Thursday, 11 May 2017

THESE SIX THINGS DOTH THE LORD HATE, YEA……. Proverbs 6 verses 16 - 19


Ooh la la, can you believe it my people we are already in the month of May. The month of double grace pour moi! It seems like the year just started yesterday, as, I have said on a number of occasion anything your heart gives you to do (under God of course) do it with all your might.  The time is indeed winding down fast.  Ooh la la can you believe what has happened over there in France.  The young French President and his even younger wife. Ladies, I keep telling you be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplications make your request known to God. Things are also happening spiritually; the new president is pro-European union.  For those of you who don’t read the Bible don’t worry your heads, it is a bit involved.  Romans 8 verse 19 comes to mind "all of creation is groaning and waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God" and all we can be talking about is tithing, who is for and who is against, Lord help my Holy Ghost. The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

Moving right along, I promised you in my last Blog to expound on the book I had mentioned in the last section, Mario Puzo’s, The Godfather. How I came to read the book, I think it was like the case of Mr. Salman Rushdie who had to run for his life because he had revealed family secrets.  I don’t think Mr. Puzo had to run for his life but, there was a furor when the book was published. Since I have always been a rebel without a cause I decided to see what was happening. It simply just spoke to the operations of the Sicilian Mafia, the advent of organized crime and their strict code of conduct, you deviate from the code at the risk of losing your life. You hear terminologies such as the ‘long arms of the mafia’ because, once there is a contract out on your life you are as good as dead irrespective of where in the world you run to.  Terms like ‘sleeping with the fishes’ your feet are cemented together in a container and you are thrown into the river.  They don’t take any chance with the mill stone been loosened.  They have strict codes of operations, they don’t kill you in front of your family unless they want to make a particularly brutal statement.  They don’t kill in church. I wonder where they got that from. In the book of  I Kings Joab and Adonijah ran for the temple and held onto the horn of the altar seeking mercy. Joab died and Adonijah was spared.  The mafia knows that sooner or later you will have to come out. These guys did their business and then did their confessions. Now you see why the Vatican is a city within a city and so powerful. I picked up a Toronto Star and on the front cover was a mafia story. Here is the link ”"Hit on Mobster was 'Symbolic' Experts Believe"
 The movie was superb with Marlon Brando as The Godfather, Don Corleone, these words keep coming back to me “Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in.” I am saying unlike Don Corleone I have no intention of being pulled in any place I am not willing to go. The Lord is indeed omniscient He knows the end from the beginning prepared long in advance for the situations you will encounter. For I know Raphleta says the Lord.

Another fantastic movie I have watched recently, as you know people, my most favourite movie of all times is the “Sound of Music” boy meets girl a few challenges then they get married and lived happily ever after with a lot of singing. Right up there with “My Fair Lady” The rain in Spain falls only on the plains, Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the pepper that Peter Piper picked? etc, etc. You can blame Wycliffe Bennet (Benet) for that part of my education, Caribbean Mass Communication (CARIMAC) Voice and Speech, right up there with the beauty queens and Radio Announcers. .The moral to the story “wey nuh ded nuh dash wey” (You should not give up on anybody or anything).  The fantastic movie though is Ben Hur Mamma Mia (What can I say, I am like the First Lady of the United States I am familiar with many languages, War Comics and Mills and Boone, were my source, another time I tell you those stories). Lovely people, this time during my visitation I was given the opportunity to watch what I wanted. I chose to watch Ben Hur, I said to myself finally Hollywood is trying to get the script right.  They are not quite there yet but, the movie looked more authentic to the period and the continent. Ooh la la, Morgan Freeman was just regal, all I saw was Jethro to Ben Hur’s Moses, such stature. Of course, you also realized that the Rastafarians did not invent locs they just made it popular.


We now go to the topic, the last of my series which I call the little foxes that spoils the vines. I have a whole list of Blog topics that I need to get to.  I have already started writing June’s Blog in my mind.  I am excited my Spirit is ignited I walk in favour with God and man.  Please stop praying amiss I have my assignment far ahead so I am not going to die anytime soon.  Sorry about that, you can now start praying that I will fulfill my destiny. I know you will love June’s Blog.
I really did not even choose this month’s topic it chose me.  As I go through Christendom there are certain behaviours that I am observing. Irrespective of the continent, One man of God put it this way it might catch you unaware the first time, the second time through acquired wisdom you should be able to spot the devil miles in the distance. If I wrote a journal I would be able to stick my notes in  saying, Daddy did you see that? But Daddy that is sheep abuse? Daddy, You have to do something! Just giving you a glimpse into my stolen journals. There, writing to my heart’s content and did not even realize that my journals were like the Diaries of Annie Frank, widely read and I was not benefiting from my intellectual property.
This scripture in Proverbs just kept resonating in my Spirit and then an incident happened and I said you are going to do a Blog.  When the old folks in church who resembles the decorations do things you just look to the book of Numbers and say God is waiting for them to die so he can use the young ones.  But when they start teaching the young ones their bad habits that is when I say devil enough is enough.
Hence, my Blog title These six things doth the Lord hates, yea the seventh is an abomination unto Him. Proverbs 6 verses 16 – 19.
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
 Image result for six things doth the lord hate


Hate – One of the meaning is to have a strong aversion to (something).

Abomination- A thing that causes disgust or hatred. An abomination in English is that which is exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile.

 As nouns the difference between hate and abomination is that hate is an object of hatred while abomination is an abominable act; a disgusting vice; a despicable habit.

·         While these aren’t the total package of sins that should be avoided, they do sum up most of the wicked things condemned by God. The seven things God hates are the sins that deal with the deep heart motives of the individual. The writer of Proverbs points the finger straight at our hearts and our sinful thought processes.

In keeping with our Lord Jesus Christ’s elaboration of the Ten Commandments during His Sermon on the Mount )St. Matthew 5 vs 21 - 48. Sin is committed the moment it is conceived in the heart, even before it is committed. The avoidance of  these seven things God hates will help us expose our hidden intentions and motives.

Proverbs’ list of seven things God finds abominable:

1          Proud (haughty) look: This describes a feeling of pride and looking down upon others (Philippians 2:3, 5–11). When we begin to think of ourselves more highly and with unparalleled importance, we are forgetting the fact that anything good in us is the result of Christ living in us and that the old self is now dead (Galatians 2:20). Often, believers feel superior to other believers when they receive godly wisdom and display amazing tenacity against sin. We fail to realize these gifts were given by God through Christ and fanned into flame by the Holy Spirit and are not due to our own goodness. This sin of pride is so detested by the LORD that Paul was kept from committing this sin by being provided with “a thorn in the flesh” to humble him (2 Corinthians 12:7).
Manifestation of this sin:
    • Rolling the eyes in response to something said to them,
    • Looking down on someone younger, different, or less intelligent
    • Setting oneself up as the judge of others
    • Thinking you are wiser than your parents and other elders
    • Criticizing parents and other authorities
    • Arguing with parents
    • Disobeying and openly rebelling against authorities
    • Ingratitude
    • Boasting about one’s accomplishments, status, or knowledge
    • Disrespect
2          Lying tongue: A lying tongue is one that speaks falsehood, knowingly and willingly, with an intention to deceive others. Lying can be used to impugn the character of a brother or to flatter a friend. It is a most detestable evil to God, who is a God of truth. Nothing we do causes us to more closely resemble the devil, who is the father of lies (John 8:44).
Manifestation of this sin:
    • Withholding information that others need to have
    • Not telling the truth about a wrongdoing
    • Hypocritical words
    • Flattering to gain something from someone
    • Exaggerating the facts
    • Implying that something is true, or purposely leading someone to an incorrect assumption
    • Telling partial truths
    • Not honoring parents’ rules when they are absent
    • Not offering evidence against a wrongdoer when necessary
    • Committing to doing something with no real intention of following through
    • Making excuses
    • Blaming others for own sinful actions
3          Hands that shed innocent blood: This refers to cold-blooded murder. We may never have orchestrated killing someone or never have touched a gun or knife, but in Matthew 5:21–24, Jesus says that anyone hating someone else unreasonably without offering room for forgiveness commits a sin equivalent to murder. John reiterates this concept in 1 John 3:15.
Manifestation of this sin:

·         Bullying
·         Hitting, biting, kicking, hurting others
·         Striking parents
·         Carelessly abusing or killing for amusement or nebulous reasons

4          An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations: This encompasses thinking or conceiving evil against any individual or group for personal benefit or other misguided objectives, similar to modern-day terrorists actions. Any sin is basically a wicked scheme. David’s sin against Uriah the Hittite and Bathsheba comes to mind (2 Samuel 11). The heart of an evil man continually contrives schemes to bring others to ruin, whether physically or spiritually.
Manifestation of this sin:

·         Plotting revenge
·         Snubbing someone
·         Conspiring to deceive or hurt someone
·         Lying about a long series of actions to cover sin

5          Feet that be swift in running to mischief: Those whose feet are quick to rush into evil display no resistance whatsoever to sin. There are many examples in the Bible, and having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30; Galatians 5:16), we are expected to be wise in this regard (Romans 6:11–14; Ephesians 5:5, 11). In the Garden of Eden, Eve had the first experience of temptation. She displayed no resistance to the serpent’s temptation. Instead, as soon as the devil attracted her to the fruit, she “saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye” (Genesis 3:6). Eve had sinned at that moment itself. In contrast the attitude of Jesus: when tired and hungry after forty days and forty nights of fasting, He refused to yield to the devil’s tempting and killed the temptation in His mind without allowing it to grow into sin (Matthew 4:1–11). “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
Manifestation of this sin:
·         Joining with others to do wrong when the authority is not present
·         Delighting in doing wrong

6          False witness that speaketh lies: This is similar to the sin of the lying tongue mentioned earlier, but this form of lying is given special mention as it could send an innocent person to jail or even lead to him being stoned to death as happened to Naboth, thanks to false witnesses instigated by the wicked Jezebel (1 Kings 21:8–14). The prohibition against bearing false witness is the ninth of the Ten Commandments, and the New Testament is equally condemning of it. Colossians 3:9–10 explains the reason for the continued prohibition against lying. Christians are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and, as such, we reflect His nature. We have been released from our “old self” with its evil practices such as lying and bearing false witness.
Manifestation of this sin:
·         Falsely accusing someone of misbehavior and sin
·         Misrepresenting a disagreement between people
·         Falsely describing the actions of another person in a way that implies his guilt
·         Not offering evidence against someone when asked to give testimony
·         Covering for someone who has committed a wrongdoing

7          He that soweth discord among brethren: Brothers are created by God to live in unity (Psalm 133:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:9). Believers are brothers and sisters since they have one Father God and one Brother, Jesus Christ. The Church is also the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25–27). In many situations strife among brothers and even within the church seems unavoidable, but anyone who purposely causes disruption to peace in the body of Christ will displease God above all, since that person gives room for others to sin (very important) and for himself to sin further (1 John 2:9–11; 4:19–21). Moreover, Jesus pronounced a great blessing on peacemakers, the privilege to be called “sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).
Manifestation of this sin:
  • Teasing
  • Listening to gossip and repeating gossip
  • Slandering, repeating truths that will harm another person’s reputation
  • Leading others to imagine the worst about someone
  • Stirring up disagreements and jealousies
  • Arousing suspicions against someone
  • Meddling in the disagreements of others
  • Taking sides in disagreements
  • Envying the success and blessing of others

In concluding, as I have stated previously this is the final in my series of the little foxes that spoil the vines.  As previously mentioned, these sins speaks to the heart condition and reflects the things that were stated in the Sermon on the Mount by our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can understand why the seventh is an abomination because this anarchy took place in heaven by Lucifer himself and divided the angelic host.  When it is manifested in the body of Christ it is still very demonic, diabolic and leads to all kinds of evil work.
The Bible says in the book of 2 Corinthians 5 verses 16-17 we are to know no man after the flesh.
2 Corinthians 5:16-17King James Version (KJV)
16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
For such reason, God did not leave the salvation plan to man because those who should be saved would be damned and vice versa. The thief on the cross was forgiven instantly. People please stop making salvation complex.  It is not!! What we need to be working on is the conversion process so we can all become mature in Christ. Scriptures like Proverbs 6 verse 16-19 point the way. The day we start thinking of the other person more highly than ourselves the transformation in the body of Christ will be miraculous.
 Philippians 2:3King James Version (KJV)
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Je t'aime!!
Once again, this is me Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from up here in the true north.
À bientôt!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

LAYING ON OF HANDS - Hebrews 6 verse 1 – 2


Oooo La La it is that time of the month again people fresh manna from the throne.  As I have said I am dealing with the fundamentals of our Christian walk and you can’t get more basic than this. However, it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. If the foundations be destroyed what will the righteous do?

Laying on of hands is one of the six fundamental principles of the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ listed in Hebrews 6 verse 1-2:

 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,

Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

I am very concerned for the unwary sheep like myself.

We will now listen to a video done by Pastor Kenneth Hagin.


I forgot to thank this Pastor last month.  How could I?

·         Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo from over there at Kingsway International Christian Centre in England NO LIMITS/LINE CROSSER/BARRIER BREAKER/ IDENTITY – 31 Insights into Prayer, (we are the only army that marches forward on our knees), 30 Reasons Why Christians Should have a Business, 50 Blessings and 80 Reasons Why You Should Give Thanks to the Lord – As Dr. Otabil says when these guys interpret the Bible you wonder if it is the same book you are reading.

I pray the Lord will continue to increase him.


I have been very concerned about what I see taking place as I visit churches in this country.  Having come from a deliverance background I am aware of the dangers that can happen if there is no control in this area.  I remember my Pastor in Jamaica would warn people not to go around and allow people to lay hands on them arbitrarily.  They should know the lives of people before allowing them to lay hands.

So, people if you see me ignoring your prayer lines been there done that.  It is self-preservation.  If you lay empty hands on empty heads all you get is empty. Zero times zero is zero. Hence, the reason the Apostle Paul admonished Timothy not to lay hands on anyone suddenly I Timothy 5 verse 22.


In Christianity, the laying on of hands (Greek: cheirotonia - χειροτονία, literally, "laying-on of hands") is both a symbolic and formal method of invoking the Holy Spirit primarily during baptisms and confirmations, healing services, blessings, and ordination of priests, ministers, elders, deacons, and other church officers, along with a variety of other church sacraments and holy ceremonies.

We will now look at the ministry of laying on of hands throughout the scriptures beginning at the book of Genesis. In the garden of Eden there was no need for the laying on of hands because God and man were at one.  Then Adam violated the relationship, hence we now have to lay hands and do all the other things that we call church to invoke the presence.


1.      The Laying on of Hands for Blessings

Abraham did not have to bless Isaac because he was the covenant child. He sent away his other children with gifts Ishmael and the six others Genesis 25. However, Isaac had twins and we encountered intrigue with these two boys one loved by the mother and one by the father.  The elder Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage (be careful what you are selling your destiny for) to his younger brother and then suddenly developed amnesia when it was blessing time.  So, by sleight of hand and ingenuity Jacob and his mother engineered it so that the younger got the blessing. Let me recommend here Buy the Future a sermon on the subject by Dr. Mensa Otabil.

In Genesis 27 we see Isaac blessing Jacob and declaring that he would rule over his sibling. In verses 32 to 40 one realizes how important the blessing is because when Isaac realized that Jacob had gotten the blessing instead of Esau he ‘trembled very exceedingly’ and when Esau realized that he had missed out he cried.

Having established the significance of the blessing Let us jump over to Genesis 48.  This is Israel (Jacob) blessing his grandsons, Joseph’s sons.  The man was ready to give up the ghost (may you live until you die) so he was blessing some and getting back at some for sleeping with his concubine and for breaking covenant.  Don’t wait until you are dying to vent on your children is the lesson here. Genesis 48 vs 13-20 We see how Israel was deliberate about the blessing and how he was guided by the Lord and how he invoked the blessings of the lineage from Abraham. Ephraim did become greater than Manasseh in a short time. I Chronicles 12 vs 30

Jesus and the little children

In the book of St. Mark 10 vs 15-16 Jesus suffered the little children to come unto Him and blessed them by laying His hands on them.

2.      Succession Planning

Just a note here God is the original Management Guru he was doing the things that we are now discovering from before the foundations of the Earth. Succession Planning is all over the book. We all know our ultimate destiny.  If you are not sure read the Book of Revelation it is stated quite clearly. All categories are taken care of Revelation 21 vs 7-8. Just in case you are having degrees to sin. God has one degree sin.
Let us hop over to the book of Deuteronomy and look at the operations of that great man of God Pastor Moses.

Numbers 27:18-23King James Version (KJV)

18 And the Lord said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him;

19 And set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight.

20 And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.

21 And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of Urim before the Lord: at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation.

22 And Moses did as the Lord commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation:

23 And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses.

The Lord had Moses to impart not only honour unto Joshua but also wisdom. Let us now look at Deuteronomy 34:9King James Version (KJV)

And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses.
Of course Joshua laid hands on no one so we have in the book of Judges Anarchy in Israel

3.      Victory

This illustration that I am going to use Dr. Mensa Otabil has a fantastic sermon on it called Don't Hold Back.  The Story is in II Kings 13 verses 14-19 you are going to have to fight but I will guide you. The laying of hands of the prophet speaks to transference of anointing and guidance 2 Kings 13:14-19King James Version (KJV).

14 Now Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died. And Joash the king of Israel came down unto him, and wept over his face, and said, O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof.

15 And Elisha said unto him, Take bow and arrows. And he took unto him bow and arrows.

16 And he said to the king of Israel, Put thine hand upon the bow. And he put his hand upon it: and Elisha put his hands upon the king's hands.

17 And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them.

18 And he said, Take the arrows. And he took them. And he said unto the king of Israel, Smite upon the ground. And he smote thrice, and stayed.

19 And the man of God was wroth with him, and said, Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice.

4.      Healing/ Miraculous Power

The laying on of hands characterizes Jesus’ Ministry we see this in St. Luke 4 vs 40 and St. Mark 6 vs 5-6. In the latter scripture, we see that doubt and unbelief can hinder the ministry. The gospels are replete with instances where Jesus laid His hands and wrought healings and mighty miracles.

In Acts 28 vs 8 Paul laid his hands on a sick man and he was healed and immediately opened a healing school on the island of Malta.  This came about because in verse 5 of the same chapter Paul had shook off in the fire a deadly snake that bit him and under the observation of everyone who was expecting him to die nothing happened. There will be many snake bites in life, it is not unto death, it is only for the glory of God. Just shake off the serpent and move along. Gene J always nullify gene S.

5.      Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The book of Acts has many instances of this occurring.  This was a common feature of the apostle’s ministry in the book of Acts so much so that one man wanted to buy the power.  This took place in Acts 8 14 -20.

Also in Acts 19 vs 1 - 6, the disciples were baptized in the Holy Spirit.  The Holy spirit can also be received without the laying on of hands as in Acts 2 the upper room and Acts 10 the house of the gentile Cornelius.

6.      Set Apart for Ministry

We will look at two instances of this in the Bible the instance in Acts 13 vs 3. As it was in Acts 6 the Apostles fasted and prayed before laying on of hands.  You can’t lay empty hands on empty heads, one should always seek the direction of the Holy Spirit before laying on of hands. After all it is His show not ours.

No dissertation on this subject would be complete without looking at the instance with the young man called Timothy. Paul had to admonish the little young fellow not to be intimidated. In modern day parlance, we would say ‘Timothy don’t watch nuh face. Do your thing Brother.’ I Timothy 4 verse 14.

14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery

Let us watch this video done by Pastor Benny Hinn to cement the new concepts that we have learnt.

In the Old Testament hands are imposed on sacrificial animals in order to set them apart for special purposes (; Leviticus 4:4 Leviticus 16:21; 2 Chron 29:3 ). The notion of separation for an uncommon purpose also lies behind the imposition of hands on the Levites during their ceremony of consecration ( Num 8:5-15)


 In concluding, let me repeat that we must be very deliberate about what we are doing.  As Pastor E.A. Adeboye would say ‘God is not a talkative’.  There are reasons why He does the things He does, in the way that He does them. It is beneficial to us. We have to trust His heart. In addition, if we do not get the fundamentals right what sort of a structure can we build.
The organization of the church is right there in the Bible for all to see.  There needs to be no experimenting, if you are interested in order and transparency.  King David was very careful with king Solomon he kept saying see that you do everything according to the plan.  Likewise, Moses in the wilderness. Church Organization is for another Blog. Success leaves clues (Tony Robbins) no need to reinvent the wheel pattern those who are successful. Hence, the need for spiritual fathers.
I have been reflecting in recent weeks and thinking to myself that you can leave a job or they fire you. Having had many firings, myself.  You can steal some money and you go to prison and serve your sentence. But in the Church Leadership if you mess up this is what you get St Matthew 18 verse 6.
But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
The mafia calls it ‘sleeping with the fishes’.  I was wondering where they got the terminology. Next month I will tell you about Mario Puzo's "The Godfather' fantastic book. I am winding down no more new material.

You might not be serious about God’s business but He is very serious about His business so don’t touch it if you are interested in pleasing men above God.
Once again, this is me Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from up here in the true north.

À bientôt!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

POWER AND AUTHORITY St. Luke 4 verse 36


Well people it is that most exciting time of the month, the time that you have all been waiting for the monthly blog post of the “I AM GOD”.

However, before we proceed any further, I need to give a word of caution about that Ephesians 1 verses 15 – 23 prayer especially verse 17 all that jazz about ‘the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation and eyes being opened etc. Shared in last month’s blog post.  First, let me bring to your attention something that Joseph said to pharaoh in Genesis 41 verse 32 – ‘The dream was doubled because the thing was established by God…’ In like manner, a version of the Ephesians 1 prayer is also repeated in Colossians 1 verse 9-23.  As Joseph said the thing is established.  If we agree to invite the Holy spirit in our midst he will come. Ooo la la, the question is what will be our reaction to His presence?  Will we allow Him to have His way? or will we want to continue our Agenda?  When He turns up He changes things. I have found two basic reactions in these scenarios:

·         Persons are not sensitive to the move of the Holy Spirit.  They are sticking to their agenda irrespective.

·         In other environments, you will hear words such as arrogance and ‘big words’ being bandied about. As the late Dr. Myles Munroe, would say ‘It is not arrogance it is confidence.’  Pastor Paul Enenche puts it this way ‘Your invironment is affecting the environment.’

In these circumstances, I would say take Jesus’ advise to His disciples the people reject you, dust your feet off and move along.  Especially, if you are like Raphleta and God is reminding you daily that you are redeeming time and you don’t any to waste.

Let me leave you with a little anecdote.  I was in this prayer meeting one Saturday morning. As usual I was not a part of anybody’s group (follow the prophets of old, people had to go looking for them, when God turned up for Isaiah read what he said in Isaiah 6).  I detected that a lot of gossiping was going on in the body. To say that I was nonsensical would have been an understatement.  I just went straight for the jugular. After going through the first part of the prayer (hallowed be Your name etc.). ‘I said Father in the name of Jesus cut off the Pastor’s wife from itchy ears.’ I was not very diplomatic in those days.

You know I became persona non-grata faster than the Cuban Ambassador under the Seaga administration of the eighties.  The corollary to that would be the Muslim Ambassadors under the Trump administration, personas non-grata.  The Bible said Jesus learnt obedience by the things He suffered, I have learnt my lesson.

Let us get to the matter at hand! It is the twelfth (12) month of blogging.  It seems like yesterday night I took up a book read it and started.  It has been challenging but fun, I have learnt some new skills along the way and still have a far way to go.  It is a continuum once you are alive you will continue to learn when you stop learning you are ready to die.

I can’t forget those nights when I was at the Library typing, and I would type for thirty (30) minutes and be so caught up in what I was doing only to realize that I have lost thirty (30) minutes worth of typing when the computer automatically rebooted,. I can’t count the number of times this has happened to me. That was before Blogger automatically saved as you type.

How can I forget the month of May when I typed everything, pressed a button and voilà seven (7) hours of typing just disappeared.  The Librarians must be glad they are not seeing me very often these days they had to be escorting me out of the Library.  I am leaving they are shutting the door or they are opening the door to let me out.  Dr. Cindy Trimm would say “Compete against yourself and win.”  The future is very glorious and very bright.


I would also like to thank some men of God who have made this blog as interesting as it is and who have changed my life in one way or another.

·         Pastor E. A. Adeboye from over there at Redeemed Christian Church of God in Nigeria HOLINESS – The Master Key of Master Keys

·         Dr. Myles Munroe (Deceased) – Bahamas Faith Ministries International – PURPOSE/KINGDOM CITIZENSHIP/IDENTITY/VISION – Purpose the original intent for which a thing is made.

·         Dr. Mensa Otabil – International Central Gospel Church in Ghana – IDENTITY/PROPHETIC PRAYING – It is not about the oil and handkerchief it is about understanding the season you are in. The inheritance of Judah. Understandeth thou what thou readest?

·         Pastor Kenneth Copeland – Kenneth Copeland Ministries – THE BLESSING OF THE LORD/LAWS OF PROSPERITY – Laws of Prosperity I think is my signature blog to date because, people were shock at the information contained therein and the presentation.

For all those who I have drawn on their resources the Lord will bless you and I pray you will all grow from strength to strength.  As I grow in grace I will be calling on you in the future.


The number 12 is the number of government.  Twelve (12) can be found in one hundred and eighty-seven (187) places in God’s word. Revelation alone has twenty-two (22) occurrences of the number. The meaning of twelve (12) which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God’s power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. For example, Jacob (Israel) had twelve (12) sons, each of which represented a tribe begun by a prince, for twelve (12) princes total.  Ishmael also had twelve (12) princes.

Christ called and chose twelve (12) men to bear witness to what he did and to spread the good news of the gospel to the entire world.

There were one hundred and twenty (120) people in the upper room on the day of Pentecost Acts 1 verse 15.

Christ’s bride in Revelation 12, the Church wears a crown containing twelve (12) stars.

The New Jerusalem, which is made in heaven and brought to the Earth by God himself, contains twelve (12) gates made of pearl which are each manned by an angel. The twelfth blog is on Power and Authority by divine appointment.


As per usual, I like to give you an insight into why I choose my topics.  I was listening to a man of God who mentioned the subject.  He was not teaching on the topic but stated that all believers in order, to live a victorious Christian life needs to know the difference between Power and Authority.  Then he used those two (2) Greek words dunamis and exousia suffice it to say I concurred with the gentleman and decided to revise my knowledge. 

Here is the reason why?

In the early Charismatic Movement, there were some basic doctrinal teaching. You were exposed to certain Greek words such as charismata meaning gifts.  Hence, the word charismatic because of the emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Then there was pneuma – breath the word used for God breathing on Adam.  The three (3) different types of love agape, eros and fileo (in fact I am going to do a blog on this topic just to keep focus.  In addition, I had my list with the different names for God walked around with it for years.  I had sixteen (16) different names on my list; Jehovah Shammah, Nissi, Rohi, Elohim, El Shaddai etc. Dr. Cindy Trimm added a new one in recent times Jehovah Gibbor.  So, you thought because it rolled off my tongue so easily it is just overnight.  Sorry people I was confessing these scriptures while I was speaking to myself in the mirror for years. Still do. As King David said to Solomon you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. Then of course, we had dunamis and exousia, power and authority. As per usual it does not seem to be a very popular topic.  I am saying if the foundations be destroyed what will the
righteous do. Before we go any further let us listen to this clip by the late Dr. Myles Munroe on the subject..


I am going to be detailed in these definitions because I want to emphasize the all-encompassing nature of the words. We are into the big times as I have said in a previous blog I am not yet steeped into Hebrew and Greek but, for these words I have to make an exception.  There are too many cowboys and lone rangers. The church has become the wild, wild church. We need to return to order.

Power – The Greek word for power in the Bible is dunamis (doo’na-mis) and is used one hundred and twenty (120) times in the New Testament.  The word refers to strength, power or ability.  It is the root word of our English words dynamite, dynamo and dynamic.

Strong’s #1411 dunamis – (doo’na-mis)

From 1410- force (literally or figuratively), specially, miraculous power (visually by implication, a miracle itself), ability, abundance, meaning might (-ily, -y, deed), (worker of) miracle (-s), power, strength, violence, mighty (wonderful) work

We will look at the meaning in the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

1.      Strength, power, ability

1a. Inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person exerts and puts forth

1b. Power for performing miracles

1c. Moral power and excellence of soul

1d. The power and influence which belong to riches and wealth

1e. Power and resources arising from numbers

1f.  Power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts

Authority- Exousia used one hundred and four (104) times in the New Testament.

Authority is the Greek word exousia. It is especially used in terms of moral influence. Exousia can also be thought of in terms of jurisdiction or dominion over a certain realm, right, privilege or ability.

Strong’s #1849 – Exousia (ex-oo-see’-ah)

From 1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege, i.e. (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery /concretely, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control, delegated influence: -authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength.

Exousia in the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon

1.      Power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases

1a. Leave or permission

2.      Physical or mental problem

2a. The ability or strength with which one is endued, which he either possesses or exercises

3.      The power of authority (influence) and of night (privilege)

4.      The power of rule or government (the power of him whose will must be submitted to by others or obeyed

4a. universally

4a1 authority over mankind

4b. specifically

4b1 the power of judicial decisions

4b2 of authority to manage domestic affairs

4c. metonymically

4c1 a thing subject to authority or rule

4c2 one who possesses authority

4c2a a ruler, a human magistrate

4c2b the leading and more powerful among created beings superior to man, spiritual potentates

4d. A sign of the husband’s authority over his wife

4d1 the veil with which propriety required a woman to cover herself

4e  the sign of regal authority, a crown.  

We will look at another video on power and authority.


The biblical description of power relates primarily to God and man. Power is an inherent characteristic of God ( Rom 1:20 ). It is the result of his nature. 

The power of God is seen in his creation ( Psalm 19 ; 150:1 ; Jeremiah 10:12 ).

God’s inexplicable power is the only explanation for the virgin birth of Jesus ( Luke 1:35 ). 

Power is always a derived characteristic for man, who receive power from God ( Deuteronomy 8:18 ; Isaiah 40:29 ; Micah 3:8 ; Matthew 22:29 ; 1 Cor 2:4 ; Ephesians 3:7 ), from political position ( Esther 1:3 ; Luke 20:20 ), from armies ( 1 Chronicles 20:1 ), and from other structures that provide advantage over others.

 When humans perceive that their power is intrinsic to themselves, they are self-deceived ( Lev 26:19 ; Deuteronomy 8:17-18 ; Hosea 2:7-9 ; John 19:10-11 ).

Jesus as the God-Man demonstrated both the intrinsic and derived aspects of power.

Jesus proclaimed His power and authority derived from the Father ( John 5:27 ; 17:2 ; 5:16-23 ). Jesus demonstrated that his power was derived from his authority as the Son of Man and that the two were an inseparable testimony to his divine nature ( Matt 9:6-7 ; Luke 4:36 ; 9:1 ).

Power in the New Testament is used to describe the unseen world. The angelic realm is described as "powers" or "authorities" ( Romans 8:38 ; Ephesians 3:10 ; 6:12 ; Col 1:16 ; Colossians 2:10 Colossians 2:16 ).

Jesus exercised power over the unseen world through his exorcism of demons ( Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1 ).

The Apostle Paul speaks to the living of the Christian life as an empowerment from God. The believer's union with Christ delivers him or her from the power of sin (cf. Rom. 6-8) and introduces him or her to the "power of Christ's resurrection" ( Philippians 3:10 ).

Salvation and holy living provide the Christian with a spirit of power for witness (2 Timothy 1:7-8 ).

The Apostle Paul's view of the gospel itself is imaged as power ( Romans 1:16 ).

 "Power" in Romans 1:16 renders the Greek word dunamis [duvnami"]. It is often noted that the gospel is the "dynamite of God" because the English word "dynamite" is derived from dunamis [duvnami"]. Such an observation, however, is not a valid use of etymology. Dynamite was not in existence during the Apostle Paul's time. He had no such image in his mind. For the Apostle Paul, the gospel dunamis [duvnami"] was the dynamic of God's power conveyed through God's message. When presented to the world, the gospel dynamically works salvation in those who believe. The Apostle Paul develops the motif of divine power as the key to Christian living by noting that unless the believer is empowered, it is impossible to please God (Rom. 6-8; 1 Cor 15:56-57 ).

The Apostle Peter also utilizes the concept of power to image the Christian life as an empowerment from God. Second Peter 1:3 states that "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness." The context views this power as channeled through knowledge and virtue. The apostle Peter does not view this power as passive, but as the foundation and motivation to pursue a circle of virtues ( 1:5-9 ) that produce and evidence productive Christian living.

The concept of authority seldom appears in the Old Testament. It is used predominantly in the New Testament, where the word exousia [ejxousiva] functions in at least four ways.

First, authority is the freedom to decide or a right to act without hindrance. He sits in the heavens and does as He pleases Psalm 115 verse 3.  All such authority begins with God, for there is no authority except from God ( Romans 13:1 ). God has the right to mold the clay as he wishes ( Romans  9:21 ) and to set times and dates ( Acts 1:7 ).

God gave the Apostle Paul the right to preach the gospel ( 1 Co 9:18 ).

Believers have the right to become children of God ( John 1:12 ), and they have freedom with respect to the law ( 1 Co 8:9 ).

While authority is valueless without the power to make it effective, we can make a fine distinction between the two concepts. This first understanding of authority, then, is distinct from power and refers primarily to a prerogative.

Second, the concept of authority refers to the power, ability, or capability to complete an action. Jesus was given the authority to forgive sins ( Matthew 9:6-8 ) and to drive out spirits ( Mark 6:7 ). Jesus gave seventy-two disciples the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions ( Luke 10:19 ). Simon sought power to grant the Holy Spirit ( Acts 8:19 ).

Satan has authority to function within the parameters established by God ( Acts 26:18 ).

Third, the word "authority" is used with reference to delegated authority in the form of a warrant, license, or authorization to perform.

Jesus was asked by whose authorization he taught ( Matthew 21:23 ).

He was granted authority for his ministry from God the Father ( John 10:18 ).

Saul was sent to Damascus to persecute Christians by warrant of the priests ( Acts 26:12 ).

 God gave the apostles license to build up the church ( 2 Corinthians 10:8 ).

Fourth, by a natural extension of meaning, exousia [ejxousiva] sometimes denotes the sphere in which authority is exercised. God has established spheres of authority in the world, such as civil government.

Jesus was handed over to the official power of the governor ( Luke 20:20 ).

When Pilate learned that Jesus was under Herod's jurisdiction or authority, the governor sent him to Herod ( Luke 23:7 ).

Rulers and kings have their spheres of influence ( Romans 13:1 ), as does Satan ( Colossians 1:13 ), but Christ has been placed above all realms of authority ( Ephesians 1:21 ).

More often exousia [ejxousiva] refers to the power employed by rulers or others in high positions by virtue of their office, such as civil magistrates ( Titus 3:1 ). This use of authority indicates a social relation between at least two individuals where one is the ruler. The subordinate in the relationship accepts the ruler's orders, not by external constraint but out of the conviction that the ruler is entitled to give orders and that it is the duty of the subject to obey and recognize the authenticity of the ruler's position and orders.

From a theological perspective the fourth use of authority is most significant. The question of authority is a fundamental issue facing every person, especially the believer. Its significance cannot be overestimated. Every person has an authority in life that he or she submits to as a subordinate, not by constraint but by conviction. Furthermore, God has created human beings to live under his authority. When they choose to live under a different rule, that of self or an idol, they sin. This is, in a simple summary, the teaching of Genesis 1-3. That portion of Scripture illustrates the human tendency, moved by pride, to seek independence from external authority and to establish self as the final authority in life.

The testimony of Scripture is that God has established three fundamental spheres of authority within which he delegates authority to individuals. These spheres are civil government, the home, and the church. The believer is obliged to obey those holding authority in those realms. Citizens are to submit to the governing authorities ( 1 Peter 2:13-14 ).

Children are to obey parents ( Ephesians 6:1-2 ). Believers were to honor spiritual authorities such as apostles who demanded compliance on the basis of their commission from the Lord. There are exceptions. When a person in authority violates the trust granted by God, the source of all authority, the subordinate is free, indeed mandated, "to obey God rather than man" ( Acts 5:29 ). The apostle Peter provides the clearest example of what is called civil disobedience. In his epistle he encourages disciples of Christ to submit to governing authorities ( 1 Peter 2:13 ). In the book of Acts, however, when the governing authorities commanded Peter to cease preaching, he disobeyed ( Acts 5:29 ).

The issue facing contemporary Christians is how God exercises his authority in the spiritual realm, that is, the church. In the Old Testament, the answer was clear. God exercised his authority through prophets, priests, and kings. At the time of Christ, the disciples submitted to the lordship of God the Father through obedience to Jesus. Christ, then, delegated authority to the apostles, who directed the affairs of the primitive church. When Christ comes again, he will reign from a new throne in the new city.

 Evangelical theology appeals to the authority of Scripture because it views the Bible as the written Word of God, pointing beyond itself to the absolute authority, the living and transcendent Word of God. God exercises authority over the church through the Scriptures, which impart authoritative truth. The Bible issues definitive directives. It offers an authoritative norm by which all doctrine and principles must be shaped for both individual believers and the church. The Bible is a record and explanation of divine revelation that is both complete (sufficient) and comprehensible (perspicuous); meaning, it contains all that the church needs to know in this world for its guidance in the way of salvation and service.


In concluding, it is clear that, the gifts and callings of God are without repentance Romans 11 verse 29 but one wonders what could lead to a scenario like that expounded in St. Matthew 7 verses 21 -  23.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The entire chapter speaks to relationship.  Takes us back to the fact that we should keep The Sermon on the Mount very close to our heart.  In fact, we should do a ‘Sermon on the Mount ‘check at least once per month.  St. Matthew 7 concluded with the people being astonished by Jesus’ doctrine for He taught with authority not like the religious fellows of the days.

Of course, the Centurion was another person who understood this authority, he just told Jesus send the word and his servant would be healed St. Matthew 8 verse 8. Satan is a legalist and this is clearly shown in the story of the seven (7) sons of Sceva in the book of Acts 19 verse 13 – 15.  Jesus and Paul are hooked up but who are you hooked up to?

Seek after power but seek to exercise that power with the right authority.  Before you seek the gifts get to know the GIVER of the gifts.  God is after relationships…

Once again, this is me Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from up here in the true north.

À bientôt!