Link: Exploring..
Mon peuple it is that time of the month again. Here am I, up here in Sweden at 1 a.m., in my prison in Stockholm. They seem to be having problems deciding whether I am a migrant case or a police case. With white people all criminality is possible. I suppose the white people cannot believe their luck, the fact that they have been able to hold on to me by illegal means so they are making the most of it. It is of no consequence to them whether legal or illegal. That is not important. They are milking it and as is the way of the Caucasians nothing is illegal when they are trying to get their way. It is 1 a.m. (it was when I originally wrote this it is now 2:00 a.m now that I am typing on April 9) I have to rearrange my sleeping arrangements after, the last botched job by the resident homosexual before he fled. Then of course the accursed Indians and Pakistanis are deliberately rubbing something on my hands to destroy them. I tell you malicious and insecure people will destroy you, for you, just being you.
Well people, I am a Charlie’s Angel here with all my bodyguards from all over the world at present in the room. I have Chinese, East Africa, Egypt, Europeans, North Africa and South America. The Somalians are somewhere about the place. I am almost at the place where I want to box their heads in. The only reason I have not done it is because I do not want to give these corrupt Caucasians a genuine reason to keep me in this back of the world country. Then the Chinese have gone to their bed. As per usual the employees were all over the place. I had to block out the camera in the washroom last night to get some privacy.
Here is how I ended up in this situation: God will not leave Himself without a witness. He wants no one to fool you anymore, everyone is cut from the same cloth when the rubber hits the road. I am sure the Europeans were scoffing about the things I had written. Now I am here going through worse than I went through in Canada. I do not even have any freedom.
Here it is 8.20 a.m. on March 11, I am at Amofours Railway Station in Sweden. The next station would be Charlottenberg and then I would be over the border in Norway. I was asked to leave the train or they would call the police. The rude driver placed my Bible outside and I just decided to leave the train. Why was I asked to leave the train as per usual. I have no ticket. I then took another and the lady decided to ask me to leave again so I just left. Since I had not completed my devotion and there were two hours between the trains I decided to sit and do my devotion. Maybe the reason things weren’t going as I planned was because I had not quieted my Spirit before the Lord. I was in such a hurry to just get out of Sweden and on to Norway that I was becoming anxious. The people touched my FaceBook account. Big mistake!!
I went into the station house which was very quiet because it was a more or less remote village. Suffice it to say as I was getting into my devotion when two police officers arrived. As far as I am concerned we have no business the people who had called them had left and I avoid the police like the bubonic plague. Everything bad that has happened to me in the foreign has a police at the end of it. I ignored them while reading my prayer but they would not go away. Suffice it to say they got their orders and changed whatever laws they had to amend on the spot and told me they would drive me to the border town called Karlstad (I actually heard ‘Costa’ because of their phonetics). It was while I was in the car and heading in the direction of Stockholm that I asked the officer for the exact place I was being taken to. Then he showed me on the phone and I realized that it is Karlstad, a town which I had passed on my way to Norway. Actually in the middle of my journey. Then, I confirmed they were up to no good. I just read my Bible and prayed while all the green, red and white and blue vehicles were passing by. There is usually a convoy of people in front, when they pull off the street you know they do not like the conversation they are hearing in the police vehicle. They have said we do not want any part of this. They harassed me like this when I was in Quebec. The police there would not give me a chance.
We eventually reached the police station where things got very interesting. Of course they had searched me from the train station and taken away my piece of broken bottle which I carried just in case I got two white throats to slash. However, everyone knows I am armed so they do not come near me. Plus my usual pleasant personality has disappeared when I am on the streets. After what took place in London I ensure that I am always armed. Always! Even when I am on the toilet. The police also took my two bags. I didn't see them until three days hence. Of course in my last blog post I had advised that they took a piece of the conclusion. They have been through my bag with a fine tooth comb. Let me not jump ahead of myself. When we arrived at the police station the section they were going into they had to beep for the door to open. When they reached that section the door closed and they had to beep again to go on further. By this time I am wondering what is taking place. Then they escorted me into another section. People, I really do not know what that was. All I can think of to describe it, is the inner parts of Hitler’s bunker. That is how the place was secure. They told me the usual lies: my passport has been confiscated. I am in Sweden illegally. I would be speaking to a Border Services police and they would take over. By this time I was searchead again and my coat was confiscated and all parts of my clothes were searched. There was an older gentleman there, a tattooed officer. When you see a homosexual, lesbian, tatooed officer or someone with a black ring in their ears. The crooked bunch from Canada and Jamaica are in charge. Everything that you are told or going to be told is a blatant lie. Believe anything to your detriment!
I was introduced to a blonde girl in pink who was supposed to be the Border Services police. She listened to me politely and asked me about my lawsuits in Canada. I advised her I had four. Canada Revenue Agency for wrongful dismissal at the time I could not remember the word ‘dismissal.’ Metrolinx for trying to murder me, Ministry of Labour for malicious destruction of property and Toronto police for illegal arrest. She asked me about my plans. I told her I was on my way to Norway to see the Fjords then I would go back the way I came and would leave for Canada possibly in June. I was still deciding if I wanted to return to Canada. Then she advised me that I had overstayed my time in Schengen and yada yada. I had to be returned to Canada. I said not a problem let us go. It is a fruitless conversation people and I really do not waste my time in futility especially not with criminals who are not interested in the truth.
Then she spoke to someone on the phone who she said was her supervisor to complete the conversation, she left the room and the two crooked cops came in there and sat with me. One asked about medication. I told him he had the bag he should go and look if I had any. They both looked like drug addicts. One kept chewing on some substance he had in his coat. They said nothing to me after that. Then the lady crooked cop came in and advised that her superior had confirmed what she said. I would stay in Hitler's bunker for one night then I would be taken to the migration people in Stockholm for two weeks until they could get a flight. Then one old lady came with some green clothes for me to change. I asked why? By this time I had the peace of God because I want to walk through this thing because I am tired of these international criminals harassing me everywhere I go. When I think of what a pleasure my trip could have been without all these criminals following me all over the place. I really have to control myself. I refused to put on the old garments they were giving me. Some things I have no intention of putting up with. The two ladies came after me. I flashed them off. The criminals expected me to resist, this was one of the ways they wanted to humiliate me. I remembered vividly Canada and my introduction to their Womens’ Shelters. Automatically, every shelter I went to I had to strip and shower from head to toe like a prisoner. Suffice it to say the blonde hair crooked cop called for the reinforcement of the other crooked officers. By this time the tattooed lady had left. Seems she could not stomach this part. So all four of them held me when they still could not remove my blouse. The old man used a knife and cut off my t-shirt. Then they stripped off the rest of my clothes. The two male left when they started taking off my panty with my piece of toilet paper that I used as panty shield. Necessity is the mother of invention. Then I put on the green suit. I noticed an initial KV on the shirt so immediately I released my prayer point. Father, even as it was with the Pakistanis in London who gave me their old red coat in a similar manner I used this green suit as a point of contact to take down whoever is KV and his cohorts, call it done in Jesus’ name. The Holy Spirit says go to sleep you have not been getting much. The room had a Melamine bed with a piece of yellow leatherette covered sponge, and a yellow leatherette covered pillow, it had two pieces of board fastened to the wall, one for a seat and the next served as a table. I thought of the Prophet Elisha and his room. While I was resting one lady with white hair kept peeking over the door. The police guards kept peeking over and I paid no one any mind. I rested, when the place was too cold. I got up and exercised and ran around to keep myself warm. Then they would supply some heat. For the whole time I was there this was how it played out. It got too cold. I exercised, then they gave me a little heat. There was a little place for water and they had placed a paper cup under the dispenser. The first day I needed to urinate I had to wait about four hours until they decided to give me a blue bag with a funnel on the top. This was supposed to be another part of my humiliation, the sight of me female urinating in a funnel. I just built a little bridge between the bed and the table with the yellow leatherette mattress and pillow and went under it for privacy. I had to do that twice. They did not allow me to remove the urine until I was leaving on the third day. In the evening they gave me white rice and some red gooey thing. I then remembered my seven candles that I used to pray with. I used the rice to make seven mounds as points of contact. In all of this I kept casting my mind back to what Nelson Mandela had done in prison to survive twenty seven years of diabolic and demonic Fascism. All of the night in my green suit with my seven mounds of rice and my plastic knife writing on the wall like Daniel chapter 5. I went after them. I said God you only let people do foolishness when you want to judge them like you did Pharoah. I said I noticed that in Scandinavia the god is Mammon. Show them that there is still a God in heaven. Of course the mark of the crooked Jamaicans were there in the window. Can you imagine Jamaican politicians calling me Raphleta Taylor, Anancy. They had their Anancy in the window. I had no toothbrush, no Bible, my bags were taken away from me, no comb, no shoes and no toothpaste. I was not allowed to take a bath. I released some prayer points over Africa. Let them give you all the recordings.
Obviously the little lady was the Psychiatrist that should have been evaluating me in this depraved condition. I would be ranting and raving with my kink all over the place. They have the pictures they took in Canada showing to everyone. I know they shewed them in Denmark. The first thing I did before I went to sleep was comb my hair and dusted off the bed. The next day was much of the same. For breakfast they gave me cheese, butter, yogurt and bread. I used the yogurt to do a facial and the butter to wash my feet. Fulfillment of scriptures He shall wash your step with butter Job 29 verse 6. I am just now waiting to lay up gold as dust. For lunch they gave me soup and bread and cheese. I ate the soup and bread and cheese and used the butter to wash my feet again. I still had yogurt from breakfast so I had another facial. I tell you people the yogurt facial is quite nice. I prayed all day and all night. I released some serious prayer points especially over Africa. Some were private, some they have. I used one foot of the pair of socks as my rag in the evening. I asked for some wipes. The old lady gave me four dry hand wipes. I asked her if she did not have the wet ones that came in the container. She said that was all that was available and I could not get any more. I made sure when I got up in the mornings after doing my ablutions I would sweep out the room. I said Lord, I have not had a room in ages. I have to keep my surroundings clean. One of the ways to try and humiliate me was to serve the food on the ground. When the two old folks who were there did not do this they would correct them immediately. After the second day the old lady seems to decide that she could do without the retirement money because one of my prayer points was those of you who are looking for extra retirement money. You just cut your retirement short. As it was with Judas, Achan, Haman who all saw the money and could not spend it so shall it be with you. I tell you people I would not like to be at the end of one of my prayer points. I was cool and deadly and well thought out. Because I would pray and then lay down and strategize. At one point I started going through the Bible from the book of Genesis just to have an idea of the gaps in my knowledge of the Bible. I now know that I need to go do some serious work.The dinner on the second day was some beef, something that tasted like rubber cooked in diesel oil. It reminded me of some poison that they had fed me in Manitoba at a restaurant. I ate the potatoes and left the rubber. They made sure I got no more butter. They allowed me to go to the bathroom but they did not allow me to take a shower. I had no toothbrush, so I had to make do. I will tell you what I did in the book. I noticed also that the constant peeking had stopped. The second night I sat on the floor and rocked like the Jews by the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Then I got up and started walking. I took no prisoners. Suffice it to say the next day after breakfast I was waiting for the shower I was promised only to be told that I had transportation to leave. Just to show their criminality. This time again the crooked tattoo personnel had turned up with her lying self. They took out two different feet of socks, for me to put on, I never wear less than three layers of tops and two layers on the bottom once I am venturing outdoors in these cold foreign countries. They did not have any under shirts and no tights. That is why when the Canadians troubled me I returned home to my yard where I could wear one layer. I insisted and got the t-shirt but the crooked police said I had to hurry because my transportation had to leave and would not give me my tights.
Can you believe it people? It gets very interesting and just indicates how evil people are. The van I went in had four or five police officers, two in the front, one beside me and I think two in the back. Reason being when I came out of the van the person that came out before me was a criminal in handcuffs. I laughed, I laughed. I said Raphleta, there goes your problem. That's why people are persecuting you, you are not stealing anything. It is said there is honour among thieves. They placed me in another room again under a microscope and I realized why the lady did not give me my tights at the other location. It seems on going into this room you should strip to your underwear. They fed me here again, this time I ate the rice and the fruit and threw out everything else. Well you should realize by now I am protecting my anus from rupturing and haemorrhoids by the homosexual and lesbian crooks and their criminal counterparts.
Then it was off with another set of joker police. This time they got orders to carry me on an extended tour. In the first vehicle I sang all the way to Orebo from Karlstad, this time in order to stop me singing. They turned on the radio as soon as they entered the vehicle. Of course, you know that did not stop me because I had no intention of listening to any punk rock in my ears. People can do that on their own time, not mine. This time we had only three officers.
Now that we are at the Immigration Detention Centre I am being told that my case is a police case and all sorts of fancy foot works and lies. I pay them no mind more than to tell them to deport me. That is what they say they are doing. How many flights are leaving for Toronto on a daily basis? I need to leave. In this place that is full of a whole bag of desperados reminds me of the Womens’ Shelters in Toronto with homosexual and all. Yesss! People the resident homosexual is here also. The Canadians cannot do without their resident homosexual in a female facility. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! When I realized what was happening I had to laugh. Toronto all over again! Now you all see why I don't listen to any of you. This one has to be carried to the very end under God.
I will keep you posted with happenings over here in Sweden seems to be a lot of transactions going on. I keep telling people spirits follow money.
More anon!! Follow me on FB, all my posts are public.
I am trying to get some work done, resisting the great attempt to get me to go outside. I keep wondering if people are thinking. They are trying to tempt me to go outside where there are a lot of cigarette butts and a high fence. Now these people have taken me out of the open air and space on my way to experience even more spectacular scenery with the Fjords of Norway and trying to entice me with space that is smaller than my backyard in Jamaica. There was no struggle to pass up the temptation and get my things done. I have completed my case against France to the International Criminal Court and submitted it for review by the office of the prosecutor of the court. I am waiting for a response before I serve France. I might have to do that before at the rate I see my potential witnesses falling. I am in the process of completing my review on Africa. After completing my inventory I have realized that all my Blog Pages on the Southern part of Africa have been deleted. That is over one year’s work. I am not complaining too much though I am seeing things that I didn't see the first time. All things work for good Romans 8 verse 28...I thought the mainland was bad then I went to the islands. Lord help my Holy Ghost, stolen real estate, coup d’etat and island devoid of proper health care. Everywhere I go there is a need for leadership. While the Canadian Virus runs rampage through the nations I am cleaning up my calendar.
FB - April 1, 2020 - Just giving you a sample!
Well people the thing you have all been waiting for, I will keep you waiting no longer. Seems my FB Posts have become the ‘Document franca’ for the psychologists and psychiatrists who come around this place. As I promised I will give you a little run down on the other persons occupying the facilities in Sweden. It is certainly a different experience while not being unique. When I was locked down in Jamaica I could at least speak to my fellow inmates knowing the conversation ended with them. It was not an espionage set up bent on destroying anyone. Hence, there was not this level of distrust. Apart from some doctors who had taken money to do evil the workers were all honest Jamaican doing their daily work. That is why the crooked Politicians etc could not have their way. Here it is just down right criminality.
Let us speak about the ‘weep a river lady’ . We will not put a country to her name since I do not want to malign anyone’s country without being sure. Of course all you Jamaican know where I get the ‘weep a river’ annotation from. Of course ‘Jimmy weep a river Swaggart’. I tell you looking back those Sunday mornings with Jimmy Swaggart were a treat. Although when we were going through them it was not. We were all commensurating with Mr. Swaggart. Now I realize why a Pastor could do that for so many years. One explanation, he is white, he was just looking at his bottom line. No church, no money? It is all about the business and nothing about God. That is why so many people keep falling and there are a lot more to go. God’s word cannot lie. He is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle Ephesians 5 verse 27 and judgement begins in the house of God I Peter 4 verse 17.
This lady works closely with the office so she goes and gets her instructions. She is one of the best actresses I have seen in a long time. If I had met a movie producer when I went to Los Angeles I would have sent them a recommendation. She gives the staff any emotion they want tears, anger, laughter and shouting. She has stamina. Everytime I hear her going through the paces I have to smile to myself. Then she has another little one from Italy when the two of them get going. I say Hollywood, Julie, Elizabeth etc take a back seat. Then talk about being digitally connected the lady has the computer and the IPad going all at once. She is speaking on the computer and she is speaking on the IPad simultaneously. All geared to distract me and get my attention. I have returned the IPad I was given, you have stolen three telephones from me return one. I have not been able to speak to my people freely since November 2017. We can wait. I have FB, Twitter and LinkedIn that is why I go to the police if anyone touches my Social media accounts.
We dealt with the crooked and criminal Chinese yesterday let us go over to the idle Somalians. They remind me of the scripture that got me in trouble in the church when I used it in my prayer ‘women with itchy ears and busybodies’ I Timothy 5 verse 13. It is one of the worst things to have idle women around who are being directed by people with criminal intent. They are a nuisance. To be very honest though, it is the first time since interacting with the Muslim community that I have seen Muslims behave this way. The ones who did French with me in Canada it was a pleasure to be in the class with them, especially the last set. In fact, after most of them came and realized that the things they were told were lies they would just disappear. In London, with all the nastiness, the Muslim ladies were there but they very discretely did their things. They came with their babies, they looked at me and I looked at them. They came to the prayer room, did their praying and left. We were very respectful to each other. That's why when I was in Canada I quickly defended them because they have shown me more respect than most Christians. Since, I have come to Sweden the first person that told me a big fat lie at the train station was a Muslim. These ladies from Somalia, there are four of them two are not so bad but the other two, the looseness, loudness and poor behaviour are amazing. The fact of the matter is that they also know what they are doing, they are doing it deliberately. Reminds me of the smelly lady that was on the train in Switzerland that was placed beside me just to move me out of my place. I condemn no one. All I am looking for is an opportunity to leave a tract or say a word about the Kingdom of God. You all know the reason Somalians are being used is because I wrote about my admiration for them when I was in Canada and Iman the famous model is also a Somalian. These days I have taken the decision not to commend anyone. I want to set up no one for destruction. Most people do not seem to be able to handle compliments especially we flat bridged nose black people. Since the serpent knows our weakness all he does is use it against us. The same persons I commend, he uses them to try and destroy me. I wish these costumed Muslims would use some of their time for quietness. Two scriptures come to mind, it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm Proverbs 17 verse 28 and gossip is sweet who can resist Proverbs 18 verse 8.
The Kenyan amongst us do her business discreetly. Her major job is mostly to show me that black people are only to be used for house work and to clean up after everyone else. She is the one that cleans the kitchen etc.. Who wants to tell me about black and white again?
The South American does their business quietly, putting on whatever garment they are told to wear and eat the food in front of me. One turned over one cup of some yellow substance on the table in front of me. Luckily, I had gotten up from the table before it happened. They know they have already done enough. As we speak I have my tongue in my tooth that they have destroyed. They have already slashed my feet in seven places. Which indicates that they are even more cruel than the Chinese because the latter did not go that far. As long as I keep putting my tongue in my tooth they will be on my mind. Their man has the Ballon d’Or. The Europeans have their man at the United Nations. They are mainly on guard duty at present being on the road for two years I keep very odd hours. Now it is Blog time I need to get my blog prepared and typed. Sleep is the last thing on my mind. As I say he who knows all things knows how to protect me, even from myself.
Then they have this little white person, people to be very frank with you, I do not know if the person is male or female and to be very frank I am not even interested. Most times he is the one that is up when I get up in the mornings. These people stay up all night and then sleep until lunch time. This is the type of life these Caucasians want to introduce me to. The life of ‘wutlissness’. I know of no old person in Jamaica who goes to McDonald’s and sits and drinks coffee and eats muffins. Do you? Then they set up this person on a regular basis to abuse me in the lingua. I have said to him on two occasions ‘communication is a two way thing and if I do not understand what you are saying we are not communicating’ and continued doing what I was doing. The first time I was eating breakfast. I continued to drink my oats porridge. The staff member was standing there and issuing instructions. I ignored both of them. Then the last time I told him Jesus loves him. Lord help my Holy Ghost!
I am just updating you criminals who are paying for all of this ensuring that you are getting your money's worth. You damn fools you are going to have to pay for all this.
People we have to cut it here. We will have more tomorrow. It is now 12:22 a.m. and I have to move on to my next assignment. I have to be retyping my Blog that the Nazis and Mafias have deleted over one year of work. My juiciest Blog pages. This is the time that I wanted to write a few more articles and do some research that I have had on hold for almost one year in some cases over one year. Anyway let us give thanks in all things.
I am six hours ahead of you people in the West, it is now 11:42 (23:42) p.m. It is almost midnight. Before I get into what I really want to talk about let me just deal with a few housekeeping matters.
- #Canada and my #Nigerian friends if you want more pornography all you have to do is carry the Trillion Dollar contract and let us go through it to gether I just might be tempted to become your pornographic queen. Just to update you people since my first FB about the atrocities taking place in the centre where I am they have moved me to my own room. The first thing that came to mind is Daddy, what is the whiteman up to this time? I had forgotten that a blank TV Screen in any room that I am in means I am on candid camera. The other room had many other ladies and they kept the lights off. Then this morning the little old mashup Asian lady came out of the bathroom with a towel around her. She did not take a shower. What can I say people? You would think that Canada has enough pornograpny to last them a lifetime. Unfortunately, they need more because I have become a medical guinea pig for the #animals in #Canada. They are always testing one or the other substance on me. I remember sitting in the Library chair in Quebec and swelling right before my very eyes. When I changed the chair of course it caused conflicts. Eventually, I stopped going to the Library. Then at the Apple Store they gave me an earphone. To date I have only used the ear phone in an Apple Store in cases of emergency. It doesn’t matter where I go, I cover up. I trust no one, especially white people. Everytime a white person is nice to me I immediately see a red flag. I mean immediately!! I repeat carry the contract you crooked and criminal Canadian homosexials and lesbians you cannot be using my material without me getting some rewards. If you are paying the Pastors for their sermons you can pay me for my photos legally and above board. You damn crooks and criminals!!
- People before the homosexual left I do not know what he did to my hands, the back of my fingers have been raked all over and there are black needle marks on my fingers. Is someone trying to give me a tattoo here? I also notice that there is a lady here who looks like a Canadian Indigenous person full of tattoos. She is the one on night watch. Night watch so you can catch me if I go to sleep. She must be the needle lady. I tell you I am an endangered species.
- Ah! So you pastors are now realizing that you cannot negotiate with the devil. At least the devil has no doubt about his mandate. It is to kill, steal and destroy. Are you Pastors aware of yours? Please do not tell me about being deceived. You have Joshua in the Bible as an example, he was tricked because he did not seek the counsel of the Lord. Anyone comes to any of you with money you ask no question and these guys know the weakness of all of us. If I were you Pastors I would use the money to buy a cemetery to bury the dead church members, that is if you cannot refund it.
- As for you compromised #African leaders that is why Africa continues to be the way it is you have no political morality. You have all sold your countries for a mess of pottage. I want no one to apologize to me. You should all apologize to the one billion people suffering. The other two hundred thousand who are not suffering are you and your friends who are making the crooked deals.
The next part of my post: I tell you people after I got out of bed and wrote that prayer for America last night and then returned to bed.
- The first thing that came to me, is Bombardier trying to wreck Boeing? It looks logical only your friends know your secrets and they themselves have been having no ends of problems there in Canada, government bailouts and inability to complete contracts. I am just throwing it out there.
- Is Canada an international terrorist now? Looks to me like that is so. I am asking them to release the opposition leader of Mali as no foolishness is going to happen under my watch. They can cut deals with whomever they wish just do not let it affect anymore flat bridged nose black people.
- Then I continued to think and the plane crash in Ethiopia and another one came to mind and I said Daddy black people have indeed become collateral damage. I am telling Canada if you want to kill anymore of your Canadian criminals do not let any more of us flat bridged nose black people die. Kill them on your soil not our soil. Anybody else you kill, kill them on your soil or in some other country not Africa. The Somalian Canadian journalist etc next time kill them in Canada. Everybody is too smart, that is the problem. I don't care whatever order you all belong to. I belong to the order of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah nothing can stop Him. I drink blood and eat flesh every time I have a chance to, none ah unuh nah cow mi down!! Everything that you are all doing is counterfeit. Come to Jesus Christ of Nazareth the original. I should have told you people when the homosexual was here he placed the computer on a song being played by Goetita this goat with two big horns playing a violin. I sat there and I heard the wailing beside me. I looked and he was not there but the sound was going on. I just got up and turned off this demonic thing. I said devil you must be out of your mind. Goetita indeed! Satan is suffering from a severe head problem. I need Pastor Lloyd Maxwell (may his soul rest in peace) for all this high science. Only he could explain all these diabolical activities to me.
- Africa has allowed the colonial masters to get away with so much that everyone wants to take steps with flat bridged nose black people. Plus everywhere I go the French and their descendants are wicked, I suggest Quebec keeps its wickedness to itself.
- Then I remembered that immediately I heard about this germ all that came to mind was SARS. People if you go to Canada one of the first things you know about is SARS because it changed the way of life in Canada. Majority of the population walks around with their bottle of sanitizer in their handbag or hanging from the handbag like decoration and everywhere you go and I mean everywhere there are sanitizers for you to wash your hands even at the supermarket with the trolleys. Even the Roman Catholic Church started giving Communion without wine. That is where that bit of rubbish came from. That is why I call it SARSII and I am convinced that the vaccine has already been produced and will be released at the appropriate time. In the meantime, I need to go research the SARS I because I was in Jamaica at the time and quite immune from the shenanigans of the so called superpowers. Now Jamaica seems to be in the center of everything. I see!! They are to kill all of you crooked Jamaican Politicians instead of the little people.
- Now I see Trudeau and his people are under serious pressure from the Caucasian population and the whole network of homosexuals and Lesbians worldwide to bring this matter to a close. The desperation in #Sweden is palpable. I now see everybody is trying to appease Canada. I wonder why?
I keep remembering this saying by Dr. Gibbs in Canada he said, ‘Raphleta, a Blackman’s best asset, is to be underestimated.’ Then I followed up with God ‘Is so mi look fool fool that everybody wan tek step wid mi (God is that foolish I look that everyone wants to disrespect me).’ I mean everybody takes these people money and then I start to pray and fast and write and then people are telling me to have mercy and all types of foolishness. You came, you looked at me and then you decided to take the money. Why did you? You had a choice!!
These days I just release the prayer points and move out of God's way. Look at New York and the USA do you people remember when I was in that country?
Father, continue to cushion Virginia may they come through not even smelling of smoke. I am still praying for them. Only the #USA has Whole Foods where I can go and eat and no one sends me to prison.
#Zuckie trusts you and the girls are okay!! Keep safe!!
Well this is all for now up here in #crooked #Sweden with the ‘weep a river lady’ corrupt #Moroccan and the needle lady and the loud #Somalians and the crooked #Chinese et al. I am off to begin typing my #Blog.
Follow me on FB to be kept updated on World events and illegal lock down in Sweden.. You have to listen to the expert but you also need to be aware of which dispensation you are in and what God is saying at this time.
I have a couple of other Blog topics which I remember from my stolen note books and Bible. However, in view of the season I just thought since I have the time and my mind is very relaxed and I have the equipment I would just explore this topic to ensure that I know is cemented in my mind. What are you saying? How can I be relaxed at a time like this? The Bible says if you fail in the time of adversity then your strength is weak Proverbs 24 verse 10. Remember the Apostle Paul did his best writings in prison Ephesians 6 verses 19 - 20.
You all need to stop listening to the Nazis and Mafias, first thing, they do not know the Bible and second, everything they do is illegal. In view of the season let us go through this topic and continue to thank God that he only is omni: omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Exploring: 1. travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it.
2. Inquire into (or discuss) a subject in detail.
Purpose: 1. The original intent of the maker of a thing Dr. Myles Munroe.
2. The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
3. A person's sense of resolve or determination
Crucifixion: An ancient form of execution in which a person was nailed or bound to a cross.
In my research I drew on two experts in matters scriptural:
Dr. Mensa Otabil - International Christian Gospel Centre
Dr. Myles Munroe (Deceased) - Bahamas Faith ministries International
In my analysis of the sermons I have concluded that Dr. Myles emphasis was on the why? While Dr Otabil’s emphasis was on the how? Hence, the title of the sermons:
THE CROSS - Dr. Mensa Otabil
THE BIRTH OF DEATH - Dr. Myles Munroe
These sermons have cleared up a number of grey areas for me and just reinforced my beliefs in things like the efficacy and efficiency of the blood of Jesus. I just added that word efficient. It is not only effective, it is efficient, not one drop is wasted. Since, we always want to look at pretext, post text and context, let us begin in the Book of Genesis so we can garner the very heart of God.
- The vision of God was to colonize earth with heaven through mankind
- Man was given dominion over Earth to manifest the kingdom culture of heaven
- Mankind was heavens colony on Earth.
- The fall of man was the declaration of independence from the kingdom of heaven.
In Genesis 2 verses 16 - 18 Daddy had already pronounced the wages of Sin. However, in Genesis 3 verses 6 - 7 they did exactly what they told not to do. What is sin? Sin is the rebellion against the authority of God. That is what Adam did in the garden, he and his wife deliberately ate the fruit that they were told not to eat. Hence, we can conclude that
- God created death
- Death existed before it killed
- It was always present but it could not kill as long as Adam did not disobey God
- Death was created dead
- Death when it is given power is abnormal
This also established the principle of the scripture in Revelation 13 verse 8 Jesus died from the foundation of the world. God is omniscient; nothing takes Him by surprise.
The Tri-fold Nature of the Death of Man
Jesus fulfilled all the stages on the cross.
- Death is the departure of the Holy Spirit from man - The day Adam ate he died. He lived nine hundred and thirty years. However, Adam was a dead living man. A man without the Holy Spirit is a dead man. It doesn’t matter what you have achieved or accomplished, you are a successful dead. Adam had children which only indicates that dead people have children and produce after their own kind.
- Death is the departure of man from the presence of God - The trillion dollar question of God to Adam in Genesis 3 verse 9 - Adam where are you? God was not referring to location but to disposition. Immediately, he sinned the vertical relationship with God was broken. He was eventually kicked out of the Garden of Eden Romans 5 verse 12, 6 verses 22 - 23.
- Death is the departure of man from his body - That was the so-called victory of death I Corinthians 15 verses 55 - 57.
The Birth of death
- Death was never God’s will for mankind.
- God did not kill Adam, death killed Adam.
- Death to Adam was a choice
- Adam chose to be killed by death
- Death was created by God without life
- Death when it starts to work is actually abnormal because Adam should not have disobeyed God to give it authority to start work.
- Death did not come through the man, it came through the act of man.
- Death got its life when man disobeyed God
With the coming of Jesus God has put death back to sleep and we will see how as we progress Romans 5 verse 12.
The reasons why man had to die are
- God is holy
- God is faithful
- God must keep His word
- God cannot lie
- God must fulfill his promises
- God cannot ignore His word
The captioned points are summed up in the scripture Psalm 138 verse 2 and Hebrews 13 verse 8. The fact that we serve a God of integrity and in Him there is no variableness or shadow of turning. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Hebrew word name means ‘being.’ God has placed his word above Himself. Dr. Myles puts it this way ‘God is sovereign until He speaks.’ He is regulated by his own word. His word is established forever.
Satan capitalized on God’s instructions and instigated a rebellion. We forget to our detriment that Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, the Accuser, the Dragon, just some of his names is an anointed Cherub, corrupted anointing but anointing anyway. Be reminded people that he has been to heaven and he walked on the fire stones around the throne. He was a part of God’s inner circle. God had three archangels or as Dr. Myles puts it ‘generals’ in Heaven.
They were:
- Gabriel the Communicator He was in charge of the Ministry of Information. He brought all the messages. Mary and Joseph, the announcement of the birth of Jesus St. Luke 1 verses 26 -28.
- Michael the Army General - He is the warrior. He is always dealing with the stubborn principalities and powers Daniel 10 verses 12 - 13.
- Lucifer - Son of the Morning - In charge of music Dr. Myles would say ‘Culture and Fine Arts.’ Culture is a powerful thing that shapes the value system of a nation. Hence, the reason Lucifer was able to persuade one third of the angels to join him in rebellion Ezekiel 28 verses 12 - 18.
We laid the background so that you could see that Lucifer knew his boss. He knew that once God said it forever is thy word set in the heavens Psalm 119 verse 89. He could not break His word people, that is very logical if God broke His word then we could not trust Him. His sceptre would no longer be that of justice and righteousness.
Lucifer knew that once man sinned then death would be activated. God would have to kill Adam Genesis 2 verse 16. Adam being the first man and the prototype was carrying all the human race so we were all condemned before we were born. You can revise the story of the fall in Genesis 3 verses 6 - 7. When Adam and Eve fell and immediately their glory covering left they realized they were naked. In order to cover their nakedness they sewed leaves. Principle, without the shedding of blood there can be no atonement for sin Hebrews 9 verse 22. God sacrificed an animal and used the skin to cover them Genesis 3 verse 21. The first killing in the Bible.
Through the ages the blood of bulls and goats were used. I tell you people I cannot imagine how bloody those services were. Let us stop here and thank God for the perfect sacrifice. Ooh wee! Thank God for Jesus!
Seven Reasons Why Jesus Had to Die
- Substitution - Taking our place
- The Flesh - overcame death
- God needed blood - Spirit has no blood
- Paid the Price for Sin - Sin was thrust upon him
- Had to be resurrected - Cannot resurrect living things
- Justification of man - Satisfy the demands of righteousness
- Destroy the Power of death - Put death back to sleep
When you die out of Christ you are not going to ‘burnup’. The fire does not quench you are going to burn forever St. Mark 9 verses 43 - 44, St. Luke 16 verses 19 - 31.
Before we look at the how of death let us look at the power of the blood. In Leviticus 17 verse 11 it says all life is in the blood. Because it also carries all the diseases in a man’s body.
Characteristics of the Blood
- All life is in the blood
- All healing is in the blood
- All nutrients are in the blood
- All protection is in the blood
- Immunity is when the blood takes all it has to fight against disease
- All sustenance is in the blood
We are all learning here together people. Even as a science student who did Advanced Level Biology I missed this part. Death is only possible in the absence of blood, for example bleed to death. Most prognosis of death is due to a lack of blood. Another thing is if you look at the functioning of your body you will realize that all organs serve the blood; the heart pumps blood, the liver and pancreas purifies the blood etc. That is why it is so difficult to fight cancer because they are diseases of the blood. The blood is the protector of the body. That is why it is possible to have organ transplants.The reason God told the children of Israel and by extension all of us not to eat blood is because all diseases in the body are in the blood. The crux of the discussion on blood is that Jesus had pure blood which was free from sin and disease. We could only be redeemed by someone with uncontaminated blood. Due to the actions of God Adam knew he had to stay under the blood for continued protection. However, in terms of his two sons one did not seem to grasp the principle. Cain brought all his nice fresh fruits and vegetables thinking that he satisfied the requirement for a sacrifice. Abel brought a sheep.We know the end result Abel’s sacrifice was accepted and Cain’s rejected which resulted in the first murder on Earth. Cain killed his brother Abel. Dr Myles not Raphleta. ‘Cain represents all the religious people coming with all their rituals etc except the blood.’
Another example of the importance of the blood covering is in the Old Testament the consecration of the priest in Leviticus 14 verses 12 - 15. The blood is placed on his right ear all the better to hear God with; the thumb of his right hand all the better to work for God and on his right big toe for the protection of his walk with God. That covered their sins for one year. In Hosea 13 verse 14 God promised us that he would do something that we would not get sick and be destroyed anymore.
THE CRUCIFIXION - Let us have some thanks giving by listening to the song - I am Forever Grateful
Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the Earth Revelation 13 verse 8. Death by the cross in the days of Jesus was the most painful and shameful way to kill someone. The crucifixion was invented by the Phoenicians several hundred years earlier. However, the Romans perfected the art and made it a weapon of mass destruction. The crosses were always constructed in a public place as a tool of deterrence and shame.
As a part of the hideous process the accused was whipped; which is a very bloody process. The whipped used was made of leather and the leather had pieces of glass planted into the leather. The flesh was literally raked with the glass. Jesus was unrecognizable after going through the process Isaiah 52 verse 14.
The method chosen by God was not understood by most because of the perception surrounding the whole crucifixion process and the scriptures itself. Here are some prophecies that spoke to the type of death Jesus would suffer both Old and New Testaments Psalm 22 verses 1 - 18, Psalm 69 verse 21, St. Matthew 26 verses 1 - 2, St. John 3 verse 14, St. John 12 verses 32 - 33. Why is it a stumbling block and foolishness to some? I Corinthians 1 verse 18. In Deuteronomy 21 verse 23 it clearly states that anyone who hangs on a tree is accursed of God which is reinforced in Galatians 3 verse 13. Where did these curses originate from?
After man sinned, God had to move towards his project plan. All the stories in the Old Testament were just types and shadows of things to come. God had to work with the raw material He had until the fullness of time. Hence, the reason for the nation of Israel which should be a prototype of what God wanted to do whole scale on the Earth. However, man born of a woman will sin Psalm 51 verse 5. God continues to implement safeguards to prevent us from sinning. The thing about the law is that it points out your sin. Then there is the blessings and cursing system. The blessings on Mount Gerizim and the curses on Mount Ebal. In Deuteronomy 11 verses 26 - 29 the law was read out by the priests and the people said amen to all of them.Then in Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 - 13 we have the blessing plan and in Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 - 68 we have all the curses. When you read the curses you get an idea of the things God has redeemed you from.
The message of the Crucifixion is really one of
- Sacrifice - Jesus died to bear the sin of many
- Shame - numbered among the transgressors
- Suffering - excruciating pain, worst type of death at that time
- Salvation - never forget what the blood has purchased for you. You have been bought with a price everything paid for in full, you have been reconciled with God through Christ.
- Victory of christ - over sin and death
Hence, you must never accept a curse over your life. No one can curse you, not even a man of God once you are a Kingdom citizen. Look at the story in Numbers 23 verses 7 - 11 regarding Balaam and Balak and the Children of Israel. This was the old covenant and we are now under a new and better covenant. In the book of Proverbs it speaks to a causeless curse it cannot stick Proverbs 26 verse 2. If you are having challenges in your life and you are in right standing with God take His word and go to Him and sort out the matter. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony Revelation 12 verses 10 - 11.
The Narrative of the Cross
At about the sixth hour there was darkness all over the earth until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. New Priesthood bigger and better covenant.
- He had to go through the same thing the first Adam went through He cried ‘I thirst’. They tried to give Him a mixture that they used to kill pain. He refused. He had to carry our pain.
- When Jesus had cried with a loud voice - This was the first time ever that He had suffered separation from His Father hence he cried out in pain at the agony of the separation. Jesus also said Father and my God why have you forsaken me. The actual departure of His Father.
- Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: He departed from the presence of God
- The final death, man left his body and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
Corollary Scripture in Isaiah 53
In verse 4 - God killed Jesus and humiliated Him. As John the Baptist said in St. John 1 verse 29 ‘Behold the Lamb of God…’ God had provided for Himself a Lamb.
Verse 6 - All our sins were placed on Him.
Verse 10 - Goal of His death - guilt offering
Verse 11 - Purpose of His death - Justification
I Corinthians 15 verses 20 - 26 Jesus whipped the final enemy which was death.
Let us listen to the song - I am not my Own
I have explored quite a few fundamental doctrines in this Blog Post. They are as follows:
- The Purpose of Man
- The Origin of death
- The Blood Covenant
- The Crucifixion
I would suggest that we become little Bereans and explore each theme in our own time. In terms of the pleading of the blood I do not agree with the statements made by Dr. Munroe. The exact terminology might not be in the Bible but the principle is there. This is how I plead the blood. I look at the fact that from the book of Genesis, the fact that the blood of Abel spoke from the ground Genesis 4 verse 10. Then I move over to the book of Exodus 12 verse 13 where the blood of bulls and goats were sufficient to protect the Children of Israel from the angel of death. I then remind God that I am under a better covenant and I quote where the blood of Jesus is greater than that of Abel Hebrews 12 verses 22 - 24. I then go over to the mercy seat and speak about what the blood of Jesus has done for us Hebrews 9. Then I continue to plead the blood. I say devil the warm efficacious blood of Jesus which is on the mercy seat is against you and all your works I am off limits. Tetelestai it is finished! You have a head problem, you cannot touch me. I pleeeaaddd the blllloooddddd!! How about you? How do you do it? I would love to know. You have to know your rights in this kingdom and the next. Naturally, we say ignorance of the law is no excuse. In this kingdom the more ignorant you are the happier the enemy is, I have experienced that not anymore.
In concluding, in this Good Friday season what a glorious victory, death has no more sting and the grave has no more victory hallelujah!! Jesus is Alive in the words of Ron Kenoly.
What the first Adam could not do the second Adam has done. God had the original all along from the before the foundations of the Earth. Redeemed, restored, revived, and reconciled! There is only one mediator between man and God. For thousands of years everyone brought their own lamb but now the Lamb of God.has been slain. Price paid in full.
People, this is me Raphleta, coming to you from the evil country called Sweden. I have been told that all the devil worshippers in the world are trying to hold on to me. Thus far they have bruised my fingers in this criminal set up here.
This is Raphleta Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from up here in Stockholm, Sweden Migration Prison
À bientôt