This is my maiden post in this exciting area of digital literacy called BLOGGING. As such, from the outset I would like to clearly define my purpose for starting a blog. The title of the blog is 'THE I AM GOD' and that is deliberate. My main reason is to use this medium to explore the character of God. Look at how the many attributes of God have manifested in my life over a period of time and to generate discussions around those attributes. The number one purpose is EVANGELISM.
The next thing is that for a number of years I kept a journal. Unfortunately, I had a very bad experience 2 of my journals were stolen. So I have stopped journalizing. While this cannot be as intimate as my journals were it will give me an opportunity to express my thoughts on one of my favourite topic 'the character of God'. The next purpose is CREATIVE EXPRESSION.
The third reason is the DEVELOPMENT OF MY WRITING skills, I am actually in the process of writing a book and blogging I am finding can go a long way in helping with the development of the themes in my book. Finally, by producing quality content I can develop a blog that is worth reading and sharing thus developing a following so that I can make some money.
Having established where we are going what should be the first topic?
Another thing that I need to establish from the outset is that Jesus Christ is Lord and the Bible is the constitution.
Why don't we just take a brief look at the whole issue of God being the Unchangeable Changer. I must confess that I have gotten this expression from the Nigerians. I stumbled into a Nigerian church in Canada we will not discuss this further. Suffice it to say I am very fascinated by the expression.
The Immutable Nature of God
The Immutability of God is an attribute where “God is unchanging in his character, will, and covenant promises." God's immutability defines all his other attributes: he is immutably wise, he cannot but be merciful, good, and gracious.
Hebrews 13 verse 8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
Malachi 3 verse 6 - “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
Numbers 23 verse 19 - God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?
James 1 verse 17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
The Unchanging Nature of God in the Lives of Abraham and Sarah
We have Abram turning up in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 with God instructing him to leave his people and his country and go to a far country that He would provide. In verses 2 and 3 of the same chapter we have God promising that He would make Abram a great nation, make his name great and bless him exceedingly. At that time Abram was seventy five (75) years old.
In Genesis chapter 13 after separation with Lot in verse 14 God visited Abram and reconfirmed that He would make him a great nation.
Again we see in Genesis 15 verse 5, God again appeared to Abram and promised that he would have many descendants. And the Bible said verse 6 Abram believed and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
So what took place in Genesis chapter 16 when Abram was now 86 years old, 11 years after he was promised fruitfulness. Sarai who was now much older herself thought it was time to move God's plan along. Resulting in the birth of Ishmael. That story is for another discourse.
We are now in Genesis 17 Abram is now 99 years old. In verse 4 God reconfirmed His promises and in verse 5 He changed Abram (exalted father) to Abraham the latter in Hebrew means 'Father of many'. God also mentions in verse 6 that He would make Abraham fruitful. In verse 15 Sarai (quarrelsome) became Sarah in Hebrew meaning lady, princess. In verse 17 Abraham laughed at God at the thought of Sarah conceiving in her old age. The question is why did God change their names. Simply because He wanted to build their faith by changing what they were saying to each other and hearing Romans 10 verse 17 Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. In Genesis 17 verse 21 God became very specific and Isaac the child of covenant was promised.
In Genesis 18 Abraham had a visit from 3 angels in verse 10 and 14 they reiterated the promise of the birth of Isaac. In verse 12 Sarah laughed at the thought.
In Genesis 20 we see where God had to personally intervene on Abraham's behalf when a King had taken Sarah.
However in Genesis 21 the Bible says that God remembered Sarah who was 90 years old and Abraham 100 years old and Isaac was born. Why did it take 25 years the Bible says in Hebrews 11 verse 11 that "Sarah herself also believed".
Life Lessons
So what is the take away even in my own life I am just coming to understand the ways of God. In Jeremiah 29 verse 11 the plans that God have for us are for good and not for evil to bring us to an expected end. He knows the end from the beginning. All we have to do is live a life that is pleasing unto Him and He will take care of the rest. Abraham veered not to the right nor the left but was constant in His service towards God. He was always building altars in worship to God. God is a sucker for worshippers. Whatever you do never let anything affect your worship to God. If you have to decrease your worship then you are already defeated. Remember holiness at all times Hebrews 12 verse 14. So the next time you think things are not going your way just remember it is a part of the process and however long you remain in the situation depends on you. Remember Sarah had to believe also. So you need to believe God also. So while God is steadfast He is waiting for us to be yielded. The unchanging changer.
Well that is it until my next post!! I am still trying to decide how frequently I will be posting. As the Lord leads.
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