire for a certain amount of love and attention. We all need proper encouragement and attention, not only from our parents as we are being raised up, but also from all of our friends and loved ones as we become adults, as we all help each other in keeping up our levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. However, when a person has this type of spirit operating through them, their need for attention and glory will be way off what would be considered normal. And this is when this spirit starts to get itself exposed to those around it. But it does not really care at this point. It will do everything it can to get the host to always seek to be the center of attention, with the ultimate goal in mind being to get to the top of the heap in whatever environment it is working in.
Since these types of people usually have that charismatic energy flowing and operating through them from this kind of evil spirit, they initially will be very good at working themselves up the ladder in the environment they are working in. With this kind of demonic energy operating through them, combined with their natural good looks and high degree of intelligence, these people will sometimes be able to easily talk and play their way right up the ladder. And then once they have worked themselves up to where they need to be, this spirit will then start to viciously attack and operate with both barrels blazing. And this will now take us right into the next caption, which will take us right into the real heart of how this spirit will attack and completely undermine everything in its path.

6.  Seek to Infiltrate, Attack, and Undermine Everything
This evil spirit simply has a two fold mission:
  1. Seek to infiltrate and once in
  2. Seek to attack, undermine, and destroy everything in its path, taking absolutely no prisoners. It’s goal is total death and destruction. Plain and simple.
If you are dating a person with this kind of evil spirit on them, they will try and get you to marry them. And until you do, it will be playing good cop with you the whole time so it can continue to lure and draw you into its web. But once you end up marrying this person, that is when the bad cop will emerge, and that is when all hell will literally break out in your life.
If you are a woman dating a man who is a physical abuser, many times he will not show his true colors until after you marry him. But once you marry him, that is when the actual abuse will start – after he has gotten you totally caught in his web, with the web being the actual marriage itself. If you are a man dating a woman who has this kind of spirit on her, she will say and do all of the right things as you are dating her. But once you marry her, that is when the tables will be turned and she will start coming directly after you, trying to tear both you and the marriage completely apart.
This spirit first seeks to infiltrate the environment it wants to try and work in. And once it is in, it will then set up shop and start attacking and undermining literally every single thing it can.
This spirit is an attack dog and it will literally attack anything and everything it can, depending on how far the host will cooperate with its evil promptings.
Here is a breakdown of some of the kinds of attacks you can expect once this spirit has gained a good foothold into a certain environment.

A) Plays Major Mind Games
The one thing I have noticed about this spirit is that it is very good at playing mind games and head games with people.
  • It will know where your weak spots and jugular veins will be at, and the attacks will always be targeted at your weak spots so it can start to weaken and demoralize you and bring you down.
  • It will come after your levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • It will come after your calling for the Lord.
  • It will come after your specific personality traits, both good and bad, to see if they can convince you that you are a nobody and that you will never amount to anything good and worthwhile in this life.
  • It will try and make you think you are the crazy one and that they are the ones who have all of the knowledge and wisdom.
  • They will try and make you feel inferior so they can gain the upper hand in the relationship and that you then need to be totally guided by them and dependent upon them.
  • Before you know it, this kind of spirit can throw you into a depression, along with causing major confusion and indecisiveness. You will feel disoriented and feel like you are caught up in a fog.
In other words, this evil spirit will try to suck the life out of you and tear you down every which way it can so you can no longer function in your calling for the Lord.
All of the above been there done that been around the block and have the T-Shirt. Let me say i no longer ask the Lord why he took fifteen years to tell me who i am in Christ. Thank God very early in my Christian life i was exposed to people like Dr. Myles Munroe, I have been to the Bahamas twice. I mean all those guys from the Caribbean Pastors Turnel Nelson and Bertril Baird, Mensa Otabil (he was no doctor then), Peter Morgan and Phillip Phinn, Pastors Tony Elvey, Bruce and David Clemetson, Silburn Kerr and Jack Drummond. On the female side Dr. Patricia Morgan, Marva Clemetson and Dr. Carolyn Harrell, Sis. Martin, Pastor Maria Drummond, Sis. Marcia Elvey and Pastor Marva Kerr. These were some strong people. While everything was shaking and Pastors were going in the pulpit and telling me that God was unable to save me all I said to myself was I wonder if they are reading the same Bible I am. They must be reading a different version from King James. Example of things that I have suffered:
  • I will not speak to the atrocities that have been done to my daughter
  • People wants to decide my reading list
  • People wants to tell me which movies to watch and what I should watch on television, when I go to my brother I am not able to watch anything because I am technologically challenged and can’t operate his SmarT TV, I am not able to watch anything.
  • When i am listening to my teachings and music jam up the instrument
  • My computer has been stolen with my accounting Software so I cannot work
  • Constant attack on my mind to say I am crazy
  • I was going to a clinic being treated for one thing only to discover i was being injected for my hair to fall out and to destroy my hands with Carpal tunnel
  • My food is constantly being poisoned
  • Being injected that is why I cannot sleep at nights they attack me while I am sleeping
  • Lesbians being sent to me regularly reminds me i need to give them a tract when they come
  • I had in the earphones for a number of hours in Quebec and developed a nosebleed that almost destroyed my soft palate so i do not put anything in my ears again., from that they have been trying to get me to wear earphones
  • All my identifications have been stolen so i cannot leave Canada so people can try to complete my destruction
This list is by no means exhaustive, that is why I am writing a number of books.
The prophet Elijah himself was so distraught and depressed after coming into direct contact with Queen Jezebel and the spirit operating on her, that he almost wanted to throw in the towel and quit until God strengthened him through an angel and then gave him a direct word.
This spirit is very good at being very critical and judgmental and before you know it, it will have you believing in all of the lies it has been throwing your way. Jezebel’s major weapon is fear you cannot allow this spirit to intimidate you or you will do what Elijah did run and become exhausted, hungry and miss your purpose I Kings 19 verses 1-8.  This is where you really have to know who you are in Christ, and that you never allow a person with this kind of spirit on them to be able to bring you down like they almost did with Elijah. This demon you have to look in the face and say give me your best shot.
Let this part of Elijah’s story be a major lesson to all of us on how far this spirit will try and go – to literally try and get you to quit and walk out on God’s calling for your life. I believe a lot of the suicides we see may be as a result of this spirit’s evil influence over a person and the mind games it knows how to play with them.
If they can do this with a great man of God like Elijah, they then will be able to do it with some of us.
I have personally seen several men over the years be turned into a heap of mush by women who were operating with this kind of spirit on them. And the way it was done was by the mind games they were playing with the men over a certain period of time.
They just kept beating them down with verbal assaults, tearing at their self-confidence, their self-worth in God, and what they were doing in their callings.
By the time they got done with some of these men, many of them lost their callings in the Lord due to the fear and paranoia that was now oppressing them as a result of allowing this kind of spirit to get too strong of a foothold into their lives and callings for the Lord.
B) Causes Major Dissension, Strife, and Chaos
Another thing this spirit is very good at doing is causing a lot of in-fighting, back-biting, and malicious type gossiping among the people that are caught in its web. This kind of spirit knows exactly how to cause major dissension and strife even among the best of friends.
  • If this spirit infiltrates into a marriage, it will have everyone at each other’s throats. The children will be fighting abnormally among one another. Each spouse will be fighting with the other, as well as with the children. This spirit is a major peace disturber and it will cause all kinds of havoc and trouble in the family unless it is quickly dealt with and exposed.
  • If this spirit gets into the middle of a ministry or church, it will again try to get people to start fighting with one another so it can ruin the harmony and unity of a group or church.
  • Same thing goes if this spirit gets into the middle of an actual company or corporation. It will try and cause as much strife and dissension as it possibly can so it can try and bring down the entire division or company it has targeted.
  • I wonder how many companies have gone out of business over the years as a result of the destructive influence of this kind of spirit operating on the inside of their company?
You walk into these environments where this kind of spirit is running rampant and unchecked, and you can literally feel the negative and oppressive energy in the air itself.

7. Go After Anyone in a Leadership Position
Another major strategy of this spirit is that it will always go after those who are in any type of leadership position. This would include pastors of churches, youth ministers, worship leaders, leaders of prayer groups and Bible studies, husbands as the head of households, supervisors, and upper level management of different companies and corporations.
  • If a man marries a woman who has this spirit on her, she will attack the man’s authority as the head of the household and try to get that position for herself.
  • If this person is working for a church, it will try and work its way as far up the ladder as it can so it can get very close to the pastor himself, and from there, start to work to bring him down just like Delilah did with Samson.
  • Pastors especially have to always be on the alert for this kind of spirit, as this spirit is always looking for a way to get a direct shot at them so they can bring them completely down and destroy their entire church.
  • I do not have to tell you how many pastors have lost their ministries over the years because they got seduced into having an affair with a woman who had this kind of spirit on her. Lust and adultery have brought down too many good men of God over the years, and it was all because they fell under the seductive spell of this evil spirit.
  • If this spirit infiltrates a prayer group or a Bible study class, it will try and work its way to the top so it can be the leader of the group. Reminds me of the prayer group I attended in Brampton, when the spirit turned up a free flowing group started counting the amount of one dollar forty nine cents juice we were drinking on a Friday night. I ran for my life.
  • Once it is the new leader, it will then start its attacks so as to completely destroy the group with false teaching, false prophecy, spreading false rumors about other people in the group, causing dissension among the people in the group, along with trying to poison the people of the group against whoever the leaders of the church are.
The reason this spirit wants to take out those in any type of leadership position is because it wants that leadership position for itself. And if it cannot get that leadership position for itself, it will then try and completely destroy it so there is nothing left of it. This is how some marriages end up in divorce, and this is how some churches end up closing their doors and going out of business – all due to allowing this kind of spirit to run rampant and unchecked in their environment for too long of a period of time.

8. Capable of Giving False Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams
With this kind of spirit really hating all of God’s prophets, it can only be expected that this spirit will falsely prophesy whenever it can. This kind of spirit is thus able to give its host false prophecies, false words, false dreams, and false visions – all in an attempt to make its host look more spiritual than they really are, and to also lure as many other people into its web that it can so it can build up its own base and following. Since this spirit is operating at a higher level of intelligence than most of the other demons are, you really have to closely examine any words or prophecies that the host will be getting.
If the host is falsely prophesying under this spirit’s guidance, the Holy Spirit will show you where the errors are at so you can separate a true prophecy from the Lord from one that is coming from this kind of evil spirit.
This is why all prophecy has to be judged and properly discerned, so you can determine where it is really coming from, as the Bible warns us about false prophets being among us like wolves in sheep’s clothing. As i have already written this is one area of ministry I do not play around with i have been burned too many times. One cannot over emphasized the importance of being careful in this area and the laying on of hands.

9. Runs in Tandem With a Mocking Spirit
Another very interesting thing is that this spirit runs in tandem with what is called a mocking spirit, this spirit can be very sarcastic and cynical especially when it feels it has the upperhand. As explained before, when a head chief demon such as a Jezebel spirit moves in on the inside of a person’s body, they will usually travel in groups and they will thus have numerous other demons under their control and authority.
One of the underlings to the Jezebel spirit will be what is called a mocking spirit, otherwise known as a blocking type spirit. It’s job will be to cover for the Jezebel spirit and try and distract people from figuring out that this person really has a Jezebel spirit on the inside of them. Many deliverance ministers have first come across this mocking spirit when trying to deliver someone from the Jezebel spirit. This spirit can actually be quite funny and comical at times, and has literally made some deliverance ministers laugh right in the middle of an actual deliverance.
This spirit will try and distract you and get you off center so you do not stay too focused on trying to get to the Jezebel spirit. This mocking spirit will make fun of, make light of, and make jokes about anything and everything, and it is quite funny and comical when it does. When it moves in operation ahead of the Jezebel, it will try and take the sting out of some of the evil things that will come out of a person’s mouth and actions, as so many people get very quickly appalled when some of these evil traits start manifesting through a person’s personality. However, do not let this mocking spirit fool you with its dark humour and jokes. Operating behind it is probably the most evil of all of Satan’s demons.

10. Especially Hates Prophets, Prayer, and Spiritual Warfare
Another very obvious thing with this kind of spirit is its absolute hatred and disdain for anything to do with spiritual warfare, prayer, and anything to do with God’s true prophets.
This spirit hates all of God’s prophets just like Queen Jezebel did back in the OT. It also hates anyone who is actively involved with spiritual warfare in the Lord. The reason it hates these two types of people is because prophets and those well trained in the area of spiritual warfare are its greatest threat. Prophets and those who are trained in the area of spiritual warfare can easily spot and pick up when they come across this kind of spirit, and they will then know how to get rid of it if the person is open to receiving an actual deliverance.
If you want to test a person to see if they have a Jezebel spirit on them, just bring up the subject of prophets and spiritual warfare and watch how this spirit will well up with anger and disgust, and from there, will try and change the conversation to something else. You will hit a nerve every time you do this with this kind of spirit.
This spirit also hates any form of prayer to the Lord, as it knows our prayer life with the Lord is what keeps us in the center of His perfect will for our lives. This is why it loves to infiltrate and attack prayer groups of any kind, so it can attempt to prevent people from staying close to the Lord in their own personal relationships with Him.

11.  Occasionally Exposes Itself on a Photo
Another amazing thing I have seen occur with this kind of spirit is because of its arrogance wants to let its guard down when the host is having their picture taken. Every once in while what will happen is that this spirit will literally manifest right through the person’s face and eyes, and it then gets captured by the camera. You will thus see a real, live, Jezebel spirit captured on the actual photo itself. It is quite amazing how often this actually happens. The first time one was captured on a photo, you were able to see partly into its personality through the person’s eyes.
What is seen was not only pure evil and pure hate, but an old, ancient spirit with a high degree of intelligence and cunning in it. You could also see that it had a very seductive quality in its personality, and that it would use that seductive quality to lure people into its web so it could eventually eat them up alive and devour them. You could also see that this thing has absolutely no mercy in its personality and it would kill you in a second if it could do so. This thing is as creepy as it gets.

12. The Host Usually Will Not Know They Have This Kind of Spirit in Them
The saddest thing about these types of cases is that most of the time, the host will not know they even have this kind of spirit operating on the inside of them. These people never feel it moving on the inside of them, nor do they ever hear it trying to talk to them. This spirit is very good at hiding behind the scenes, but yet at the same time getting the host to do exactly what it wants them to do. The reason these people are usually clueless that this spirit is operating on the inside of them is because this spirit is so smooth and so cunning in the way in which it operates. This is why this spirit will try and fill the person up with as much pride as they can, so these people will be totally incapable of admitting that they could even have this kind of spirit in them in the first place.
This is how well deceived these people are, and how well this spirit has played and manipulated them during the entire time it has been on the inside of them. As a result, many of these types of people will never receive a true deliverance from the Lord. And this is all because they have too much pride operating in their personalities, which will prevent them from admitting that they could ever have this kind of spirit operating in them in the first place.

1.  If you ever come across a person who has this kind of evil spirit on them, and this person is working close with you to some degree, whether it be at the church you attend, the church you work for, your place of employment, or if by chance it be with your very own spouse, the very first thing you must do is go direct to God the Father in prayer and get His direct advice and strategy on how to deal with this thing.
As we said above, in many of these types of cases, the person who is carrying this kind of evil spirit will have no idea they are actually carrying it. By the time you meet them, they may be so full of pride, they will never admit that they could have this kind of evil spirit operating in them in the first place. If that is the case, then you will have to have God deal directly with that person and pray that He supernaturally show them that they really do have this kind of evil spirit operating on the inside of them.
Until this spirit is fully exposed to the person who has it, and this person is then ready to receive a full deliverance from the Lord, there will be nothing you can really do about it but continue to pray to the Lord that He show this person what the real truth is.  If God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of the site Bible Knowledge.Com.
You  will need first to get good, detailed information on their past, and then find out what the legal rights are that allowed this spirit to enter into them in the first place. Then once you find out what those legal rights are, then get them properly taken care of and fully broken with God the Father. Then once all of the legal rights have been fully taken care of and broken with God the Father, then move to bind all of the underling demons to the chief Jezebel demon, and then from there, proceed to cast all of them out of the person as one spirit.
For a full, detailed explanation on how to deliver someone from demons, please refer to the three main articles titled:
Each of these articles will show you how to set someone up for a true deliverance from the Lord.
2.  In The Church: If by chance this person is not open to receiving any kind of deliverance and they are causing major trouble, strife, and dissension in a church, prayer group, or Bible study class, you may have to ask this person to leave so this evil spirit does not continue to attack the other people who are in the same environment with this person. If you do not ask this person to leave, this spirit will set up shop right in the middle of your church or prayer group, and from there, it will start attacking everyone, trying to cause as much strife, dissension, and chaos as it possibly can. You cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. If you do, it could end up eventually taking down your entire church, prayer group, or Bible study class.
3.  In the Office: If this kind of spirit has infiltrated your workplace, the supervisors will need to take charge and let this person go. Again, if they do not, this spirit could end up causing mass mutiny and disloyalty, along with seriously affecting the productivity of your entire workforce. This spirit and the person who is carrying it are toxic, and they will infect and contaminate every person they come into major contact with, as this kind of spirit is an attack dog and will viciously attack anyone who will get too close to it.
4.  In the Home: If your spouse is carrying this kind of evil spirit on them, again, you will need to go direct to God the Father and get His specific instructions on how to deal with this if your spouse is not open to admitting they have this kind of evil spirit on them. God hates divorce, but at the same time He is not going to allow this kind of evil spirit to run rampant and unchecked in a family environment.
As we have showed you in the article titled, “Battle Verses of the Bible,” our God is a powerful Man of War and He will go to war for you and fight this kind of evil spirit if you will just pray for Him to do it for you.
As we said at the top of this article, the Jezebel spirit is without question, one of the most evil and vile spirits you will ever come across in this life. This thing is nothing but pure evil and hate, and all it wants to do is attack and kill everything in its sight.  This spirit has been attacking mankind ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. And until Jesus comes back to set up His Millennium Kingdom and throws Satan and all of his demons into the bottomless pit, we are all going to be stuck with this kind of evil spirit being allowed to roam in the air seeking who it is going to try and attack and devour next I Peter 5 verse 8.
And if by chance this kind of spirit ever comes into your neck of the woods, go directly to God the Father and get His immediate advice on what you should do and exactly how you should handle this kind of extreme situation.
Again, you cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. If you do, it will establish a stronghold base within your environment and from there, it will launch major attacks on both you and anyone else that is in this environment.
This evil spirit must be resisted right at the outset if at all possible. If it is not, it can eventually end up destroying the entire environment it is working in, whether it be a family, church, prayer group, Bible study class, or an actual company or corporation.
In concluding, as Dr. Myles Munroe would say the number one enemy of a Child of God is lack of knowledge Hosea 4 verse 6.  This ties in with the local proverbs from Jamaica ‘What you do not know will kill you.’ One of my premise for coming to North America was the fact that I was coming into a society that was at a higher level in terms of its systems and the level of integrity of people. However, it is said that man plan but God wipes out Proverbs 16 verse 9.  His agenda for my being here is to  take me to the next level. These days I do not ask why? I say next assignment, who do you want to deal with next? He has shown me the weapon to use and I continue to use that. Revelation 2 verse 20 this is an end time spirit and we need to be able to discern in order to deal with it effectively. God is asking for spiritually mature people the time for us to be drinking milk are over.  The Enemy is playing for keeps the people determining our destiny are antichrist,m they are even dictating the agenda of the Church. However, I continue to look to the back of the book and rejoice.

Once again, this is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from St. Catharines, ON. Stay attached to Jesus. See you next month for what should have been this month’s topic.


1 comment:

  1. My apologies fort being late, you will understand my challenges. When one does not have their own equipment it is a problem to get things done. Enjoy! I hope you are challenged to do your own study.
