Mon peuple, mon peuple, what can one say it is the ninth month of the year 2019 up to the month of June, you would have just done it!! From July we have been turning visions into reality. These days when anyone dare challenge me with Just Do It? I say let me, if yuh bad mek mi duh it! (If you are bad let me do it). I tell you blog time is blessings time, the library shut down their system on me again. They are finally learning that it is futile to shadow me on the computer. I am going to complete my ‘Things to do List’ irrespective of the constant harassment you will be happy to know that I have taken the decision to study law as I move along; Now faith is!! Hebrew 11 verse 1. As such, I have sent out four lawsuits against the Canadian Government and its officers to launch my new legal firm another arm of Taylor Bloom Consulting Ltd… On my original vision board law was not there but necessity is the mother of invention and as my good friend Jack Canfield would say, ask it can either be a yes or no! Either way you are no worse off than before. Jesus puts it this way ‘You receive not because you ask not and when you do ask, it is to consume it on your own lust. James 4 verse 3.
My experience dealing with the Canadian Legal System has opened my eyes to see why the fees of lawyers are so artificially high. It is all collusion to keep the profession locked up and mysterious. As I told the people over the Superior Court of Justice the law in and of itself is no mystery, it is all history. It is the operational procedures that is used to bamboozle people. From just an informal survey of the legal profession I can predict a boom in the area of criminal law. People you just have to look at what is taking place in the current affairs around the world, the number of high profile cases. If the top of the stream is bad it follows that the bottom is also bad. In the area of Human Rights there will continue to be a boom as the number of displaced people increases and the first world nations continue to trample on people’s rights because they see them as chattel. There will be a need for a lot of pro-bono work. We will not operate like the current organizations which are monitored by their donors and cannot represent all without fear or favour. It is also not very nice to have people withhold their services from you because of corruption.It is not a very nice feeling at all. To add insult to injury I was researching my case at Osgoode Hall and because I discovered the the correct books (what can I say I have angels who follow me around) and was putting my case together and working through the procedures, they locked me out of the Library and told me the computer system was only for members of the Society The Library closed at 10 p.m. I was informed when I left and returned that the library closed at 5 p:m to non-members. Of course the black man who is the hewer of wood and carrier of water, had to give me the unpleasant news;
My new legal firm has started off with a bang four lawsuits in as many months with two civil and two Small Claims court. In terms of the Small Claims Court it is not the money it is the principle of the matter. The Caucasians in Canada are too unprincipled. There are too many refugees in the country so they want to treat everyone like a refugee. One of my slogans when I am protesting is that ‘I am not a refugee came on a passport leaving on a passport.`I thought lady justice is blindfolded she certainly knows the colour of Raphleta’s skin, the colour of her eyes and her bank account balances; I never knew people in a court house would behave with such prejudice nothing seemed sacrosanct in this country. I tell you people justice in this country is indeed selective; I bought myself a nice little bag at the Salvation Army Store. It was like the bag was sitting there waiting for me to turn up; One of these crooked people specialities is to just destroy the zipper on my bags so they remain open, so they can just snatch things out of it. This New bag is nice and sturdy and hold all my things nicely plus, I bought a couple of small bags to carry my documents and toiletries. Unfortunately for the Nazis and Fascists in Canada; I did not place my passport in my handbag so they decided to start destroying it. First the handles they literally cut the bag so the handles would pop out. Then they have started to work on the spine. I bought a new travel bag to replace the previous one that they destroyed they have gone into the new one and ripped out the lining. I now only have one pair of pants the last pair of jeans the Chinese crooks just ripped out the seams It was one of those ‘poorly made in China’ jeans
I have decided to take off this one and wash it wait until it dry and put it on. I should have also told you that they tried to destroy the zipper on my pants in order to get to my passport in my underwear. I am learning about the criminal minds of these people. If I had just placed the passport in my hand bag. I would have lost my Two Hundred and Fifty Five Dollars passport many times over.
People all over Ottawa and they will soon become familiar with me in Europe) when I have to go for my bank card I say ‘Hold on let me go into my safety deposit box’. Zip down my pants right in front of them and go into my tights (luckily I wear a lot of clothes) or panties and get my package with my documents and close up; I can take no chance these international crooks are dangerous. I see them trying to enter from the side of my black pants again. They did that already and I sewed it up now they have ripped it out again. The only thing I can say in all of this is but God!. People are trying to get me to wear cap with peak. The Holy Spirit quickened me and said Raphleta it is so that they can make the back of your head bald. Crooked, criminal animals! People What I have come to realize is the number of malicious and envious spirits that follow these Jezebels around who will do anything for some monetary gain. Remember the top is not crowded the bottom is and people will do anything to leave the pack especially if you are being backed by criminals at the top.
Let us leave my life at this time for the time being and go to look at our current topic. Last month we looked at basics the different types of mental illness. We mentioned things like the opioid crisis in North America. LANDMARK $270 MN OPIOID LAWSUIT I tell you when I was in British Columbia If I had not seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it. People just lying in front of these drug centres on the sidewalk waiting for the next fix. I see where some judges have decided to start holding people accountable and have charged them. That is just the tip of the iceberg the problem now is to get the FDA from out of the grasp of these integrity challenged Pharmaceuticals who wants approval for drugs that have not been properly tested. My brothers in these last days the battle for the control of the mind of man has intensified. Thus, in this edition we want to define a number of words that are being used in a very loose manner. We want to look at what God has to say about the matter of madness and look at what's happening in the field of mental health types of professionals etc
Before I close off this paragraph i would like to give a thumbs up to Pearson Toronto International Airport YYZ; It is a fantastic facility my home away from home when I am in Toronto; On my earlier list I would put it second after Vancouver. All because the latter is just very pretty. The qualities at Pearson, very spacious on a very lavish scale; this is the clincher it has a fantastic Chapel which is open twenty four seven and cater to everyone. I mean the chapel is fantastic. If I knew it was there when I was living in the GTA and as soon as I entered a church, people wanted to fix the decorations I would have just headed for the Airport with my Bible. The only drawback is the amount of white space especially in the Arrival lounge, when I look up I do not want to see advertisements I want to see schemes from around Canada; If you have entered the airport in San Jose, California who can forget that piece of sculpture they have hanging from the ceiling. Even in ottawa they have this lovely waterfall in the arrival area. I see where YYZ is putting billboards on the other floors, good idea and revenues. They are very tastefully done!! I will work out my commission and send my bill. Thus far in Paris my bag of clothes was stolen on the morning of the 19th, I came in on the 17th. Then my pouch was stolen on the 20th and my panties on the morning of the 23rd. The #Europeans and their partners are not doing so badly in the area of criminality. Let us now delve into the Blog of course the wicked Chinese did not give me a chance but the Lord had made room for me.
As we continue to delve into this area it is hoped that we will all be proactive in the different areas of our lives and more sensitive to those around us.
There are a few words that are loosely banded about which we need to be clearly defined for our purposes. Let us not assume anything. The words are:
Delusion -noun -
1. a. Something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated
b. Psychology - a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. (Europeans and Canadians)
2. The act of tricking or deceiving someone: the state of being deluded
Paranoia -noun - mental illness characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations.
-a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others.
Madness - noun -The quality or state of being mad such as:
a. A state of severe mental illness -not used technically
b. behaviour or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous: extreme folly
c. Ecstasy, Enthusiasm
d. Intense anger, rage
2. Any of several ailments of animals marked by frenzied behaviour
Sanity - noun- the ability to think and behave in a normal rational manner, sound mental health.
-Reasonable and rational behaviour
Insanity - noun - the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness
- Extreme foolishness or irrationality
Dementia - noun - A chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.
Key facts
- Dementia is a syndrome in which there is deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities.
- Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is not a normal part of ageing.
- Worldwide, around 50 million people have dementia, and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year.
- Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases.
- Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide.
- Dementia has a physical, psychological, social, and economic impact, not only on people with dementia, but also on their carers, families and society at large.
Psychosis - noun - A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.
Psychotic - noun - relating to, denoting, or suffering from a psychosis
Having gone through all those heavy definitions let us take a break to look at the different types of Mental Health Professionals. This information is for the USA you will have to do your research for other countries.
There are over a half-dozen different professions that provide services that focus on helping a person overcome a mental health concern or some significant life issues. There are dozens more variations on these, which can lead to a great deal of confusion in the marketplace. The largest difference between the types of professionals is usually what they focus or specialize in, and their educational background.
In order to treat individuals or groups in a clinical environment — such as a private practice, group practice, or a hospital — all of the mental health professionals must be licensed in order to practice. Licensure is conducted on a state-by-state basis, and licensure requirements vary widely from profession to profession. (Unlicensed professionals may work in academia, as a researcher, or in other areas of psychology, psychiatry or mental health that don’t require direct clinical contact with patients.)
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor first and foremost. A psychiatrist is generally the only professional that specializes in mental health care and can prescribe medications. (Family doctors often prescribe medications for mental health concerns, but do not have specialized training or background in the treatment of mental disorders.) Most psychiatrists focus on prescribing the appropriate medication that’s going to work best for that individual and their concerns; a few also do psychotherapy.
A psychologist is a professional who does psychotherapy and has a doctorate degree (such as a Ph.D. or Psy.D.). Psy.D. programs tend to focus on clinical practice and result in the professional having thousands of hours of clinical experience before they enter practice. Ph.D. programs can focus on either clinical or research work, and the amount of clinical experience a professional will gain varies from program to program. Psychologists receive specific training in diagnosis, psychological assessment, a wide variety of psychotherapies, research and more. (A very small minority of psychologists in five U.S. states also have prescription privileges, limited to psychiatric medications.)
Clinical Social Workers
Typically a clinical social worker will have completed a Master’s degree in social work (M.S.W.) and carry the LCSW designation if they are doing psychotherapy (Licensed Counselor of Social Work). Most programs require the professional to go through thousands of hours of direct clinical experience, and the program focuses on teaching principles of psychotherapy and social work.
Psychiatric Nurses
Most psychiatric nurses are trained first as a regular registered nurse (R.N.), but get specialized training in psychiatry and some forms of psychotherapy, typically including up to 500 hours of direct clinical experience. Psychiatric nurses in most states may also carry prescription privileges, meaning that they can often prescribe the same kinds of medications that a psychiatrist can.
Marriage & Family Therapist
These therapists tend to have a Master’s degree (but this varies on the professional’s age and whether they live in California, where a Master’s degree is not required) and typically have between hundreds to thousands of hours of direct clinical experience. Because this designation varies from state to state, the quality of the professional may also vary significantly from person to person.
A marriage and family therapist should not to be confused with California’s Marriage, Family and Child Counselors, which have much more stringent requirements, including a Master’s degree and 3,000 hours of direct clinical experience.
Licensed Professional Counselor
The requirements for this designation, which can be in addition to the professional’s educational degrees, vary from state to state. Most are Master’s level professionals who have had thousands of hours of direct clinical experience.
There are a wealth of other professional designations and initials that follow professionals’ names. Most of these designate a specialty certification or the like, not an educational degree.
The key to choosing which one of these professionals is right for you is to determine what kinds of things are important to you and finding a professional that seems to fit with your needs and personality. Often times, finding the right therapist or mental health professional takes more than one try. You may need to “try on” a few professionals before finding one that feels right to you. Don’t be afraid to do this, as it is your well-being and treatment you’re investing in.
Which country in the world has the most mentally extreme, ill, or insane people? Does the country’s religion
The US once again takes first place with 26.4% of the population suffering from one form of mental illness or another (in comparison to 13 other countries worldwide). Religion has very little to do with the most common forms of mental illness such as excessive mood swings, depression and drug addiction.
THE U.S. IS ONE OF THE most depressed countries in the world, according to the World Health Organization. In terms of quality years of life lost due to disability or death – a widely adopted public health metric that measures the overall burden of disease – the U.S. ranked third for unipolar depressive disorders, just after China, which ranked No. 1, and India. India, China and the U.S. are also the countries most affected by anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, according to the WHO.
About one in five adults in the U.S. experience some form of mental illness each year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, but only 41 percent of those affected received mental health care or services in the past year.
In August of 2016, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released a plan to reform the mental health system in the U.S., a favorable step for advocates who have cited issues such as an insufficient number of providers and the expensive costs of medication.
Closing the gap between mental health patients and providers is a global issue.
"In 2014, 45 percent of the world's population lived in a country where there was less than one psychiatrist to serve 100,000 people," according to WHO.
Asia has an especially low concentration of psychiatrists. Europe has the highest, led by Monaco, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands, each with between 20 and 40 psychiatrists per 100,000 people. The U.S. and Canada have about 13 psychiatrists per 100,000 people, according to WHO.
Here are the countries with the greatest burden of disease for mental and behavioral disorders, in terms of most years of life lost due to disability or death adjusted for population size, according to WHO.
God Himself has made a number of pronouncements about madness it is a part of the curses of Deuteronomy 28 verses 27 - 29 and again in II Thessalonians 2 verse 11. I find Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 - 68 to be one of the most depressing passages in the Bible. However on the other hand it reminds us of the complete work which Jesus has accomplished lest we forget!!
Balaam wanted to take money from Balak to curse Israel even though he was forbidden by God:’Forsaking the right way, they have gone a stray, having followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but he received a rebuke for his own transgression, for a mute donkey, speaking with a voice of a man, restrained the madness of the prophet` II Peter verses 15 - 16 . Can you imagine the wages of unrighteousness is called ‘madness` God is a serious God.
David faked mental illness and was wrongly accused of being insane by the king of Gath. We have looked at this scripture many times. You can read in I Samuel 21 verses 12 - 15. This is the scenario of when trouble tek yuh pickney shut fit yuh! (When you are in trouble you will do anything to get out even pretend to be mad)
King Saul drove himself insane out of jealousy for David and rebellion to God I Samuel 18 verses 10 - 12. This also manifested itself in envy. The Book of Proverbs says no one can stand against envy Proverbs 27 verse 4.
King Nebuchadnezzar was stricken with dementia and loss of reason by God for his pride. I think this is the most striking example of madness in the Bible Daniel 4 verses 31 - 34. I mean God said it and it was done. Compare and contrast with another prideful fellow Lucifer. Jesus said in the book of St. Luke 10 verse 18 Lucifer fell like lightning from heaven The book of Ezekiel in Ezekiel 28 verse 17 advise why.
John the Baptist was wrongly accused of being insane: “For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon!’” St. Matthew 11 verse 18.
Jesus was wrongly accused of being insane: “Many of them were saying, “He has a demon and is insane. Why do you listen to Him?” Others were saying, “These are not the sayings of one demon-possessed. A demon cannot open the eyes of the blind, can he?” St. John 10 verses 20 - 21.
This mental problem was clearly demonic possession as stated by the Bible once the problem was dealt with correctly. We are to be mindful of the fact that while all madness are not necessarily demonic possession, it is one of the ways that the devil attempts to destroy man. St. John 10 verse 10 the devil comes to kill steal and destroy, Jesus comes to give life. This story is found in three of the Gospels as follows St. Matthew 8 verses 28 - 34, St. Mark 5 verses 2 - 20 and St. Luke 8 verses 26 - 39. Never forget the battlefield is for the mind and anything that will impair your thinking whether drugs, alcohol and in some cases prescription medication as we can see with these opioids should be questioned vigorously. You only have one mind!!
Paul was wrongly accused of being mad: “While Paul was saying this in his defense, Festus said in a loud voice, “Paul, you are out of your mind! Your great learning is driving you mad.” Acts 26:24
A. The Bible’s Mental Illness Checklist
Clearly the Bible has indicated that there are things that indeed makes you insane but there are also the perceptions of men. In these last days one has to be very careful because of the wickedness of man's heart they will use anything to destroy you.
1. Willing to curse the God who call you into His service (Balaam)
2. David pretended but if you manifest these signs then you have dementia
a) Lack of proper judgment and discernment
b) behaving outside of your age group or cognitive ability - scribbling on the doors of the gate
c) saliva running down the beard sign of dementia
3. Even though the statements Jesus was making about Himself were true the world saw it as madness. Rational people should research before passing judgment.
4. Sinful behaviour is the basis for insanity as can be seen in the lives of Kings Saul and Nebuchadnezzar, rebellion and insubordination, uncouncilable, irreconcilable, lack of repentance, pride, elitism, self-righteousness, jealousy, lack of personal responsibility, deception and envy.
5. Based on the Bible if you speak about judgement and the afterlife (Jesus), if you dress differently and have a special diet (John the Baptist), if you are too highly motivated like the Apostle Paul and if you are too focused you will be called mad.
B. Diagnostic Behaviour indicative of Insanity
- Mania
- Panic Attack
- Paranoia
- Confusion
- Delusion
- Dementia: Loss of reason
- Fear
- Believing lies: false view of reality
- Mindless mob behaviour
- Suspicion
- Hopelessness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Melting of the Heart within One
- Loss of physical strength due to emotional shock
C. God Punishes unrepented Sin with Mental Illness/Insanity
Just some scriptural examples:
- Punishment of Babylon - Jeremiah 25 verse 16
I am now sharing from a paper by Global Health Policy - Who’s Funding Mental Worldwide? to highlight some of my major dilemmas with the whole area of mental health. I quote ‘Through analyzing mental health–specific terms on the papers, we identified eight topic clusters for mental health research. The largest three topics were neurodegenerative and cognition disorders; depressive, anxiety, and personality disorders; and substance use and addictive disorders. Together, papers on these topics comprised 61 percent of all papers that included mental health terms.
Alongside the mapping work, we also profiled thirty-two of the identified mental health research funders in detail. The analysis revealed that few funders had explicit definitions of mental health, with our report suggesting that developing explicit definitions that could allow the comparison and discussion of research portfolios would be valuable in helping funders figure out what other funders are supporting.
Funders covered by the detailed profiles identified a range of challenges to mental health research including the diversity of the field, the difficulty for funders in maintaining current funding levels for research, and the translation of research into practice. Funders also identified a range of opportunities including improving collaboration within the field for both researchers and funders, capitalizing on government priorities, and developing a key role for non government funders in defining long-term research agendas.
The size and diversity of mental health research is significant, but it remains a loosely defined field in which funders tend not to spell out what counts as mental health. It is hoped that our analysis will provide a vital stepping stone for mental health funders wishing to identify potential collaborators and advance the research they support to a wide audience.’
The thing that is wrong with this picture is that the church is missing in action; AOL - Absent Without Leave. Who made man? As Dr; Myles Munroe would say ‘Only the manufacturer knows about the product and only their Manual can be trusted.God made man the Bible is the Manual. Where is the church in all this discussion? Stigmatizing people? Let us get back from the ridiculous to the sublime and start suggesting our people pursue these careers and take care of God’s business people!! You lazy church people so that when the evil and wicked people come to you and tell you a whole lot of lies you say okay bring the person to us and let us do our own analysis; You cannot take an innocent person off the street because you do not like what they are doing and incarcerate them to the point of attempted murder. I am so glad the mental health people in Ottawa, Canada would have none of the criminality. All I can think the head said was if what she is doing is insanity then I am insane she is more efficient in her daily routine than I am. Did you say she was homeless? Uuu Mmm!!!
Due to the inexactitude of the science unscrupulous people will and are using it to their benefits. I am sure there needs to be an overhaul of Ontario Disability Support Programme (ODSP), a lot of people need to be sent to work. This is one of the moral dilemmas in our times which Dr. Myles Munroe spoke about ‘Reward without sacrifice.’
Well people, we will cut it there for this month let me take this opportunity to apologize for publishing this Blog so late; I will have to come up with different strategies for researching and typing. From this blog you will see that it is an extraordinary month. My computer time in Canada became very limited. As a Church we are continuing to see that we need to become more aware of what is taking place on the earth. The heavens of the heavens are the Lord’s and the Earth He has given to men. We cannot allow Satan and His crowd to reign anymore. The opioid crisis is a wakeup call.
Well until next month this is all from me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Paris, France. I need to go see the sites and come out of la bibliotheque.
A bientot
I am in the city of the master scramblers. What can I say