Scrambled as per usual people here is the original link The Kings that Joshua Vanquished
Mon peuple, mon peuple I started writing my introduction on November 5 instant while I was going through the countryside of Germany and looking at the green fields and pasturelands, the information was coming so fast that I had to grab a piece of paper. This is November people you have one more moth in this span of time to achieve your objectives. Up here in #Europe everyone seem to be having a Sinterklaas Parade. I tell you people, everytime I read the Dutch or German I have to laugh.They read so much like ‘patois’ Miss Lou would say they are a corruption of the Norman language. For example in German fahrt endet hier - the Nazis showed me this one read just as it sounds. Then they dropped me off in a town called Ábufahrt’.I am learning no more European language I am learning two African dialect Swahili and Yoruba. I will stick to the one I prefer. I tell you I have been on the go since I left Geneva. To say Germany was an eye opener is an understatement. Live and living Nazi history on two legs. Unfortunately, A jewish person was beaten the day I arrived in town. I also detect in my Spirit that Germany is not very repentant about the war. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive.’He cannot help us if we do not confess. We will continue to do the same thing again because we would have justified our actions why we failed in the first place. More anon!
SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR MY ACTIONS Launch Out into the Deep by Alvin Slaughter
When I am doing anything one of the first thing I do is to find a scriptural basis for whatever I am doing. I cannot find a scripture to back up my actions I do not move until I have had a revelation on how to proceed. As I have already told you that in this dispensation I am redeeming the time. I have no time for idlers or people who would want to waste my time like these Nazis and Mafias a whole bag of waste of time criminally challenged people who have too much money for their own good. Here is the scripture in English and French for what I am doing
Isaiah 55:1-5 King James Version (KJV)
55 Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.
5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.
King James Version (KJV)
I have a French Bible so I have to be reading the scriptures in French. Here is that version:
Ésaïe 55:1-5 Segond 21 (SG21)
Le salut pour tous
55 Vous tous qui avez soif, venez vers l’eau,
même celui qui n'a pas d'argent!
Venez, achetez et mangez,
venez, achetez du vin et du lait sans argent, sans rien payer!
2 Pourquoi dépensez-vous de l'argent pour ce qui ne nourrit pas?
Pourquoi travaillez-vous pour ce qui ne rassasie pas?
Ecoutez-moi vraiment et vous mangerez ce qui est bon,
vous savourerez des plats succulents.
3 Tendez l'oreille et venez à moi,
écoutez donc et vous vivrez!
Je conclurai avec vous une alliance éternelle
4 Je l'ai établi comme un témoin pour les peuples,
comme un guide et un chef pour eux.
5 Tu appelleras des nations que tu ne connais pas,
et des nations qui ne te connaissent pas accourront vers toi
à cause de l'Eternel, ton Dieu,
du Saint d'Israël, parce qu’il te donne sa splendeur.
- Ésaïe 55:3 Pour… David: ou constituée des grâces sûres promises à David; cité en Actes 13.34 en rapport avec la résurrection de Jésus.
Segond 21 (SG21)
Version Segond 21 Copyright © 2007 Société Biblique de Genève by Société Biblique de Genève
It has been a long time since the Nazis and Mafias wanted to shut down their financial system on me I am showing them shutting down their financial system on me cannot stop me. I was tired of having to demonstrate on a monthly basis for Three Hundred and Forty Three Dollars. That was dehumanizing I would rather have nothing and let God rather than go through that scenario again.
As I have been meditating on this situation and asking myself what is the vested interest of the People’s National Party (PNP) and the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in this issue. Why are these people hounding me? Everywhere I go people are showing me orange and green colours. These people has gone so far as to destroy my brother’s house and I was not even staying there. They are staying in Jamaica and stealing my mail in Canada. What have I done these evil people. Then I realized the crooks who are pushing the onslaught against me are no other than the crooks and criminals in Jamaica that call themselves politicians and businessmen. They have more to gain than I based on what they have received already. Let me advise those of you sports teams and others who are getting the money let me know if you are progressing or retro-gresssing because my prayer point against you all is that may you all be like Judas get the money and cannot spend it and go cut out your tummies. You envious and malicious people I could never have anything to do with you or listen to anything you have to say after what you have done to my daughter. They refused to let me in the FIFA Museum in Geneva and low and behold I saw where money was donated to women’s football in Jamaica. Is this how you plan to run the country you low life people? I cannot say I am surprised many people have had to leave the country, after their houses were firebombed or they received death threats. As for you Pastors, I came to you for help and all you did was to read my Journal like everybody else and then took their donations. Now all of you have been silenced and those of you who were strident about certain social issues affecting the society have now changed your tune or are very quiet. It is up here in Europe the first thing any oppressive movement does is to silence the church. The Nazi movement in Germany bloomed under the watchful eyes of the then church. Right in the square where the movement was launched there are two large churches. They met and planned around the corner from the church. This is what happens when the church becomes irrelevant. That is why your friends have sought to steal my USB they realized deleting the information was not enough they had to complete the job by stealing the USB and deleting my email trail. How can I forget when I was protesting by the Canadian Embassy in Jamaica up by Trafalgar and Old Hope Roads and the criminals in Gordon House sent their thug to box me in my face. I had to turn on him like a tigress and would not let go until another of the thugs came to pull us apart. I know bloody men of Jamaica if I do not kill someone you are not going to leave me alone I have already resolved that in my Spirit. I am now just waiting for the opportunity. All these criminals you have following me around one will eventually get impatient. I am in no hurry to do anything. “Patient man ride donkey.”I am waiting on the donkey you will be sending. Tell your doctors, the Canadians they should or even the Europeans stop sticking me like a pig and give me the lethal injection since you all want to kill me. I am very lucid you damn criminals walking around in suits I don't know who you are fooling with your so called respectability and designer made suits. No one is fooled!! The South Americans slit my feet in broad daylight in Amsterdam just to prevent me from being able to walk. The Chinese before them almost cut off my toe and placed my sandal strap in the cut to hasten the rot of my toe. Thank God the last time I was poisoned was in Geneva. Now I have no food to be poisoned because like the Nazis old you have decided that you are going to be starving me into submission. Please remember that I learnt about involuntary hunger in Canada. The corrupt Pakistanis seems to be in charge of the starvation programme. Everytime i g into the food places i see them and they are all behaving as cute like they are innocent. My prayer point is not innocent it is going to the heart of the matter. I learnt well!! My passport seems to be a major problem so persons have destroyed most of the garments I have on in order to get to it and they have gone one step further and is trying to give me advice on what to wear to make it easier for them. The Bible says who can stand against envy.
I am amazed at what we call Pastors these days. No wonder so many people are leaving the Pulpit. As a Pastor someone comes to you with somebody’s private journal without the person being there. The first question I would have asked is how did you get this document? Do you have permission to read it? Just basic and fundamental questions. To add insult to injury all of you read my very private information from my stolen journals and instead of seeking clarifications from the author you chose to side with the criminals and came to all sorts of erroneous conclusions. God is my Father I ask him anything. If I had asked most of you the questions I had in my journals you would have ran me out of the church. That is why God in his wisdom had me to write a journal for ten years so we could talk.May I suggest you Pastors ask your big, powerful, rich and criminal friends to return my property now that you have all gone through the material thoroughly. I notice the Nazis and Mafias are now trying to destroy some of your churches. Do not wear Nike T-Shirts and their paraphernalia if your church is built on the solid rock it will stand if not then, good riddance.
People having come into Europe I have decided to stop listening to all Pastors for a season I mean all of them. Most of them are too shallow. Imagine some of them come to Europe and they have not done a critical analysis as to where they are leading the people of God they are just barreling on. I mean Europe is full of mausoleums that are empty churches that are as cold as a tomb on the inside and out which have become tourist attractions. They shut me out of two in Zurich and many in Munich. As a Pastor I would not get into building this big church building. History says if you do not have the money to maintain it, it is going to close. In building Churches one has to think transgenerational. The problem in Europe is that the generation that should be in the church now are the ones advocating same sex marriage they have even sold it to the church. They want nothing to do with church. The highlight of the matter, why your Pastor does not tell you what is happening is that he does not want the building fund of the church to be affected..If they told us the truth we would start asking questions instead they tell us about Disney World. I have not been to one amusement park since I have been in Europe. I went to the Zoo in Zurich thinking it would be a setting like our Hope Gardens in Jamaica, you would go and see the Gardens and relax and then go pay to see the animals if you want. It is not like that you pay to enter. Hence, the reason I am encouraging everybody to travel and broaden their perspectives and do not fall prey to the foolishness that is coming from most pulpits. It is not very expensive if you know how to do it. There is the expensive hotel way and the small budget way. The last book I was to read in Canada was one on travel entitled The Best Things in Life are for Free. This book will tell you when some of the museums are free etc.I will expand in an article on travel.
I tell you since I dropped into this here Europe I have been having no ends of trouble on the computer. From a lack of Google as a search engine to only five screens and then two and then no screens. If you know how I operate I normally have some basic screens open and it is not multitasking ask the Nazis and Mafias they change anything on my screens and I flip to that screen immediately. It is just my work tempo. The screens are three YouTube - Africanews, Al Jazeera News and Atomic Prayer, Gmail account, Google docs, Blogger, Twitter, Yahoo, Africanews.com and FaceBook. In Canada it all started, I had to make a choice because I was limited to five screens and constant harassment on the computer especially in my Twitter account. Then in Geneva the library limited me to ninety minutes per day and five screens maximum. I had to do most of my computer work at the Apple Store in the old city. Then in Zurich I found the University Engineering Department that is best work I had to date because even though they were shadowing me they did not interfere. It was there Central Library that wanted to charge me one Euro to store my baggage but in hindsight I realized they did not want me in the library because persons were planning to steal my bag. Then on to Munich, I found another library that gave me the opportunity to do some work between that library and Zurich I started developing respiratory problem. I was reminded not to put the earphones in my ears serious biological warfare is being waged against me. The problem with these libraries is that they are not opened on a Monday and a Sunday and those are two of my busiest days especially Sunday because after Church on a Sunday I do nothing else but computer work and listen to music when I had what to listen to.Lord help my Holy Ghost!! In all things we give thanks. In Berlin I was able to sleep like a baby in the library without anyone stick me in any part of my body. That is what I like when the library body has some autonomy no one can bully them around. Of course they still shadow me on the computer but I will just tell them not to harass me. In Munich I was harassed for visiting Dachau they stole my last scarf right there in the concentration camp. I saw a Chinese and the next thing I did not see my scarf when I was looking for it.
These people have decided to limit me to five pages and then two. I was at the Marriott Courtyard over there in Berlin at Potsdamer Platz I literally had to wiggle my way around the many blockages to prevent me from getting my Tweets out. They blocked the British newspaper UK Guardian International. The next night I returned nothing worked. Here I am in Rotterdam, Netherlands at the Ibis budget hotel and the mouse is just not functioning. They did this because while I was in Geneva I went to one of their hotels and the computers were there and I just did my work for a couple of hours. I suppose they did not want to tell me that I could not use the computer so they just made the mouse dysfunctional.
Well I am here in Amsterdam on November 7, 2019 at Mcdonald’s after 1 am. Trying to complete my blog. I was hoping not to have to do any writing coming into Amsterdam. Anyway Germany had more or less shutdown the internet on me. The last night at the Marriott Courtyard in Berlin I just stopped trying to get around the many traps. In a small town called Osnabrück where they ran me off the train. I went to an Ibis Hotel there was no access to any programs. I gather these computer geniuses are practicing their skills so I just do not waste my time. Here at McDonalds trying to complete! Someone seems to have pleaded for me so they gave me a cup of hot water. Just allowing the Nazis and Mafias to have their fun. Ooh la la we have to backup coming into the Netherlands we have to go through this story.The original train I wanted to take out of Berlin was nowhere to be found. After going to the Information counter I was told about a different train with a different time. Instead I took an earlier one then the tag race began. I thought the people would have given me a ticket as per usual and I would complete my journey. That was not their strategy! They had all these South Americans following me with suitcases of money. They would manoeuver so I had to stop then the police would come to get the fake passenger with the money. I ended up at the last station in Germany Bad Bentheim. The police came and got the South American fellow talking about Mexicano, with the orange suitcase. The colour was just to tell me that the Jamaican criminal political cartel is also involved. Since it was after 9 p.m. I went to explore around the town to see if it had proper hospitality Raphleta’s style for the night. A place where there is a lot of noise and there are cameras so I could not sleep and even if I slept things would be recorded. The town was like a cemetery, dead, went to a hotel they had no computer and the little Miss lied to me about the directions on the map. By this time I have been walking like for fifteen minutes and the Nazis and Mafias were flitting around. I told them I was armed and they were to come so they could fulfill my dream. I spoke in the native language of the Jamaican people and I was not very gentle. The place was so deserted I got on a regional train to the next major city which was in the Netherlands, Hengelo. An African was on the train when I reached he started to speak to me. One of the very rare occasions when I let down my guard, listened to the lie the fellow told me and did not take my train. By 12 am. He had gone about his business and I had to spend two hours in the cold at Hengelo. Two crooked police came and walked me out of the station. While I was walking behind them with their knapsacks, I was saying crooked politicians, crooked police! Police!! Crooks, crooks, crooks everywhere we go the same crooks. I never saw them again. The whole food chain is corrupt and evil.
Anyway back to this little African, poor fellow could not even lie, when he started lying he would have the worst stammering I have ever experienced. I had to tell him to relax and showed him that I knew what was unfolding, with some of the foolishness they had told him to do. He is from Liberia President George Weah country. I told him that his President had to spend years and years to learn and develop his football skills. How many years did he spend to learn how to govern a nation? I wanted to know if he could read a balance sheet. I also advised him that when you kicked a football you are either on target or not on target but people's lives are no football. If you do not know what you are doing you can wreck people's lives. Then I started to talk to the little fellow about his life. He told me about people have to hustle. I said yes that is all you Africans do hustle. There is a smart way of doing this thing which most of you are not interested in. Do you know the taxation system of any of the nation you live and work in, Germany or Netherlands or Italy? I said you cannot get rich if you do not know the system plus if you are in the system there are benefits accruing to you. Before I could continue to advise the little fellow the persons listening at the other end of the line told him it is time to go. I also gave him my Blog address so he can follow me on social media.
I walked around the town for about an hour in the middle of the town as per usual was the church with the highest point being the church spire. I returned to the station out of the cold by this time the workers who were supposed to be working all night had returned. The next day I took the train to Zowell. Herein lies the crux of the matter why they did not want me to take the train in the middle of the night. A little lady who in her conductor clothes with her face looking like paper mache came and sat in the train pretending innocence. A fellow gave me one ticket for sixty one Euros and Seventy Eight Cents and told me that my journey was covered. He asked me where I was going. I told him Centraal Station in Amsterdam. Here come two people on the train to Amsterdam and gave me a ticket for Sixty Nine Euros and thirty Cents. Not to worry people many million black people died in slavery and our ancestors did a whole lot of free labour. These tickets are not even a dent into the amount of money Europe owes us. In all of this, the lady with the paper mache face was smiling and giving instructions. Unuh si how white people wicked she was sent to harass me in the middle of the morning. I paid her no mind.
What can I say about more and more old buildings this time there are more waterways but unlike in Geneva and Paris the canals are opaque like Lake Ontario. You can walk on these waters like Jesus without it being a miracle. They are so dirty. The city lockup tighter than a vice grip, the internet at the library is one euro per hour. It is much cheaper than the airports which is Six euros per hour. The place that I like here is the Science Museum I am sorry I was not able to enter. It has a fantastic futuristic shape. I mean how many old palaces one can view. I didn't get to see where the African diamonds are cut which has given the city the name of City of Diamonds. I have been thinking since I entered if that expertise resides on the Continent of Africa. Is there anyone who can cut diamonds? Anyway more to come I have a number of articles to write.
Here in The Hague I find to be less bustling and better organized that Amsterdam, same things people palaces, museums and shopping. However here you have the parliament and the international criminal court. I entered in the city and the title for an article drop in my Spirit.
Highlights of Germany
I do not think you can be serious about world history and visit Europe and do not visit Germany. Germany is significant to Europe thus far of all the countries I have visited Germany is the most industrialized of them all. In France you cannot miss the cafes and shopping malls and Switzerland the banks in Germany you have serious industry on every street corner. They have a serious work culture. The most plazas I have seen look like they have been built within the last five to ten years. Where the American car industry is on its way out the German car industry is still very strong one of the highlights of my visit was the BMW Tower and the Museum. Fantastic German engineering in fact everywhere you go you witness this in the buildings, the malls, the bus stations. The concerns I have about Germany I will explore in my articles on Dachau that I will be doing. The prices in Germany are also lower than all the other cities I have visited. I think Germany is an unrepentant nation and that is dangerous.
The major highlight of my visit was the Dachau Concentration Camp for the simple reason that the whole visit was an eye opener. I thought only two concentration camps existed Auschwitz and Treblinka, only to discover there were hundreds of them. There are three monuments at Dachau before I approached the monuments I looked and I saw a big cross and immediately it came to me. This must be something Roman Catholic. Low and behold the cross was contained within the Roman Catholic Memorial. They are still camped at the cross even though Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us in all His splendour.The Church of Reconciliation has a building that has no right angles in it because everything was laid out at right angles in the concentration camp. One Architect called it the ‘exactness within the dreadful’. The Jewish Memorial is significant just a round building made out of black bricks with a hole in the top with a Menorah signifying that the Jewish life continues. Can you imagine the Germans tried to block me from going to the Concentration Camp. They sent ticket inspectors after me I said really, one million tickets could not stop me. When I was there they tried to crowd me out of the exhibits. I had to walk out all of them. That is how they stole my scarf. The second time I went, after the viewing of the film I just walked out in disgust. People are telling me for twelve years something like that is happening in their community and they did not know. There is a church not more than twenty minutes walk away. That is why I love my Jamaican people because we would have to know what is going on even by jumping over the fence. We have to know what is happening to the neightbour next door and the neighbour down the road.
Then there was the engineering of the Munich Olympic Stadium fantastic. Then I discovered Kult Forum in Berlin with the monument to another set of people who were killed because they were vulnerable the mentally ill and disabled. Then I went looking for the Jewish Museum only to arrive and see that there is a cost to entry. In Amsterdam it is bundled with many other things. Then I asked one young man where was Checkpoint Charlie? He is telling me that it is across the road, I said my brother you are Jew you should not be lying to me. You do not want me to start praying. He smiled! At Checkpoint Charlie I was amazed again in the middle of the Twentieth Century Germans were shooting each other like birds. Here I was crowded out of the exhibits again because I have no smartphone so I walk around with my pen and paper and take notes. The day I arrived in Munich they beat a Jewish old man. By this time I am walking around with my Starbucks cup in my hand and saying God bless the Americans, I went to Checkpoint Charlie with the same thing when I was reading the information on the wall. No one else would give me hot water only Starbucks. Everytime I want to upset them I said God bless the Americans. Even the fast food outlets only the American outlets have a free bathroom. So most of them have to put on a code because of the traffic. I would not like to do Europe in the high season in certain places. However, in Geneva I just went and asked them for the code and they gave it to me no hassle. I had to know how to go out strategically I had to have a generous hotel, the library or an American outlet nearby. In Paris you also had these water closets at strategic positions. The going out process could become very expensive if you are not careful. The Europeans make money off everything. Here in The Hague I see that everybody charges even McDonalds however they heard that a certain black woman was coming so they mash down that system. They can put it back in place after I have left. I went to the McDonalds across from the parliament the lady is telling me that it is fifty cents. I said really and walked out and went to the Novotel hotel. The group that owns Novotel is the same group that owns the fancy York hotels in Canada, Accor Group so we are familiar with each other.
Then I realized that it is not the government of Germany who is pushing for all these memorials it is a small minority in the society and in the world at large if it was only the Germans alone all the evidence of the war would be wiped out. Time and time again you would read and people had to insist.
I did European history in high school because i was a science student and we had no choice. The Business students did West Indian history. One thing you will remember about European history is the violence, the Conquistadors, the Crusaders how can you be forcing people to believe in your God, the Moors, the most dangerous diseases, domination you name it was all there. The French Revolution, I need to get a Guillotine to put some people’s heads under it. What history has taught me is that I cannot expect any better from the European white man he is an animal. In Berlin in the eighties during peace time they were shooting each other like birds. I thought the other parts of history would have told you this is not the way to treat your brother. It is not surprising that they keep throwing me out in the cold and the other atrocities that they are doing one cannot change their nature, cruelty.
I am amazed that most Pastors have not realized that the business of God requires urgency we have Africa and Asia where ninety percent of the population does not know about the kingdom of God and then we have those who had religion are turning their backs on it. If ever a time the world needs God it is now.
I am going to be cutting the main body of my blog short because the introduction has been so long and most of you do not get past the introduction any way. I do not want to weary you I have given you a lot of food for thought. We black people as a people we need to wake up and stop allowing ourselves to be abused. Every time people want to curse me they tell me I am black. All I say is yes I know and I love the fact that I am black, I would have it no other way now you, get over it!
Just meandering through the Bible as usual and reading the book of Joshua I really don't even think it is in recent times and seeing where the scriptures outlined that Joshua vanquished thirty one kings. I mean and wow!! I decided that I want to learn the principles behind Joshua’s success and contrast his operations versus that of Moses. Remember Moses did not have to lift his little finger against anybody God did all of that for him. I love God, Stand aside Moses let me just wipe out dem so and so one time for fetiguing (bothering) me. I tell you Pastor Moses had to tell God to calm down Exodus 32 verses 9 - 11. Now let us find the serious parts as well as the fun parts of Joshua’s walk. From the outset we must know that Joshua loved children he had seventy and one of them. He was very prolific, war seems to develop your appetite for other things. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! Let us move on!!
Vanquish - To defeat thoroughly
Strategy - A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
Spiritual Warfare - This is the best definition I could find: Spiritual warfare is the leveraging of everything that God promises against everything that opposes the purposes of God. Love it!!
From the outset one could appreciate that God would be dealing with Joshua in a different way than He did with Pastor Moses. That is just how God is, He is the Ancient of Days and He is the same yesterday and forever but in accomplishing His purposes we are faced with the original Creator innovative to the core. He does no two miracles the same way. Moses was confronted by a burning bush that was not being consumed a miracle. Joshua was confronted by a warrior in the form of Jehovah Sabaoth Commander of the Hosts of the Armies of Heaven Joshua 5 verses 13 - 15.
Then again people we get one of the most beautiful scriptures from Joshua 1 verse 8. In my own life I have come to the conclusion that when God said do not be afraid you are to be terrified. You will come through but you are going through some processing. I heard Dr. Myles Munroe speaking about Joseph’s journey. He got a beautiful dream Father, Mother and Brothers bowing down before him but if God had said Joe, Joe this is what is going to happen before you can get to the bowing part. Your brothers are going to tear up your beautiful coat and throw you in a pit. Then you are going to be sold into slavery, not to worry you will come through but before that you are going to be lied on and thrown into prison for two years then you will be promoted to Pharaoh's palace Let us not think what Joe Joe would say, what would you say? Well God thank you very much but no thanks, I am quite happy here. That is why He just look down and say that person has the character and I can use them and just go ahead without explanation. He did no consultation with David or Daniel.
This battle was fought completely in the spiritual realm, let us look at the methodology. How many of you could engineer a battle strategy like this, only God.
- The first thing they did was to walk around the wall for six days once each day quietly with seven priests before the ark of the covenant. Let us look at what is taking place here. The Priests were the representatives of God taking His presence around the wall. Seven is the number of completion so it was a perfect core of priest and the trumpets represent sounding in warning, anticipation,celebration or jubilation one of the ways we invite the presence of God. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God II Corinthians 10 verse 4. Invite God’s presence in your situation with great expectations.
- On the seventh day they went around the wall seven times and on the seventh time the Priests were to sound the trumpet seven times and the people shouted. Speak to the fact that when things seem hopeless that is the time you should double your effort and not give up. They were then to approach the wall which would yield. The scriptures say if you give up in the day of adversity then your strength is weak Proverbs 24 verse 10.
- Another principle that was established was that they were to take none of the spoils everything belonged to God, they were to be destroyed except for the gold and silver which were to be placed in the sanctuary.
The overriding strategy you need the presence of God in your every situation. Once God has surrounded you all you need is a shout for every wall to come down.
- Having had such a great victory with Jericho Joshua and his Captains decided on the battle strategy to take Ai. Because of the first time they were sure they would be victorious they went for a frontal assault. Of course they were defeated Joshua 7 verses 2 - 5.
- Lesson Number One: In the matters of the Spirit you cannot make decisions based on assumptions. No matter how confident you are in your strategies and methodologies YOU ARE NOT OMNISCIENT! I cannot emphasize this point enough the whole of matters Spiritual is based on this point. IT IS ALWAYS ADVISABLE TO SEEK GOD’S COUNSEL FIRST IN ALL THINGS. People, in my life this has been brought down to the soap and toothpaste I use. They have been poisoned so often that once I get a check in the Spirit I just throw them away immediately. This is a lesson that Joshua learnt the hard way and will run throughout the theme of the Book of Joshua. Suffice it to say they were defeated because sin was in the camp.
- Lesson Number Two: Sin will rob you of your victory every time even when you have the advantage. They had more seasoned fighters than Ai but Ai whipped them good and proper.
- Lesson Number Three: You have to deal decisively with sin. There is Joshua going before God on his face with torn garments. God did not mince words He went straight to the heart of the matter you have sin in the camp go and deal with the matter Joshua 7 verses 10 -11.
- Lesson Number Four: Every man shall give an account. God does not play with sin even now we are under grace. The destruction is not as swift Joshua 7 verse 15 but the Bible says everyone shall give an account of his deed Romans 14 verse 12.
- The unfolding of the strategy, the poor fellows of Ai and Bethel fell hook line and sinker. They were now the ones confident in their own abilities. Joshua 8 verses 10 - 29. The children of Israel mounted a frontal attack. When the men of Ai came after them in confidence, they would flee in fear. Thus the villages of Ai and Bethel would be unguarded. The five thousand men of Israel on the west side would then enter the villages and set fire to them. When the men from Ai and Bethel realize this they would turn back and be caught in an ambush. The Israelites they were chasing, would turn around and start chasing them and they would have to face those in the village. This was well executed and they plundered Ai and Bethel all day until the going down of the sun.
- Post Victory Celebration: One does not take out the drinks, tambourines and start a dance as in the days of Moses Joshua called all of Israel and in the presence of the Lord represented by the Ark of the Covenant he renewed the covenant and blessed the Lord.
You can set ambushments for the enemy in the Spiritual realm. The book of Daniel when Michael had to remove the principality so that the answer to Daniel's prayer could manifest Daniel 10 verses 11 - 12.
After a great victory one tends to become lax and Satan knows this. He does not wait until the euphoria has passed and you are more or less grounded he goes for the gullet in the midst of your celebration. Let us look at this story which establishes the fact that once you have established your principles under God you are not to turn to the right or the left and the fact that you are going to be tested. The parallel for this is the Prophet Elijah I Kings 19 verse 1-3 when he ran from Jezebel in fear after killing eight hundred and fifty of the prophets of Baal.
- Lesson Number Five: Satan is not impressed with your great victories Joshua 9 verses 1 - 2. It does not mean he is going to roll over and die. He is going to come after you with all the strategies in his arsenal. One of them is reinforcement.The Bible says when you cast out a demon when he revisits you and find your house clean he is coming back with some wickeder spirits St. Luke 11 verses 24 - 26. The Bible also says the thief cometh to kill, steal and destroy St. John 10 verse 10. What are some of the weapons of his arsenal? Lying, deception, murder, greed etc.
- After all the six kings had come together one nation Gibeon sat back and analyzed the situation and realized that a frontal assault on the children of Israel would be suicidal, so they devised a scheme to deceive Joshua Joshua 9 verses 3 - 13.
- Lesson Number Six: Remember lesson Number One, Joshua 9 verse 14 Joshua have you not learnt anything from the situation with Ai? This verse is indeed instructive that is the significance between truth and fact. Indeed the bread looked mouldy that was the fact presented but is that the whole truth? Hence the reason we always consult the higher power. Satan is always presenting facts but the real truth is to be found in the word of God. This reminds me of a church I visited with a whole lot of foolish people on October 20 before I left Geneva. It is because I am getting used to the foolishness so I know automatically to shut down my Spirit hence the reason I was not upset. One gentleman decided to pray about the difficult situation . The prayer was straight from the pit of hell. There was nothing about what the word of God says all the gentleman was up there doing for about three minutes was lamenting about the difficult situation. I just let the prayer fly over my head and thank God I was able to participate in the Communion Meal. Based on the evidence presented to him and the elders Joshua made a pact with the Gibeonites which has affected Israel to this day.
- Lesson Number Seven: God is a God of his Word and His people have to be that way also. Joshua 9 verse 16. To Joshua’s chagrin in his continued assignment to rid the land of Israel’s enemies three days later he came upon the camp of the Gibeonites and found out that he had been deceived.The people were rightly disappointed in their leaders for such a blunder but in consultation with God they were advised that they could not touch the Gibeonites because they had made a pact. God honours His word above His very name Psalm 138 verse 2 and expect His people to do the same. At the request of the Gibeonites they became hewers of wood and carriers of water for Israel. Joshua 9 verse 27 - I will insert a little French because I am doing my study from the French Bible. Please be reminded that all my books and clothes were stolen in Paris. How ironic eeh! People in the centre of high fashion all my little cheap things were stolen. Lord Help my Holy Ghost, only Raphleta these things can happen to!! I got this French Bible from Hillsong Paris (yes people mi pass through some brand name church, of course I reached too early as per usual so I had to go find alternate shelter. Thank God for my people from Accor Hotels which had a hotel in the same vicinity. I was able to refresh myself and get a cup of tea etc. I should have told you that I cannot give you anymore of my secrets because all Casinos are now rejecting me. I went to one in Zurich they wanted to charge me an entrance fee, I saw a little foolish one in Berlin. I did not even attempt to enter that one. Then this one in the Hague they just told me I am not allowed to enter. Then Google is telling me that people are not reading my Blog. These people read my Blog more than I do. You people have caused me to lose a lot of cups of hot chocolate and tea in this cold weather.) Yes the church! So when I returned they still wanted me to stand outside I just looked at the lady and someone had the sense to say let her stay. They only had the New testament in English the Nazis and the Mafias have been trying to get me to carry a dagger for a very long time. I only carry a sword, English or French.
Josué 9:27 Segond 21 (SG21)
27 mais il les destina dès ce jour à couper du bois et à puiser de l'eau pour l'assemblée et pour l'autel de l'Eternel à l'endroit que l'Eternel choisirait. C’est ce qu'ils font encore aujourd'hui.
Segond 21 (SG21)
Version Segond 21 Copyright © 2007 Société Biblique de Genève by Société Biblique de Genève
Lesson learnt continuous consultation with God is the key to success.
Tired to tell the people in the foreign the reason I am not foreign minded is because ‘Je ne suis pas ramasseur de bois et porteur d’eau pour la communauté. My country has spent too much money on my education.
Well people, this is where we will have to stop for this month. Next month we will continue from Joshua 10 and the strategies he used to vanquish the ‘Ites’. The most valuable lesson learnt from this section in my opinion is really very priceless it is the fact that God is omniscient and the importance of consulting him on every decision in our lives. I can still remember the first time this scripture jumped out at me. We will see how this lesson affected the operations of Joshua as he progressed in his given assignment.
Once again people let me take this opportunity to thank you for sharing in my study of the Bible. I pray that your Spirit is being refreshed and encouraged as mine is as we navigate the daily challenges of our lives.
Until next month this is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from the main library at Spui in Den Haag (The Hague) Netherlands.
À bientôt
Scrambled as per usual people you will have to use the link.