Wednesday 8 January 2020


Here am I in the wee hours of the morning writing my blog, I had to leave the Multi-Faith Room even though there were certain rules governing its operations, the white man as per usual where I am concerned has no regard for rules. Then I found refuge in the first floor bathroom for a couple of hours. I was ejected again. Here am I standing in Arrivals before my second cafe trying to complete my blog with all the criminals of the world circling around like carrion crows. This crooked Chinese had the gall to speak to me I just looked straight through him and moved on. They are desperate for me because I am protesting in front of the Canadian High Commission on a daily basis and my Tweets are frank and truthful. The things that people know but are afraid to write because of reprisals. I know poverty is big business but the poor dying and hungry people of Africa cannot wait any longer. The French terrorists now have weaponized drones, all they have to do is push a button to liquidate more black people and blame it on some fictitious groups. They also need to intimidate the leaders of countries to do their bidding. When I protested before the Canadian Embassy in Jamaican those crooked Politicians sent their emissary to fight me over the turf and box me it ended up in a full blown fight.
On to more news the people in Amsterdam almost had my feet severed by the crooked South Americans, the French have stolen my bag, then the South Americans came after me in France again and destroyed my teeth and made the gashes wider because the Ballon D’Or was at risk  and now in London I was kicked down by a black man on December 30, 2019 in the Westfield Plaza. Suffice it to say I have not returned to the store and I steer clear of that Plaza and there is one prayer point I am going to carry to the grave is the withering of that fellows feet. Father, I pray Psalms 109 verses 6 - 15, 83 verses 13 - 17 and 69 verse 22 - 25. Father even as the prophet dry up the hands of the king, so dry up his foot and as it was with King Herod rot his inward parts so that he never put his feet on another black woman. Call it done in Jesus’ name. My natural father and mother have never put their hands on me. I have no intention of letting any black fellow who doesn’t know himself like OJ Simpson, Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson get away with that foolishness. After going around for one day I found a police station and went to report the crime to the police. All that yielded was that they have taken the filthy lucre and are pursuing me for other reasons. At the police station this low life black woman with her false hair and bang took the task to write her own report based on what I reported. I know that when you go to a Police Station the report must be in your own words. I asked to read what she had written , while I was waiting I took up my Bible when I returned to her assuming she had finished her correction; I was told that I cannot see the report. I told her to cancel it. She got up and left the desk. Overheard her talking about building her house, they all saw me praying and got cold feet. Then saw the black man leaving with his backpack.  This person at the station was extremely bumptous. That is why I avoid you black people you are all too needy. I cannot take anymore betrayal. Now I have all these foolish and idle white people again staring through computer screens at me with their fixed sets. Damn idiots put a child beside her, put a man beside you damn crooks are you dealing with a robot. I don't know about you but I choose how I react to any situation. In fact, just as I came into London daddy had to say Raphleta go back to the scriptures on anger. I reflected and I calm down when I remembered that a person who cannot control their anger is like a city without walls open to invasion by anyone. I also remembered that most things being done to me were done for that exact reason so I can lose my temper and confirm the slander of the Nazis and the Mafias. If you steal all my money and block all my resources where should I get money to eat you crooks. Here it is I went to the store this morning Jan 6 and my card has been blocked. I left my bag on the train the night before and of course that is a goner. Then again you are all trying to destroy my one pants again. Damn bankrupt and corrupt people! It is quite easy to ignore all these foolish people extremely easy, staring through computer screens on me like in Canada. I did not tell you people about the co-ordination in Canada one massive operation. The Africans, Muslims, Jamaicans especially the Jamaicans I really do not know what I have done these people because I am the one who had to run and leave everyone I know, in order to save my life. People who I thought had my back was laughing at me and continue to laugh at me. They continue to pursue me everywhere I go. If it is one group of people I want nothing to do with it is Jamaican politicians and businessmen. The Canadians had people writing all types of reports and signing all types of documents. You will have to ask them the result of all that. In the meantime the Chinese were harassing me and injecting me with all types of substances and preparing all types of evil shoes for me to wear. My ankles were swollen to three times the normal size. I went to a Chinese store once and the gentleman had to shake his head. I bought a pair of shoes from Salvation Army I had to return it. The serpentine Pakistanis were in charge of this operation. They are always waiting in the wings  like rattlers to strike.Going to the Police department seem to have started the ball rolling again. I have already prayed that the black lady's house will fall on her like the Tower of Babel. The Muslim girl who worked the desk and had more integrity than her gave her the desk to do the evil. Then people tell me about my community. My community is Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. I suppose the black man that kicked me down is also from my community that is why I avoid that community. I thought the people in Paris were bad at least I could get a library computer to use for more than one hour. Here I am all over the place and everything is being blocked. In Apple i have to be speaking to children constantly along with their parents about poor behaviour. One Muslim lady and i went head to head. She told it was not my house. I said exactly because it not our houses and public space we have to be mindful not to encroach on each others space. Let me just share one of the practices of these criminally minded people. I would stand at a computer the passage would be narrow and they would send someone to stand directly behind me. Sometimes even with a knapsack and then everybody would be using that passage and bouncing on me deliberately. I will not tell you some of the things their warped minds do. Remember in Toronto I almost fought in an Apple Store. I tell you, Canada is just such a demonic country. It is the same emissaries. People will do anything for their papers or a little money.
Remember the South Americans being successful with trying to destroy my feet came after me again. I trust you had a good Christmas mine was full of drama. Hence, the reason I am here to share my adventures with you. I tell you people I got careless and was poisoned with honey on Christmas eve. I should have been on my best behaviour after protesting against Canada because I know they want to pretend that they are not the criminals that they are. They want to portray a squeaky clean image. All day I was just looking for a nice church that I could just get away from the hustle and bustle of the season. I went to one church they informed me they would not let in anyone until the start of the event. I finally ended up at a hotel called Dorset Hotel beside Aldgate Subway Station. The lady called me a headache indirectly but I just wanted some peace and quiet. Unfortunately for me, I was relishing the calm and quiet so much  I was late to catch my train to take me to my sanctuary. I had no problem with that because I was actually planning to attend the Midnight Mass before I changed my mind. I do not line up for rock concert or church. I go to church whatever hour and I am seated. I relax and fellowship and pray. Church is not an event attending exercise for me it is a lifestyle. Fortunately for me most of the poison was out of my system because I practised some Jamaican home remedy. I used some digestive biscuits to neutralize the residue that was left. Of course the Nazis were seeing this as their big night also. The first thing they did was to do a replay of Paris tried to get me on the wrong bus to the incorrect location. Then they stopped the regular night bus, been there done that before. I had to walk from St. Pancras to Oxford Street. I was not aware that the South Americans controlled sections of this road. When I was approaching the McDonald’s near Oxford Circus one South American gentleman approached me, the fellow looked stone with his arms outstretched the first thing he did was step on my toe. I pushed him off and started rummaging in my bag for my implement. I do not have a knife anymore I lost it in Paris and because I had to go through customs when coming into Britain I  have not purchased one. I still did not find my implement and the fellow was coming towards I had to push him off me but by this time God sent two angels to my rescue. They just looked at him and that is when he backed off. I thanked my angels and went on my way. Realizing that the empty tent that I was telling a gentleman by the roadside that he should occupy was for me. The gentleman sleeping on the roadside was just waiting to assist. Then another fellow came down the road with a lady that was almost naked. All part of the play, the back up. One of my angel was on to him. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! People, fear, what is that? I was just mad that they do all these things when they know I do not have a knife. The fellow came after my big toe because they know they have violently slashed my toes.
Before I started walking while before the Pullman Hotel near St. Pancras I did some serious warfare with my feet. I said ‘Wale, this one is for you, King Jesus is a mighty God, He is a mighty God.’ Then I finished with Papa San ‘Step pon di enemy’. The people in the building behind me was watching until they scattered. I took my headscarf and waved.While on my way I had to make a deposit because of the poison in my stomach but I was just relaxed. When everything was over and I was walking, I realized that I was actually at Oxford Circus and the reason persons wanted me deposited there or at Marble Arch. In my minds eye I am thinking that section of London is safe but I am very mistaken. As I went up Oxford Street I started to deal with the South Americans, Chinese and Pakistanis who were following me. I said now I see why the crooked politicians have broken up your drug ring and locked down your club it is because they want you to kill me. All of you come. Yes people, just read in the newspaper, how a drug ring was broken up in London and there was the stabbing at a club and the politicians closed it down for 28 days. I walked straight up to Marble Arch cursing them as I went along. Of course they are still following me around. Then I realized that is not where I wanted to go so I turned back and continued cursing them. I said ‘Daddy can you imagine me Raphleta being subjected to this kind of behaviour from drug dealers, cleaners and  security guards. Then as for you Pakistanis, you dump people how dare you. You evil wicked and greedy Chinese. I made another small deposit at Marble Arch, I said all of you come and attack me while I am depositing. Before I entered the park I saw one leaving. When I left the Park I saw another one sneaking out. This is after 3 a.m. 
Then while I was on Regent Street one Caucasian fellow decided to speak to me so I ignored him and went to make another deposit he hurried away when he saw I was going to deposit with him watching me or not.  After I finished I stuck the cigarette but in the vicinity in the deposit. The matter was too soft so it did not stay up. When I reached Piccadilly Circus I stopped at the bus stop and I continued to curse them. Then I went through St. James Square Sofitel Hotel did not allow me to us their washroom so I added them to the list. I walked on up to Buckingham Palace. The whole criminal lot of them followed me I found a little corner and started praying about matters related to Africa.Then they left and I moved over to the major monument of the property by this time my Spirit was settled. The one with the lions you would think the natural habitat of the lion is Britain. Everywhere you go there are lions. I am tired to tell you Africans it is the mentality, as a man thinketh… You all need to get rid of stinking thinking. Aahh, as I was praying calmly I heard Ballon d’Or.  I almost said Daddy you must be crazy. I said the South Americans have carved up my person so that the whiteman could steal the award from the blackman and give it to them. Then I thought to myself when you think of the greatest football nation what comes to mind? I said Brazil! When you think of the greatest football player? Who comes to mind? Pele, Roberto Nascimiento… I said my God everything has been planned and orchestrated these things are sticking in people’s throat that is why they are deliberately trying to destroy African football. The Cameroon football team plane that was shot out of the sky was no accident. I said you South Americans have, lost one player we have lost a plane load. The racism in Europe is planned and orchestrated. I said Daddy not in this dispensation, this is not about black and white this is about a people. If we are not careful like the children of Israel under Moses we will miss the time of our visitation. This is not about individual wealth, this is about commonwealth. I said Father not under my watch and I counted the seven slashes on both feet four on my right foot and three on my left foot and my teeth Daddy. They just went into my mouth and vindictively and maliciously destroyed my teeth. Father, they have spilt my blood and I have a blood covenant with you I declare that that 2019 Ballon d’Or shall be an accursed thing to Lionel Messi. I declare that everytime he sees it he will have no peace. I declare as it was with Diego Maradona who spoke about the hand of ‘God’ his belly shall fall out he shall become worthless and nothing he touches shall prosper. Father, time for people to stop walking all over us Africans in the name of Jesus. Father those who have planned this mess as the man of `God Moses said make the Earth open and take them in for their criminality.
A word to you Africans who are coming to Europe and playing in Europe you are to come here with a plan. You need to know the reason and purpose why you are here. Be careful of who you share your confidences with, your wife is your best friend. Those of you who do not have a wife remember Jesus did no one anything but they crucified him. Your mother hopefully will do nothing to harm you find yourself a Pastor who will not be threatened by your success. After that prayer session I ended up at church. The church opened at 7:30 a.m. The Nazis and Mafias letting the people give me their offering bag to collect offering. People I have no time for these small minded criminals. Their thinking are too low. I did another deposit in the bathroom at the church.
Calamity upon calamity people the public transportation system shut down completely on Christmas day this is the first time I am seeing this in my life. I am stuck in Westminster and Victoria. I stayed at church until 4:00 p.m. and then I left and had some food I was walking around with. I had a good sleep through the services in the church. The people had to move me out of the front row. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I have always said the Holy Spirit flow from the front to the back. I left Pret-A-Manger at 10:00 p.m when it closed and then went for a walk again. This time I went to Parliament `Square by the time I returned to the Victoria Station it was minutes to twelve. I did my devotion until 2:30 a.m. and run the Nazis and Mafias with their nefarious plan. The first person that left was the ‘spitter’. They always have someone around who is spitting continuously to turn my stomach. The ‘watcher’ turned around after a couple of hours. His job is to report everything that I am doing. The things the camera cannot pick up. Then 2:38 a.m. I left for Buckingham Palace to pray again. It was a bit chilly so I walked to Charing Cross Station only to find out that it will not be operational until December 27th. In my prayer session I got down on my knees and was saying to God homosexual giving communion in your church, homosexual taking commuinon in your church. I said Daddy this is why these criminals are so bright they must be the ones feeding the drug habits of some of these pastors and supplying their homosexual partners. I lie not ask Victoria Station for the audio. I said Daddy this is not The blueprint. Anyway let me look to the back of the book we win. On my return from Charing Cross Station I found the road to Buckingham Palace closed. I was joyful I started engaging in my favourite stress relieving activity cursing the Nazis and the Mafias for their criminality. Then I started to say wake dem Raphleta! wake dem up! ( Who remember the programme on Irie FM? Wake dem up Dion Wake dem up!) One mind just said Raphleta look behind you! When I did, I screamed one little South American almost on me. When I screamed he ran across the road. I forgot about my little implement I said yuh shoulda touch mi!! He immediately said ‘I did not touch you!’ To cut to the chase I continued walking and he continued following me. Of course a Chinese appeared out of nowhere the Caucasian had jogged on earlier. Then he started using some derogatory Jamaican language. I told him to go to the Jamiacan Politicians who taught him that. Birds of a feather!  I continued walking in the direction of Victoria Station through the Buckingham Palace grounds I had to jump over the iron bars because I took the wrong direction. I was just testing how flexible I am. If I could still go over a hurdle. I keep remembering Joyce Taylor, my Physical education teacher at Merl Grove High School, when I was twelve years old pleasantly plump and went to Physical Education and Mrs. Taylor said Go over the hurdles. I looked at the hurdles looked at her and thought this lady had lost her mind if she did not see my size. To cut a long story short Mrs. Joyce Taylor always win, I went over the hurdles. I am still going over hurdles, people. Then I walked to the station. I was assuming that the Palace grounds are safe that is why I let down my guard. I am very careful because it is a number of times I am walking and I hear footsteps behind me and by the time I turn around I see nothing. The station opened at 5 a.m. Just to advise that if anyone kills me all of you will have to give an explanation to God. All of you who have taken money from these homosexuals and criminals. Today I went to Mass the Priest dealt with the death of Stephen. I am saying come. I shall say ‘Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered in Jesus’ name’.The whole criminal lot of you know exactly what you are doing.
On a happier note people I slept through the beginning of the New Year these last couple of years I have been avoiding the church I do not want any more bad messages to begin my new year. However. I spent the New Year’s Day in the chapel just completing my blog it was real nice in the cold place. It is below ground so it is a bit chilly. 
On January 4th an Iranian General was killed. I always seem to like these mavericks. I loved Gadaffi they are all male men. Anyway on a more serious note the American Evangelicals need to repent. Let us look at what is taking place on the world scene it is all planned and orchestrated by Europe. Not only is the American President compromised but most of you who are his supporters and advisors you have all bowed to mammon. The homosexuals love it they control both sides of the house. Nuh better herring nuh better barrel. To complicate matters here comes Raphletaa with her naive self thanking God for an America of the pass and commending American brands. As such, all hell has broken loose all done to build up bad blood against America. Iran and Iraq let the American troops stay. If you send home some do not send home all.  If you do there will be no buffer against the reign of terror that the Europeans will unleash on you in a similar manner to that in Africa. They will indeed go after your heritage sites one after the other.
American Evangelicals you need to get down in sackcloth and ashes and pray God gives you a President that has some credibility and integrity before it is too late or it will continue to be more of the same. Pastors Billy Graham and Kenneth hagin must be turning over in their graves. Most of their students are now totally controlled by paper.
Iran and Iraq look at it this way the Americans and Europe have lost because the arms race is now on in full and if they try to block you in selling your oil there will be dire consequences. Of course the Arabs are playing both sides for all they are worth and smiling all the way to the bank. My prayer in all of this is, God who knows all and sees all will answer the prayer of a woman of God and there will be no more innocent lives lost. The part about the general being a tyrant needs no defense because all one has to do is to look at history and see who has been most destructive, sadistic, animalistic and tyrannical, the Europeans win this award hands down.
All this is really about the defamation of America and to cause unease and division in the world so that the real tyrants can wreak havoc in the confusion. Let us as far as it is possible not allow ourselves to be used in people’s nefarious schemes. Once you do not support the abominale agenda of homosexualityand lesbianism you are an automatic target. 
The problem now is to get the Blog typed and publish and move on to my next city which is Rome. All my efforts are being blocked. I will tell you about my escape from London next month. I thought Paris was bad now I see why the South Africans are so intimidated.
I have been trying just to cram the rest of the chapters into one Blog because I really do not like doing the Blogs in series. I just want one topic and then finish and move on but I realize justice is not done most times when it is done this way. I need to go back and expound on a number of topics which I have already covered.
I will have to go through most of my Blogs in addition to rewriting the introductions which have been deleted I will need  to elaborate on some areas as new knowledge has come to me and I have experienced more of the Holy Spirit.

They remain the same
Vanquish - To defeat thoroughly
Strategy   - A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.  
The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
Spiritual Warfare  - This is the best definition I could find: Spiritual warfare is the leveraging of  everything that God promises against everything that opposes the purposes of God. Love it!!

In this the second revision we see Joshua having gotten the basics right he is just conquer kingdom after kingdom. We mentioned Jim Collins Flywheel Concept and learnt three new lessons and two new strategies.

Here it is Gibeon a great nation had taken the opportunity to make a bond with Israel. Then the King of Jerusalem formed a coalition with the other kings of the Amorites. The pact consisted of Adonizedec king of Jerusalem, Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir king of Eglon. The kings came against Gibeon who sent to Joshua for help. Joshua went to their rescue. The Lord told Joshua he was not to be afraid because He had delivered them up to him Joshua 10 verses 1 - 5
  1. Lesson number Eight: your future is guaranteed once you are on the side of God Joshua 10 verses 6 - 9. By aligning themselves with the people of Israel Gibeon automatically tapped into the covenant He had with Israel.
  2. Lesson Number Nine: Repeat of Lesson Number Five God will fight your battle for you when you are in good standing. God discomfited and defeated the Amorites. God threw enormous hales from the sky on them. The night was coming while they were fighting Joshua told the sun to stand still over Gabon and the moon to stand still over the valley of Ajilon Joshua 10 verses 10 14. Jesus, if you had faith as a mustard seed St. Matthew 17 verse 20. Jesus curses the fig tree St. Mark 11 verses 12 - 25
  3. Lesson Number Ten: As a Believer your feet is in the neck of your enemy and you are more than a Conqueror Joshua 10 verses 24 - 27
Right standing with God causes you to be able to exercise your dominion  mandate Genesis 1 verse 28.
Before we proceed I  would like to mention one of the leadership principles to be found in the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. It is ‘The Flywheel Concept’. It is a physical principle the fact that once you have overcome the initial energy needed to move a wheel then the force that is needed to continue the motion lessens as you continue until increase in motion is inverse to the effort expended.

‘The Flywheel effect is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. No matter how dramatic the end result, good-to-great transformations never happen in one fell swoop. In building a great company or social sector enterprise, there is no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond.’

This is the same here with Joshua after this battle because he has gotten everything in order he just moves through conquering the nations like flies. He is as we would say in colloquial parlance on a roll.

  1. The kingdoms of the south that fell: 
Joshua 10 verses 29 - 30 King of Libnah 
Joshua 10 verses  31 - 32 King of Lachish 
Joshua 10 verse 33 King of Gezer
Joshua 10 verses 36 - 37 King of Hebron  
Joshua 10 verses 40 - 43 Summation of the Southern Victories Kadesh Barnea to Gaza and Goshen to Gibeon.
Just to advise there is a reason for destroying even the children of your enemy. They cannot return to take revenge later. Read the story of King of Solomon I Kings 11 verses 14 - 43.
I cannot put it any simpler. Position yourself so that God will fight for you. 

We continue with this the third and hopefully the final part in our series on the Book of Joshua. I hope you are enjoying it, I am immensely. I was rereading some of what I wrote and congratulating myself. I said ‘Raphleta, girl you could be a Pastor.’ I stopped the thought right there. I do not want to have to take the rolling pin to anyone. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! Let us go on and perish that thought.
Joshua 11 verses 1 - 9 - Jabin king of Hazor sought to gang up on Joshua with Joab, King of Midian, Shimmon, King of Achshaph. Kings of the north in the mountains and in the plain and south of Genazareth in the valleys, and in Naphoth Dor in the west. He also delivered the Canaanites in the East and the West, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, Jebusites  in the mountain, and the Hivites at the foot of Mount Hermon in the city of Mizpah.
They left with all their troops which was as innumerable as the sands of the sea shores and horses and chariots in very great quantities. All the kings met and assembled their camps at the waters of Merom to fight against Israel.
God told Joshua not to be afraid because the next day in the same moment, they shall all be delivered into his hands wounded and dead and he was also to destroy the chariots and horses. God fought for Israel. He battered and pursued until Greater Sidon and Misrepoth -Maim and until the Valley of Mizpah in the east. Israel battered them until there were no survivors. Joshua carried out orders as told to him by God he hamstrung the horses and burned the chariots.
Joshua 11 verses 10 -23 - In the same period Joshua also captured Hazor and put him to the sword. He destroyed all his commanders and did not leave anything that breathe. He destroyed all the villages and all the kings, all those Moses had ordered to be destroyed. He did not destroy any of the cities on their mounds except Hazor which he completely destroyed. He took the plunder but destroyed all the people. Joshua was completely obedient to the laws of God and Moses. 
Joshua completely destroyed all the countries in the mountains, the Negev, all the regions of Goshen, the Valleys and then plains. He captured all their kings and struck them down. Only one city made peace with Israel the Hivites of Gibeon. God made the people obstinate so that Israel would destroy them. Joshua also destroyed the people from which the giants come the Anakites in all of Judah and Israel except for the territories of Gaza, Gath and Ashdod. Joshua did everything as spoken by the Lord and also his servant Moses.  The Children of Israel were given their inheritance according to tribe and the land had rest from war.
Joshua 12 verses 1 - 8 - The territories conquered in the east were from Arnon Gorge to Mount Hermon including the Eastern side of Arabah: Sihon King of the Amorites reigned in Heshbon territory included Aroer on the rim of the Arnon Gorge to the Jabbok River. The border of the Ammonites. This included half of Gilead. He also ruled over the eastern Arabah from the sea of Kinnereth to the sea of Arabah  (the Salt Sea) to Beth Jeshimoth, and then southward below the slopes of Pisgah.
Og King of Bashan - One of the last of the Rephaites who reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei ruled over Mount Hermon, Salecah, all of Bashan to the border of Geshur and Macaah at the other half of Gilead. They were conquered by Moses who game their land to the tribes Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Maasseh. On the west side they conquered from Baal Gad in the valley of Lebanon to Mount Halak towards Seir. The lands were given to the children of Israel according to their tribal divisions, the hill country the western foothills the Arabah, the Mountain slopes, the desert and the Negev representing the lands of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites
9 The king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai, which is beside Bethel, one;
10 The king of Jerusalem, one; the king of Hebron, one;
11 The king of Jarmuth, one; the king of Lachish, one;
12 The king of Eglon, one; the king of Gezer, one;
13 The king of Debir, one; the king of Geder, one;
14 The king of Hormah, one; the king of Arad, one;
15 The king of Libnah, one; the king of Adullam, one;
16 The king of Makkedah, one; the king of Bethel, one;
17 The king of Tappuah, one; the king of Hepher, one;
18 The king of Aphek, one; the king of Lasharon, one;
19 The king of Madon, one; the king of Hazor, one;
20 The king of Shimronmeron, one; the king of Achshaph, one;
21 The king of Taanach, one; the king of Megiddo, one;
22 The king of Kedesh, one; the king of Jokneam of Carmel, one;
23 The king of Dor in the coast of Dor, one; the king of the nations of Gilgal, one;
24 The king of Tirzah, one: all the kings thirty and one.
Joshua 13 verses 2 - 7 - This included all the regions of the Philistines and Gesherites from the Shihor River on the east of egypt to the territory of Ekron in the north, Canaanite Land (the territory of the five Philistine rulers in Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron - that of the Avvites); Southwards - Land of the Canaanites from Arah of the Sidonians to Aphek, the region of the Amorites, the area of the Gebalites and all Lebanon to the east. From Baal Gad below Mount Hermon to Lebo Hamath.
Joshua promised that he would drive out the Sidonians in the mountain Regus of Misrepbothmaim to Manasseh; and it was to be divided between the nine tribes and half tribe Manasseh.
Division of the land East of the Jordan - Joshua 13 verses 8 - 14 
Ephraim, the Reubenites the Gadites had received their inheritance from Moses east of the Jordan as he assigned it to them. Be reminded that there was a controversy because the other tribes thought these tribes did not want to fight. Joshua 13 verse 9 - 11 indicate their territory. However, in verse 13 these tribes were disobedient they did not drive out the people of Geshur and Maacah. This is significant! It causes assimilation which break down moral values if their value system are not similar to yours which is the reason they were dispossessed in the first place because of their evil and demonic practices. Joshua 13 verse 14 is very significant to note that the Levites were given no land. They got their offerings from the table of the Lord.
You will have to read the distribution of the land for yourself. Please note this is very significant as the Bible was what the Jews took to a more sober United Nations in 1948 to reclaim their real estate. No hairy fairy story just the Bible! The sure Word of God! I keep telling you Africans there is no real estate but real estate. You South Africans can continue to gaze, the Jews left their land and return and reclaimed it. You have not been anywhere but you have been dispossessed. You Africans are a bag of jokers. The white man has killed more than six million of us already. In Democratic Republic of Congo alone approximately fifteen million were killed by one white sadist. This does not include the over sixty million in the Slave Trade. Six million Jews were killed in the most horrific conditions and they have said 'Never Again' and has grown to be one of the smallest but most powerful nations on this planet. Let us talk, have you ever looked at the land at the top of  Africa. The Israelites are surrounded, no room to maneouvre. South Africa what is your excuse, do you notice you are the only country in Africa with a same sex law, man can marry man and woman can marry woman. The rest of us Africans do not want the subversives in South Africa affecting the continent anymore as a country you have certain serious issues to deal with and no one can deal with them for you. I know! Yes ! like Zimbabwe you re waiting for international community to wave a wand and the problem is solved. Just to advise those who have stolen the land belong to the international community and have no intention of waving their budget supplement away. We Africans need to grow up! We Africans need to grow up! God is just waiting for you people to move then he moves. As Dr. Mensa Otabil is wont to say 'God is not going to deliver you from what you are willing to tolerate', majority of your people living in poverty while foreigners live in excess. To conclude this section, I know I am going to anger a lot of you but if you want to know the borders of Israel get an old map and look to the 'The Book'. Do not get angry with me and fix your faces I did not write 'The Book'. One set of people were dispossessed and another set of people got their land. From where I am sitting it would be better for the Palestinians to grab onto the coattails of the Israelites they are going nowhere.
In Joshua 13 verses 14 and 33  God's ideal plan if you are a pastor or Priest, your job is to the perfecting of the saints for the workings of the ministry Ephesians 4 verses 11 - 12 If you are doing your job well God will provide all the multiple streams of income that you need. Hence, there will be no need for many jobs. The development of this theme is for another blog.
Well people I have been waiting to get to this story from i started researching the Book of Joshua. I really do not know who said you should start deteriorating at age fifty but let me just advise of two examples in the Bible in the Old Testament not even the New testament which is a better covenant. The two are Moses and Caleb. Caleb at eighty five years old said give me the mountains, I am just as young now as when I was forty years old. Be it unto you according to your faith! Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye would say 'God is not a talkative but four times in the bible He said 'The just shall live by their faith' Habakkuk 2 verse 4Romans 1 verse 17, Galatians 3 verse 11 and Hebrews 10 verse 38. Caleb at eighty five years old went and drove the giants out and took the land. South Africa the chapter also spoke to the fact that he would have been overlooked if he had not asserted his right to his inheritance Joshua 14 verse 6. The Law of Gravity has already been discovered no more apples falling on anyone's head, continue to wait on the good motives of the white man.
Joshua 15 verses 13 - 19 then gave us a little history about the men of Caleb and his daughter who learnt to ask for what she wanted. I tell you it is a serious principle of the Bible ask for what you want. Like today I went to McDonald's on Victoria Street  across from the Cardinal Place and asked for two sauces and I saw some men looking at me, I said it is a principle of the Bible, it is called the ASK Principle ask, seek and knock and walk out and left them St. Matthew 7 verses 7 - 12.
Lesson number Eleven - You have to fight for your inheritance even when people know it belongs to you.
Joshua 15 verses 63 is of note that Jerusalem has been the problem city from the time of Joshua to today. We should remember in the days of King David that he did displace the Jebusites even though they told him even if all the inhabitants were blind and lame he could not have done it II Samuel 5 verse 6 - 8. The Jebusites of today are called Palestinians. Fix unuh face! Lord help my Holy Ghost I am enjoying myself too much! In Joshua 16 verse 10 It said they did not dislodge the people in Gezer to this day the Canaanites live among the people. Is this the Gaza strip? Lord help my Holy Ghost!
Lesson Number Twelve - Expect problems when you do not vanquish your enemies totally, they are going to be thorns in your side.
The Five Ladies Who Re-Wrote the Mosaic Laws of Israel - Joshua 17 verses 3 - 6 and Numbers 36
These ladies were the daughters of Zelophehad - Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah  direct descendants of Manasseh Joseph's son. They had wisdom on their side. They went to the Elders of Israel because under the old laws if they married their inheritance would go to the tribe of their husband. To compound their problem their father had no sons.  You can see their dilemma their inheritance would automatically pass on to their husband, thus wiping out their father's name. I tell you those ladies saved Israel a lot of trouble because those tribal boundaries would always be moving. The full story is really in Numbers 36. The ladies after much prayer went to Moses and highlighted their concerns who said I understand your concerns but I have to go back to the one who made the rules in the first place Lesson Number One - Always consult the Lord. God told Moses the ladies were quite right their father's inheritance should not be lost and He gave Moses the new rule. Then Moses returned with the verdict all people shall marry within their tribes to prevent shifting land boundaries.
Now if the Almighty God Himself will listen to good reasoning can someone tell me why the white man wants to take over the role of God in my life. Tell him to come damn crooks!!
Lesson Number Thirteen - God will always listen to good reasoning when you are in right standing with Him.
I tell you people those two half tribes of Joseph gave problems, in Joshua 17 verses 14 -18 the half tribe of Ephraim decided that they needed more land. Joshua said not a problem you are a powerful people there is more land available in the hill country go remove the inhabitants and occupy, problem solved. In fact there is one time when God used covet in the Bible, you can covet good things I Corinthians 12 verse 31.
Lesson Number Fourteen - There is nothing wrong with asking for more just be willing to fight for your increase.
Joshua 18 verse 3 - Then there are those people who you will have to push. Seven tribes who did nothing to date, the land had been cleared but Joshua had to remind them that they had to go claim their inheritance. At this stage they did not have to fight all they had to do was just go measure the land and let Joshua sign off on the allocation as was given to Moses by God. The delinquent tribes were Benjamin, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar Asher, Naphtali and Dan. This just points to the fact that we can all continue to deny that this and that are not a part of the salvation package and that is not for today etc. As far as God is concerned, ‘be it unto you according to your faith’. Healing is not for today, tongues is not for today, baptism of the Holy Spirit is not for today, God wants us all poor and the list goes on everybody choosing what is convenient for them. God is God He forces Himself on no one.
Lesson Number Fifteen - God will not move until you move.
Joshua 19 verses 49 - 50 - Then God gave Joshua his own allotment, he chose it among the tribe of Ephraim.
Joshua 21 verse 1 - 3 - I ask myself if Joshua is very deliberately delinquent, you can read the passage for yourself but once again the Levites had to ask for their inheritance.  This is indicative of the fact that the treatment of the Joshua generation was different from that of their ancestors. This begs for the blog post - The Characteristics of the Joshua Generation. The allotment of the cities the Levites received was as follows:
13 - Judah, Simeon, Benjamin
10 - Ephraim, Dan, Manasseh
13 - Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh
12 - Reuben, Gad, Zebulun
Joshua 21 verse 41  A total of Forty eight towns in all.
Joshua 21 verses 43 - 45 - The Israelites had rest on every side and all the promises of God had been fulfilled.
Now that all the other tribes were secure and comfortable in their inheritance it is now time for the Reubenites, Gadites and Manasseh to return to their inheritance on the eastern side of the Jordan. As per the style of God Joshua sent them with a blessing Joshua 22 verse 8. Reminds me people that I need to leave poor Europe nothing to go home with my enemies are poorer than I. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!
Unfortunately, these fellows took the decision to build an altar at Geliloth on their way home which was unfortunate, they should have consulted especially since they were not Levites and to prevent any mixed messages. It was only a symbol because they were separated by the Jordan river Verse 34. However, by now the people had learned their lessons and were very circumspect  with the things of God. Thou shalt have no other God before Me, one nation one God, one Altar. They actually gathered at Shiloh to destroy the other tribes.
In Joshua 23 he reminded the children of Israel of the basic and fundamental rules of living in the land no inter-marriage, keep the commandments, clear the land of the enemies and do not invoke the names of other gods. He advised that in the same way God kept His good promises He will also destroy them if they are not obedient.
Joshua 24 in continuing with his farewell speech Joshua as per usual recounted the history of the Jews. What is a people without history? You have to know where you are coming from so you can know where you are going. He also reminded them of the milestones. He then put them on the spot and said they were to choose who they would serve and advised that as for he and his household they would serve the Lord Joshua 24 verse 15. Let us listen to Ron Kenoly - As for Me and My House
In contrasting the leadership styles of Moses and Joshua you will notice they are basically the same except in the area of succession planning. Moses was more intense because he was the Deliverer he had to deal with a different mentality the people had the subservient slave mentality weaky, weaky always looking backward instead of the possibility of what is to come, easily intimidated and afraid of their shadow. Only Joshua and Caleb were from that lot. Joshua was dealing with a new generation who wanted to experience most of the miracles that they had heard about. They were more open to experimenting instead of opposing. You will notice that people were not afraid to ask for what they wanted. I really do not think Joshua harnessed the full potential of the people he had possibly because he had to fight so much and he was not as educated as Moses. Remember Moses had gone to the best universities and business schools at the time located in Egypt. Let us mash down every European lie. We were there first. I hear some people talking about destroying National Heritage with bombs. Touch one and you see something!! Yes people! Education makes a difference even with God contrast Apostle Paul to Apostle Peter ‘The Characteristics of Jesus’ Apostles’. There is a Jamaican saying that says 'God nah gi yuh more than yuh can bear (God will not give you more than you are able to endure).
Moses in Numbers 27 verse 15 - 20 asked God to appoint someone to succeed him. Joshua did no such thing when God told him he was getting on in years Joshua 13 verse 1. In the book of Judges 2 verse 10 we have a whole generation growing up without knowing God or the things of God and started worshiping idols. Unfortunately, Joshua laid his hands on no one and as such after he died and all the elders died we had the book of Judges eventually Israel went into such apostasy that everyone did what was right in their own eyes Judges 17 verse 6.
Lesson Number Sixteen -  Live like you are going to pass away today and plan like you are never going to die. One cannot emphasize the need for proper succession planning in every area of life whether it be individually, corporation or country. This is a leadership skill that most organizations and countries have not mastered.
Another fantastic series, another fantastic time in the Lord. I tell you I just keep laughing. Once again, it was my pleasure to just explore the principles of God with you. I hope you enjoy my thoughts as much as I did writing them. The main thoughts coming out this week are the ASK Principle, the need to be proactive with God and Succession planning and the most important you must be able to defend your beliefs in any arena. 
We are also seeing the importance of training the next generation. Your children must be trained in the Lord  These day s i see the children (even the Christian ones) trained in the names of the designers and secular musicians. Ask them the names of the twelve Apostles  they have not a clue. Let us not go to memory verse Children's Church has become Children's playtime (Fix unuh face). I have decided not to have a child until God needs a prophet. Be it unto you according to your faith Biblical examples one in the Old I Samuel 1 verses 24 - 28 and one in the New St. Luke 1 verses 11 - 16 Hannah and Elizabeth. I know I am good you do not need to tell me. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!
Well this is me Raphleta,  Lillene's baby girl coming to you from London, England.
À bientôt


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