Thursday 13 May 2021


INTRODUCTION I am going to begin this series with this video from Dr. Myles Munroe which he did in Eswatini, former Swaziland. I think this teaching is very timely. Re-Discovering the Principle of Kingdom Commonwealth - Dr. Myles Munroe
THE DEATH OF AFRICANS ON THE HIGH SEAS People, this writing started out as a FaceBook post but when I started writing I could not stop so I decided to do a Blog Page. I have not done any for a long time. People, this is costing me money for my internet time. I felt this was so important that I need to get it out there. In addition, the article has been photographed many times. Let us begin by looking at the meaning of the word Delusion: One of the meanings as per Merriam Webster is the act of tricking or deceiving someone. Let us stick with this definition. I tell you white people aaahhh! I could describe them in some very uncomplimentary ways. not very nice. I would really like to know what you black people are telling me about black and white. And even coloured! You black people tell me which one of you have ever been chased out of a coin laundry in the Ottawa area or even anywhere in Canada? Why am I asking this question because twice I have been chased away from a coin laundry in Ottawa. After leaving the hotel speedily. I had to leave quickly because they destroyed my garments while I was in the Business Centre. I had some laundry that needed drying. When I reached the coin laundry the Chinese people chased me away. I mean literally and told me they were not taking any more wash for the evening when I told them I was only drying a few pieces as usual. They still ran me out. They were full! Can you believe it people? When I first went to this coin laundry. I was the only customer in their.The second time I went a few Caucasians turned up. Now the Nigerian money paid the Caucasians and Chinese to run me out! You see people, African money fighting the black woman. Let us talk more about black and white. What I would suggest is that those of you in Africa and the West Indies who are getting those fictitious pictures from the diaspora wake up and get wise. You need to start asking people to send you a copy of their Mortgage Title or Bank Statement or Investment Portfolio. Tell them you are into the real stuff you have gone past bling.Those who say they are in ‘Executive’ positions tell them to show you their years of service certificate. It used to be one of my favourite pastimes reading the Canadian magazine ‘The Immigrant’. I tell you it had entries like ‘and after 15 years, 20 years and 25 years he or she was able to.’ In addition, persons can buy things from thrift stores or buy it on credit cards and then return the clothes after they have taken the picture. I said all of that to say this that we are all being fed a delusion by the white man. In my opinion, if you are able to garner enough money in your African country to get to North Africa to pay those treacherous North Africans to take you across the Meditterranean Sea into Europe to start over life if you make it across the sea, you are a very foolish person. Why do I say it? A fundamental principle of the Bible is the power to create wealth Deut 8 verse 18. The Bible says God has given us that power. You already have it. In spite of your challenges you are able to garner wealth. The skill you now need to acquire is the ability to grow your wealth. Many people have done it, even the white man and that is why he spins all these tales and gets the other people who are living in drudgery in their respective countries to spin these false tales to get you to lose your focus. Remember the civilization in the west both Europe and North America has to a large extent been built on slavery and the wanton plundering of the resources of Africa. Case in point, as I am writing I am reminded of a plaque I saw in Ottawa at the City Hall. It said, ‘this plaque is laid here in memory of the Onishabee people who once occupied this land’ I said to myself I wonder what happened to the Onishabbe people? I had to laugh at the cynicism of the white man, displace you and then place a plaque in your memory. Anyway back to us Africans, what each and everyone of us need to do is look around in our environment and see what are the opportunities available. Unfortunately, we have not been trained to do this, we have been trained to take the supposedly easy way out - flight to Europe or North America It’s A Trap - President of Ghana. I am not even going to use the Bible. I am just going to look at the situation from an everyday standpoint. Not all the governments in Africa are repressive. Billionaires are still being made in Africa.We will not bury our heads in the sand but a lot of money laundering is going on because of the corruption which again is being facilitated by the white man. However, if all the citizens in a country are of one mind and decide that they want a climate which is conducive to doing business, no forces on Earth can stop them. That is what happened in South Africa before what we have now, everybody is corrupt. Unfortunately, everybody is fleeing to Europe and North America and then they feature one person who has been successful and you do not analyze the facts that: The person took all their lifetime to accomplish one of their goals The amount of energy which you are going to have to extend that is equivalent to two life times in Africa because you do not have to overcome most of the prejudices which are in the land of the white man. You are going to have to start from the bottom irrespective of how qualified you are if you do not have some heavy cash. The same white man who is selling you the lie that Africa is backward and poor. It is the same white man and Arabs destroying your countries so that they steal all the resources while you fool fool Africans dying on the high seas. Look at all your options in terms of the continent, not only your country if you cannot make it in your country look to another African country. This is one of the ways in which you would all put pressure on the different governments. Europe did not get to the European Union in a couple of days. They have made two major tribal wars and many skirmishes to get where they are. Remember they have plundered all the nations of the world. As the saying goes ‘Rome was not built in a day.’ Stop watching foolish movies and television shows develop your own and stop building other people’s film industries. Most of what you are being fed is a lie anyway. I know, I have walked the Real Estate. Literally walk!! Those of you who are in a position to share knowledge with people, share it! In fact, all you Evangelicals need to get into the community. Start being salt and light offer to go into the villages and hold Town Hall meetings among the people to find out their needs and help them to become solutions to their problems e.g. I read where people are going to have serious challenges in Mozambique and Sudan because the price of bread has increased. The real problem here is short sightedness. I am a West Indian and I only eat bread when I feel like it. Our motto in Jamaica is that steam hav fi blow inna man face (we only eat cooked food). Bread is plentiful in Canada because of their socialization. They have all these speciality types which are not white bread. I stay away from anything white or bleached. It will tie up your innards. You have all this land and you are depending on white bread. These governments in Africa need to be flogged. The Church which has the expertise needs to help the people solve their problems. Then you can introduce the book from which all your wisdom come.You do not have to preach one sermon. This brings me to the point, that in my estimation one of the reasons why homosexuality is taking over the black church is that the black Church is out of our purpose. I mean you ask any third or fourth generation European in North America about their lineage and they can rehearse it to you. Ask any black person and you draw a blank, especially the new mix up! mix up! I have had personal experience working with the Kingdom Covenant Ministries Collegiate. The parents are mixed up as a result their offsprings are suffering major identity crisis. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I am saying to myself how can you be a Pastor of African descent and you do not have a serious outreach Ministry in Africa, inconceivable! I really do not mean the kind where you go once per year and plant a tree and the whole world has to know through your social media and website etc. Hence, the reason you have so much friction in the Church. The same twenty and thirty members rubbing up and down every Sunday listening to your humanistic sermons. Jesus only had twelve He sent them out; you might want to do the same with your twenty or thirty. Another thing which has been troubling my mind is all these ten Dollars which are being collected in the name of Charity for Africa. I need a serious Audit of where all these billions of dollars are going. Another magical delusion of the whute man. Continuing with the Church, there was a prison break in Nigeria where thirty five of the prisoners stayed back. I think these guys are near the kingdom. The Evangelical Church in that state needs to contact them and assist them in any way possible, especially their families on the outside. I believe they have more integrity than many of the leaders in the country both secular and Spiritual Thirty Five Prisoners Stayed Back. Your governments for the time might not have any foresight but you do. Look at many major professional Vocations being held in Africa. Many of them are by white people. That is why they can be vindictive and malicious and kill the games and burn down the National Parks through their temper tantrums. All you Africans should be planning how you are going to take back your countries not running away.You might want to look at the systems of mentoring and apprenticeship especially in the areas of Administration and Research and Development You Africans should be buying books instead of hair and cheap clothes. Think of a profession and buy the books on Amazon. Use your smart phones as a business tool not only for Social Media. They can be used to send emails, do invoices etc. Start book clubs with people who are interested in your area. Then you can all develop mini libraries. If you do not have anywhere to put the books, put them in the tent of the Tribal Leader he should have the largest accommodation. Just start somewhere everything you need is contained in a book. Let us mash down the lie that says if you want to hide anything from the black man put it in a book. Mash down that lie!! We cannot think with our loins, we think with our brain. People are not going to volunteer information because they want to continue to exploit you. Do like the Chinese pull apart everything and go through it with a fine tooth comb and then put it back together. Make videos with your SmartPhones of how to do things and circulate them within your communities. Do not despise the days of small beginnings. CORRUPTION Now let us look at the whole area of corruption. The other countries are also very corrupt but much more discrete and they negotiate contracts in exchange for their criminality. For example India, China, Jamaica and South Africa have had some good deals at my expense. That is why I have no sympathy in my heart for anyone when their friends are killing them with the Canadian Virus. They would have murdered me also but for God. However, when the deep pocketed Nigerians are in town you know. Everyone is enervated, payola is here. Road contracts, construction projects, taxis start moving around, if one Police vehicle is following me two or three more are added, people start walking with shopping bags, groceries, harassment everywhere, people from other African countries start moving, the Nigerians are in town. The bribing of the Human Rights Commissions, the harassment inside the court house, the blatant lies, it takes a whole lot of money to bribe a judge over here in North America. It is not like Africa over here when they are found out they have to resign immediately. The classic case was the Employment Lawyer and I in Toronto. Someone from the Jamaica Cnandian Association told me about him that is before they were brought under manners by the white man. By the next day when I found him he had moved to a new office. The paintings were still on the floor when I found him. Of course that was the end of that where I am concerned. I am now pursuing my own case against the Canada Revenue Agency with the Caucasians, Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis at the CRA trying to harass me. Where is all this money the Nigerians spending coming from? From Europe? Or North America? Of course from Africa! I keep asking myself why Nigerians keep making so many foolish decisions. It is obvious that the country is being robbed and manipulated. A lot of resources are going to waste which should be used for the development of the country and its people. However, it would seem that a lot of foolish decisions were made in the past which are still an albatross around the necks of successive administrations. I have to repeat for emphasis for the life of me I cannot understand why the Nigerian nation is prostituting itself before other nations on the world stage. I mean cheese to chalk! Let us do a simple comparison between Nigeria and say Canada for arguments sake. In terms of Human Resources Nigeria far outstrips Canada Two Hundred Million versus Thirty Seven Million. In terms of landmass Canada might be larger but one third of the country is Tundra, barren wastes only manufacturing ice and water. In terms of natural resources Canada is sieving oil out of sand; Nigeria has liquid gold flowing freely. Canada has diamonds and gold Nigeria has even more. When I attended the Nigerian Church in Africa my observation was that all the heavy weights come from Africa. Enough said!! Enough people want to remove my head. I cannot even go out in peace. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! We can understand the food shortage, the classic tactic of the white man and Arabs to keep people hungry and uneducated, hence they are killing out the livestock and killing the farmers. Livestock everyone should know is tangible wealth. In ancient Agrarian economies like that in the Bible Abraham, Isaac and Jacob their wealth was measured by counting the livestock and gold and silver they had. Hence, you had the development of the ‘stock’ market. Tangible wealth before we moved to fiat money. NO CHAOS IN NIGERIA We want no more chaos in Nigeria. Let me repeat we want no more chaos in Nigeria! Any future transition we are having will be done properly. I hear the subversives raising up their heads about ethnic split. We come against all lies from the pit of hell. Another way the white man keeps Africa divided, communication problems. The token twenty per cent elite in any country which speaks the language of the oppressors to instigate tribal war between the eighty percent who still speak their tribal tongues to destabilize their country. Another method is two European war lords try to split a country. The latter is playing out in Cameroon. Great Britain which is eleven on the Corruption Perception Index wants a piece of the action from France which is number twenty three on the Corruption Perception Index. This has led to Brexit. Do you think any black country could get away with the blatant skulduggery of France in Africa? Removing billions of dollars from Africa on a yearly basis through criminality. That is why you all need to stop dying and strategize how you are going to get back your wealth from Europe. One of the methods we can use is a no confidence vote in the parliament Electoral pressure to call for a new election The President completes his term and steps down. No more chaos we need to organize West Africa!! By the way let me stop here and tell President Tsihekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo to release those Ministers that the evil, wicked, unscrupulous and ruthless white people in the form of the former Colonizers, the Belgians have placed in prison. I have not seen any due process. Until, I have seen that they remain free. CONCLUSION The white man has been in Africa for hundreds of years. I read where the Portuguese have returned. Now you see why the Portuguese is the UN Secretary General. Portugal has no money, they are poor, they are there to raid Mozambique. Tell them that was in the past not again!! Where are the factories and oil refineries. None! The natural resources ripped out of the Earth and sent to Europe and Saudia Arabia. We have Amsterdam being called a city of diamonds even though it is below sea level. How many Africans know how to cut diamonds? Do you know you do not have to wait on the white man to tell you? Yes!! You can read it in a book or Google it!! Belgium the country of chocolate! I saw no cocoa tree there. I see Ghana has decided to move in the right direction
My problem is the countries in Africa who do not even have an agricultural policy such as those French speaking countries. Now I am understanding why the minefields in Angola are not being removed. The criminals in Europe want to steal the diamonds in Angola like they are trying to steal the LNG in Mozambique. Africa is poor but the white man wants all that she has. People let us stop allowing ourselves to be fed a DELUSION by the whiteman and stand up for our inheritance. God Cannot help us until we have declared like Israel that we shall not be moved. Are we ready to fight for what is ours and stop believing the lies being fed to us? Worry not about me. I was well prepared before I started. I am aware of the nature of the creature I am dealing with. I am more determined than them. We have to get people to stop exporting Nigerian ladies as human slaves and prostitutes. Enough is enough!! If one of us is being dehumanized then all of us are!! Let us complete with this teaching from