Oooh my God I will not wake up, what a bad dream? I wonder what myself or my ancestors did in order to keep me in this prolong suffering or the more probable question could be, Daddy, what magnitude of destiny do I have why you have given me such powerful enemies? The only persons I saw going through this intense processing and character building were King David and Joseph.
Well Mon peuple, I have never been very foreign minded, after all; all my life I have been very busy being involved in one organization or another. Some of my best memories of the Jaycees was myself and President Albert driving through the hills of Jamaica in the wee hours of the morning talking about his plans for the organization and discussing politics and world affairs. Plus, all we Socialists remembered Rt Hon. Joshua Manley in the eighties telling people there are five flights out of Miami they are welcome to be on one of them if they did not want to stay. Now I live to see the same country that was destroying us because of so called Communism . The President of that country and the number one Communist in the world are friends. I really hope those who took one of the flights have not regretted it; although I doubt it. Let every man be a liar and God be true.
In addition, I travel when I am ready. In fact, I did more travelling in Jamaica than when I went to Canada. I did not move from the GTA like majority of the people. Anyway I am running ahead of myself.
Let me cut to the chase the details are for the book. Out of nowhere my neighbour said to me 'Raphleta you want to go to Canada?' So i said why not. I applied under the Professional Category and waited my two years for approval. My neighbour which was my good friend put up the required funds. While waiting on my papers, I got a job as Director of Finance and Administration at the Jamaica Racing Commission. On approval of your papers they give you six months to land. I had to land in November 2003. I went in October 2003. I started my job at the Commission in May 2003. That did not work out I had too much of a strong personality and was not subservient enough to the one Labourite Politician on staff and blocked one of the fictitious invoice that he presented. They conspired with the insecure General Manager and eased me out of my position-one more time when I should have fought I walked away. Anyway, a man of God told me that I was going to Canada. My last job interview in Jamaica the place shall remain nameless. I was the clear front runner but they asked one question 'What kind of animal did I see myself as? I told them a lion and that was the end of that. There is only one lion in every pack. The head of the organization looked at me. Lord help my Holy Ghost talk about a set up for a come back.
I decided that I would leave for Canada. I gave away my worldly possessions because I was coming to the land of promise. I will not bore you with the details Lord help my Holy Ghost. The evening I left for Canada it rained extremely heavily my friend Pat who drove me to the airport and I barely made it because of the torrential rain and violent weather. I tell you the heavens were warning me I should have cancelled my ticket. But like Mary Mary I said, I can't turn back now I have come too far, nobody told me that the road would be easy...
When I visited Canada in October 2005 I had left my things at my brothers. I could not stay with them when I came to pick up my things, he greeted me at the door with some scandal bags and gave me my things through the crack of the door in the darkness.
I was living with this couple with a son. The arrangement was that I pay for accommodation and I do my own food. After a couple of weeks I saw this lady leaving a white pail on the stairs. Of course,I walked over it. I tend not to be very inquisitive plus I am in Canada to work a plan. I should have told you the plan, my apologies, let me educate you:
1. Complete my house
2. Clear my mortgage
3. Get a Doctorate or Accounting Designation
My time line was five years, then I would return home and continue my social services and travel the world with my two girl friends. I was not looking any husband. I always saw them as work and I did not want any stress in my life. Plus I think sex is overrated most of you lie about it any way.
People because I am not very domesticated and I am used to my mother doing things for me, washing my clothes, cooking, and tidying up the house. All I did was ensure that the house was well supplied. The only time we had problem was when she changed the order of things. We used to eat meat twice per week. When it was meat day I would come home with great expectations only to have her switch the menu on me cooking vegetables, calaloo, cabbage or pop chow. I would say with great disappointment 'Teacha man, how could you do that we are supposed to have liver today.' I was disappointed but I had to consume what was provided. After my mother died because I had become very undomesticated in the late stages of my life, my nephew no longer lived with us. After the death of my mother I had to develop new coping skills. I learnt not to give myself any excess work. My place was kept in order I took the clothes off the line they went into the closet. No dirty dishes were left in the sink etc.We dusted as was necessary. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!
When I went to these people's house my room and wash room were immaculate. The first day I entered the country I got mats for the wash room etc. However, it seems in addition to keeping my place clean and the general sweeping that I did. It seems the lady wanted assistance with her general cleaning. I had no problem with that just discuss it like rational human beings, not try to sweep away my feet after I came from church and cook and sat around the table eating my food. Lord help my Holy ghost!! I did not get a job and all my money went into rent and my landlord decided to change the contract on me. One of my skills is that I have the ability to stretch a dollar ( I think it is a lack of knowledge why I am not richer and now that I have acquired the knowledge all my money has been stolen. Lord help my Holy Ghost). I handle other peoples money well. When I look at the resources that is available in the foreign in the churches compared to what we had to work with and what we have accomplished under my watch. The scriptures comes to mind 'Little is much when God is in it.' That is why God had to move me out, my life was in grave danger. People would come to me and say 'Pastor So and so say'. I would say 'Send the Pastor to me.' Lord help my Holy Ghost. When my landlord saw how I handled the little that I have they unilaterally changed the contract.
I was rescued by a fellow Past Student. This arrangement was also short lived. One of the things that happened is that when I migrated to Canada I was at the top of my game, not boasting but I was quite polished well coiffed hair and well groomed had designer made clothes, Sandra Thompson from Kamit Revisited and a little tailor on Red Hills Road who made my suits. They just stole my last black jacket. My clothes look expensive and unique but they were not very expensive except for my Francis Keane creation. I got that style in a dream, a full length cut work jacket over a white dress with slits on the leg. Only Francis Keane was able to make the creation at that time. Unfortunately, for me no one saw a poor little lady from Jamaica. I looked and spoke better than the foreigners. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I am reminded of an incident when I was at Kingdom Covenant and was acting in the Easter Pageant. The costume lady told me I had to remove the nail polish from my toes. People I had a lovely design on my toes coming out of Jamaica. The lady gave me the worst looking costume. I paid her no mind since I carried off the clothes and not the other way around and all I was interested in was the pageant. Only to see during the pageant other people had done their toes. These things should have been sign posts for me that Canada was not for me. Returning to my Past Student rescuer, I realized that she had some wicked women in the church in her ears. Let me give you just one incident. I will not tell you how I burnt up the lady's pressure cooker. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I remember I was washing my clothes, since my cash flow does not allow the purchase of clothes on a seasonal basis, I use bar soap and hand wash my clothes. While in the process I saw this lady rolled out a whole bundle of dirty clothes for her daughter and herself. I asked no question I just said to myself that she was planning to wash after I had finished. As I have said time and time again when it comes to housework I am not very domesticated so I asked no questions. Well people it got so that the lady could not put up with me any longer She wrote me a long letter and left it in the bathroom outlining all my faults and telling me how wicked I am and that I have to leave immediately no notice given. From I entered Canada the homeless spirit has been after me. The fact is that I was not familiar with the spirit.
I keep telling you people God has my back, my angels must be some of the busiest angels in heaven, immediately I got an offer that was even better from my girl friend from Jamaica. The reason the arrangement did not work this time is that I was hobnobbing it with the local Politician at the time. I was helping with a political campaign a Councillor in Brampton. Even the church that I was attending the Pastor was vexed with me. One Sunday I asked him a question the answer was not very nice.
Suffice it to say between the washing machine not working, the house being deliberately dirtied, and the putting out of garbage problems.i was asked to replace a little hot chocolate I had used. My bathrobe disappeared from my closet and my scarf from the coat closet and of course over the period we started developing heat problems in the brand new house. That is the number one weapon of warfare in Canada lack of heat because of the coldness of the country.
By this time I was working with the Kingdom Covenant and was fired after signing an employment contract. The Administrator snooped on my fax that came through the school, I was trying to contract a gentleman as my Real Estate Mentor. The balance is for the book. I just walked away and said Father it is you who are building your church. Then I ended up at CIBC while there I went into the bank and had to speak with the Bank Manager. I went into his office reading the book 'Good to Great' by Jim Collins, it was the latest rave in business. In fact, it is a recommended text by most consultancy firms. The Bank Manager who was Chinese asked me what I was reading, I told him. He advised that his management team was studying the book for one year. I replied, 'It is a good book.' The next thing I know is that at work a little green shirt (I have not seen him in any other colour) Caucasian started having me under his radar. I paid him no mind, then they started shadowing my calls. Of course I paid them no mind, and continued to search the intranet to look at prospective openings. The next thing I know I was called into an office told about some foolishness and was told that I was fired. They went for my bag escorted me out of the building and that was that. I tried the Human Rights Commission but decided not to pursue the case because of lack of understanding.
Once again I moved house, this time I decided to live on my own because I had the job at CIBC. Since, the job did not work out and because of lack of knowledge I had placed myself in debt. However, I had Employment Insurance (EI) unfortunately, during the process of reporting I answered one question about training incorrectly. They asked if I was attending training. I said, yes. I should have said no because it was just attending some short computer courses I was doing to keep current. It seems when you are on EI looking a job should be your full time job. When the little pittance did not turn up in my account and I called I was informed of my error and told I should seek Social Assistance. This was the first time I was being informed of this assistance. I asked, what was that and the lady explained. When I turned up at the Ontario Works Office and the manner in which Rubina Shaikh looked at me from head to toe and the way how she dealt with me like a common criminal. That was another cue that I should have left the country immediately. People my hair was shoulder length I was still looking ay one. The first illegal thing she did was not to inform me of my rights.
Secondly, I was not informed of the major benefits I was entitled to It was eleven years after that fact that I was knowing that you are allowed a certain amount of financial assets on Social Assistance.
The third, illegal thing was to have me sign blank pink forms.
The fourth thing is that she broke the agreement we made in her office on how we would proceed after I left should there be an overpayment.
I am sure there are many more but those are the major ones I remember. I had to vacate my spacious apartment because the money that I was getting would not cover the rent. The rest about Ontario Works you will have to read in the book. Suffice it to say on my reading of the Ontario Works Act I realized that everything was at the discretion of the Case Worker, which means that some people were discretely getting everything while others were discretely getting nothing. I know I was hauled over the coal. The system is most inequitable. You think these Caucasians are easy, on more than one occasion while I was in the office they would ensure that they had somebody in the office crying in distress. One young lady in Mississauga cried like a baby. All I said to myself was 'NEVER', before I do that I return to my yard, and I did just that.
This lady in the church hooked up with me and said she had a room to rent. She invited me to tea using the best of her porcelain tea set to impress me with her gentility. I was impressed being unaware that the same wickeds in the church that were speaking to my past student lady were speaking to her (so you think because the lady threw me out of her house I would leave the church, I was not attending the church because of her, God never discarded me). I said I would go with the arrangement. Fool me, (yes, I already told you) gave up my lease before I got a written arrangement from the lady. When I received the arrangement I nearly died, I had to pay a deposit, I had to pay extras to do laundry and I would be restricted to specific days and a whole heap of foolishness. I just politely turned down the offer.
In desperation I hooked up with another lady I met at the church,. We shared a townhouse. The beginning of another nightmare because by this time Rubina Shaikh had messed up my case and instead of doing the honourable thing ( I wonder when was an Indian or Pakistani ever honourable) and written and advising of her error, she decided to perpetrate the deception. So, the people came after me in the process using my roommate as a spy. They gave her everything she wanted and more.
Thank God I got a job at Procter and Gamble through an agency. Then my roommate brought her two daughters who were felons to live with us. One day I greeted the police at the door.looking for them. Then she was listening at the key hole to my bedroom. In those days I used to pray aloud. Now they say I am mad because my mouth move sometimes and there is no sound or I have to pray mentally because of eavesdropping. It does not matter where I go, sometimes there is one on the right, one on the left, one before me and another behind me. Talk about been encompassed. I realized that my roommate was eavesdropping because of the foul odour coming through my door.The lady did not use deodorant. Not only was she eavesdropping for the government but she was also eavesdropping for the church. She became a member of the Pastor's wife prayer meeting and the Choir. They told me I had to be interviewed to join the choir. Then they barely placed me on the choir. Of course that did not last. At work I was on the computer and more or less learning the systems, the next thing I knew I was doing only filing and the Supervisor and Manager became hostile. I did an entrance test that was given to University students and passed. People I studied for my degrees. The young Filipino at work asked me how I did the test (I tell you people liberty come through carelessness) I told him I have two degrees so it was not a problem. All that was necessary to give me the job was just an interview. Since the atmosphere had gotten very hostile. They said nothing to me about the extension of my contract or my interview. I completed my task and my contract and said my aurevoirs. They said nothing to me. At that time I was unaware I had dark forces working against me. By this time the situation at home had become untenable so I left. So I ended up in a basement with the assistance of a very sweet Jamaican lady I met in the Church who was married to a Caucasian. The first year I went to her house for Christmas dinner it was a rousing Jamaican fare. Then the next year I went it was Sauer kraut and lasagna and milk. I was unaware that dark forces were operating against me. However, I was able to use her garage to pack my barrels because I was living in a basement and I had purchased a lot of products at Procter and Gamble at reduced rates. Eventually we became estranged.
The basement was an horror the gentleman after a time actually asked me to leave. I told him I was not. I will give you the horrors of that period in the book it was bad. They even destroyed my heater and tried to flood me out. By this time I was also assisting Mississauga Heritage Trust (people I had to keep body and soul together) tell me who turned up to one of the meetings none other than MP Bonnie Crombie. The lady had to come and meet the indestructible bronze woman from Jamaica. I got her business card. They must have stolen it with all the things they stole in Brampton or I might have thrown it away. I assisted on that committee you know volunteers would normally have a free passge to any event they helped to plan, not so with Raphleta, Hazel McCallion was present. I never knew she was my arch enemy. I had a letter with her signature her reply to me when Ontario Works was harassing me and I wrote her office for help. The Heritage Committee gave me a honorary mention because, when I went there the thing was almost dying. I got on the telephone and mobilized the people at my own expense.
The next time I saw MP Bonnie Crombie was at a church picnic she greeted me with a kiss, by this time I had changed church because I was working on a nursery committee and the Pastor advised that I was finished and I was not. I needed to deal with a matter at Mississauga City Hall, I went to acquaint myself with the procedures. The Pastor obviously was given an ultimatum. I had already written a Business Plan because I had insider information (Holy Spirit) that I was not going to finish the project. Daddy and I also had an agreement that I would not resign from any task I was given in the church. I put together an Operations Manual. All they had to do was complete the two last steps and seek approval - the play ground and adjust the vent in the kitchen. I have already written sixteen pages of text. I was hoping to complete this in five pages. The inner workings of the committee you will have to read in the book. I tell you, people love to make the mistake of challenging my leadership. I must be too easy going. This reminds me of when I was at the Jamaica Racing Commission and the General Manager and her friends planned to annihilate me so they gave me the Management Meeting to chair. The Senior Vetrnarian who will remain nameless (Google it) came to put me in my place. Unfortunately, he forgot that that was my place. Suffice it to say they did not give me another meeting to chair. People let us establish something from here on. I was trained by some of the best people they don\t get better than J. Barbara Martin, Ellorine Walker two ladies of excellence from my high school and my Jaycee President Albert Grant a very serious leader that left no stone unturned. In fact, after Jaycees I suffered culture shock when I went into the church. When we went to Jaycees meeting we did not leave until we dealt comprehensively with all matters on the Agenda. When I reached the Church Christians acted as if they were doing God a favour.
I transitioned into the Nigerian church, for the gory details you are going to have to read the book. The fact also is that most of you know about this part even more than I because all my email lists, and social media were mined for information. All of you who were contacted can tell me more than I can tell you. I hope the money was worth it. I owe these Nigerians Five Hundred Dollars after they got me kicked out of my apartment I needed assistance with my rent and they were overly generous. As soon a I have it I will just release it. In fact, the cheque has already been written in faith.
Since nothing did a 'gwan' I decided to try the Second Career programme. This is a programme in Ontario for persons who are unemployed and want to change their career. People used to come around me about nursing I paid them no mind because I never wanted to be a nurse in my life. Seems my adopted parents and feudal lords had decided that I should become a nurse unfortunately with these people their method of communication is innuendos, since, I don't gossip and listen to rumours they were never a blip on my radar.
The Second Career Programme was going well. It was just doing SAP to enhance my accounting systems knowledge. Half way through the programme I was studying for my designations a crooked Pakistani spoke to me about my plans I told him everything was going well. Everything went down hill from there. I had previously reported the landlord to the city which did nothing. I took them to the Landlord and Tenenat Board with an air tight case. They turned up with their lawyer . The lawyer looked at me pitifully. At that time I was still not aware what I was up against. I thought this was a first world democracy and once you had the truth on your side you were okay. It is not like those corrupt people in the Caribbean. I will not say it again!! The next time I went to court with my pictures etc the adjudicator by this time had gotten her money she did not even listen to me, she just ruled against me. Finally, I went home one evening there was a Sheriff's order on my door after I had paid my rent. The Nazis and Mafias in Mississauga always waited until I owed nothing then they did their dastardly deeds. Yes people lock up my things. They wanted to steal my things all a part of the plan to make me destitute. The people have been working their plans all these years to strip me of everything I own. I thought my brother picked up my things from Brampton. They have gone with another set of things. I was looking for a shoes to wear to church only torealize that there was none. I only own a few garments. When they can't get under my blouse they put holes in them.
Getting back to my lock out of my apartment. So I had met a Jamaican lady the previous Sunday after the Pastor of the church had told me they could not assist me. She assisted me with accommodation. God looks after babes and fools He sent her right to me while I was standing by the bus stop she offered me a ride. Unfortunately, on my journey I have realized that most persons have settled for a mess of pottage when they could get the blessing. By taking the bribery all Daddy will say is that you have had your reward. She was no match for the Nazis when they came. I am now wondering if they sent her. She is the one that locked me out in February one of the coldest month in the year. The next day which was my birthday was a snow storm. I went to the police station from Rippleton Lane to Dundas and Erin Mills. They took me to a shelter in fact, they were the ones who told me about shelter. On a previous occasion when the lady had tried to put me out; Would you believe it people that at this time I really was not aware of the ramifications of what was taking place.
I left the shelter and went into a condominium on 35 Trailwood off Hurontario Street lovely place with a sweet Potuguese lady who refused to co-operate with the nastiness. She did not have the stomach for it. Unfortunately, it ended up with her losing her condominium, moving in with her relative. When I met her last she was back to a basement and had been ill. The thing with the Nazis and mafias is that if you are not a part of their circle they want to disenfranchise you and debase you, especially if they do not have any dirt on you.
There was a fantastic Jamaican lady that I met at TCET I really pray that in my ignorance I did not cost her, her job. She is a fantastic human being helping everyone who came under her sphere. She was in charge of TCET office at County Court Boulevard before everything seemed to have morphed into the foolishness it is now Open Community Door. She was a beautiful human being. My beautiful condominium living came to an end. People I used the gym and the sauna, rub myself all over with olive oil and nearly cooked myself. I mean Nigerians used to follow me home.
By this time I was working at the Canada Revenue Agency (you will have to consult Blog entry for the month of October 2017 - Exploring the Ministry of an Apostle for this story). The process took from 2008 to 2010 for one to get the job. I had to have a Security Clearance I had to send to Jamaica to get police report. That is why the Nigerians ensure that my police record was sullied because in every area that they checked me out they found that I was ten times better than them. The hostile termination of my CRA contract conceded with the end of the apartment lease I tried to get another arrangement on site but to no avail.
Eventually after many challenges I ended up in a place that should not be rented in the first place -Acorn Place, Mississauga with the Iranians. This is where all the Nollywood stuff took place. Plus there was a gentleman in the church that was speaking to me via social media. All the Nigerian ladies and their Pastors decided it would not flourish. So every evil work took place at Acorn Place. I mean it got so bad that the daughter of the house moved out. She was tired of seeing my nude body. People as I am writing I am dying of laughter. It is really not funny but I keep saying to myself can one person be so naïve (fool fool). They sent squirrel down my screen door, imagine I am in Canada and I had to be hanging my clothes from a tree to dry and washing my laundry in the little bathroom. All this is on camera. Then I almost lost the little breasts that I have they placed germs in my one brasserie. I must have had about two panties now because they placed holes in the crotches of all the others. They then tried to further destroy my skin by placing the germs on my bath scrub. I nearly lost my teeth because chemicals were placed in my toothpaste. I had constipation problems because chemicals were placed in my tea cups, nearly destroyed my intestines. The list goes on and on!! Thanks for Godly preservation. The big one was the hidden cameras placed in my television and pictures taken of me. You have all seen them. If you do not like what you see you have to take it up with God. I am just grateful to be alive. Mississauga City Hall has the pictures of the apartment. It shall give me great pleasure to put my book together. A master piece of around six hundred pages. When I went to the doctor at Meadowvale Town centre Dr. Ipshad she prescribed expensive medications for the constipation. Thank God the Pharmacist who realized my challenges and gave me a bottle of the generic stuff.In all of this it seems i have a guardian angel who keeps turning up just in time. I wonder who that is? May the Lord continue to bless that man. When I went with the germs in my chest and on my skin a young male doctor looked after me and prescribed dandruff shampoo. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because when I went home and the stuff was getting worse, Holy Spirit said use so and so. It is now a part of my arsenal of home remedies.
I took my landlord to the Landlord and Tenant Board, I got a refund in one of my case and the other was thrown out by the same dragon lady of the first time saying I did not present any new information. By this time I had a lawyer on my CRA case, when I went to his chambers he was very enthusiastic. Finally, a case that could give him some money. He even showed me another gentleman who had experience dealing with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The next thing I knew I was not hearing from him, when I saw him last at Ontario Human Rights Commission offices on Bay Street; He was dressed like an English Barrister the toe of his shoes resembled that of Aladdin's out of the Arabian Nights and he was representing a Sikh no more poor black people.
It was only because I had taken my case to the Law Society of Upper Canada that I was able to get my next accommodation at Dover Crescent. I tell you God can sock it to theses Nazis and mafias, this house had a spiral staircase. I had my own bathroom, the room was massive. It was fantastic. I had to credit a bed because Able Body Movers had been given strict orders not to return my double bed. When I tried to get it for Acorn Place the Peel Region Police advised that I owed thousands of dollars for storage. The Region of Peel Police is something else. They were the ones that followed me everywhere. Unfortunately, the lawyer at the Law Society of Upper Canada was removed and a criminal put in charge instead. Everything went further down hill from there. I even tried legal Aid through Pastor Fletcher Brothers , Mills and Mills LLP to no avail. They should refund me my money. Now a days I only pray for American Pastors. I reported all the Canadian Lawyers to the law society, well people you know they were all exonerated. The lawyers sent me mail through SPAM. Now you see why Yahoo has been paid so much money to delete all my sent mails, to erase my historical records.
In one of the phoyographs that you people are shown you will notice my sticking close to the heater. The reason is to counteract the fumes coming through the lighting fixtures. If I did not do that I would suffocate. So the heater swivelled and caused the air to circulate thus assisting with my breathing. Well at Dover Crescent this person lived in the ceiling and the fumes were terrible. This time the heater was broken so it could not swivel. One gentleman came one day impersonating an insurance man, the next thing I knew my pristine carpet and washroom were blackened. Things got so bad that I was sorry for the lady of the house who was on her sick bed. Seems they were not supposed to be living such a lavish life style and getting benefits from the government. That was where I voted for the Conservative Party and had the crooked Liberal MP who lost following me around.
I decided to move to Toronto. After a month of looking the only place I could get was an apartment with some fellows. Emmanuel Jean a Haitian was in charge. It took them a month to set up their things. We signed agreements that he was told to ignore completely when things did not go as they had planned it. They were trying to get more pictures so they had transparent shower curtains, satellite dish by my bedroom window etc. In order for me not to cover the lights (from Acorn Place people , I trust no one everywhere I go I cover the lights. In fact recently, at Baycliffe Crescent I stopped turning on the light in the kitchen because they have a high beam lens camera spying in the kitchen from the apartments opposite us. In order to punish the landlord's sister and mock me they told her to cook without light. I was passing and saw the cruelty and just went and turn on the light. I now know the nature of the beast I am dealing with.
Let us return to Monsieur Jean because of the blatant illegal things he was doing I reported him to the police. The first police came he told me that he saw a roach when I need him to speak to the man, When I went to the Community legal services they just advised him of all I told them and told him how to counteract my arguments. When the police came the second time instead of ordering him to behave legally and ethically they arrested me (I will tell you why in my book). Now when I have any encounter with the police the first thing they go for is that record that should have been expunged. I say don't worry I have a chapter in my book dedicated to the matter. I am going to need a copy of the records. I myself need to know the foolishness that was written.
After this I went into the shelter from Street Haven to Women's Residence you will have to read the book for the details suffice it to say it was not pretty. After a failed attempt to turn me into a drug addict and finishing with the case I returned to Jamaica.
Volume II of the book will deal with my Jamaican experience. Suffice it to say on my second return to Canada I left Jamaica with a broken heart. It took me one and a half years for the Lord to restore my soul coming out of that experience. I have no intention of returning to Jamaica until a number of persons have died. I can't breathe the same air with these people.
Volume III - The Author and Finisher
The Nazis and the mafias are more violent than the first time now I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I take nothing for granted. This is now a battle to the finish and I have no intention of losing this war. I was poisoned at the |Calgary International Airport and the head of my index finger was slit. I have only myself to blame I was careless. These mistakes I cannot afford to make. They can be detrimental. I also need the camera film for the BMO bank ATM in Sault St. Marie July 18 1 a.m. to 4 a.m
In concluding, why did I stay in Canada and endure all that I went through? One word purpose, to whom much is given much is required. I have a number of relatives in Jamaica that I really wanted to assist. For me to give up I would have to see that the thing would not work. I could not be frivolous or thinned skin. You will notice when they came after me the second time I immediately left Canada. Plus I had more information. Unfortunately, they say that hindsight is one hundred per cent. The actions in the United States of |America were surprising to say the least. I keep learning. I have also discovered that Christians are very cheap and even more so the Pastors. In fact the Nazis and the mafias who are aware of this leverage this knowledge. After my final piece of identity was stolen I said it is time to come and deal with tis matter once and for all. Canada is no loss for me because I never intended to live there. If I did then there would be a pull on my heart, all I want to do is wake up out of this nightmare somewhere exotic and thank Canada for teaching me about the dark side of human personality I would die early and make a lot more mistakes without this knowledge.
Well people this is the trailer to the book. The book shall be very exciting. I am still laughing. Thank God for preservation.