Original link - The Significance of the Sceptre Pichai has scrambled I.
Mon peuple, mon peuple it is that time of the month ‘The I Am God Blog’ if you are on Google and the Unchangeablechanger if you are on WordPress. It is March 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Copenhagen, Denmark. Yes people, sorry I could not get you caught up with my travels but I am now in Denmark sitting in the McDonald’s at ( I have to go for my map to get the correct spelling for the name of the plaza) Rådhuspladsen. I am looking at the Scandic Palace Hotel, a building with the Burger king on the first floor, one with the Hard Rock cafe and one with a big blue Politisiens written on it. It seems to be an office building. It is dark so I cannot see the pedestrians but the traffic up and down the street is quite brisk.
I came in yesterday in a blaze of glory. I have to say that because in order to keep me out of the country, the Nazis with the Canadians in charge set up a brilliant custom system at Prodago the first town in the south of Denmark and north of the German border. I arrived there at 3:52 p.m. and did not leave until 9:06 p.m. Coming through Germany I had no problems. In fact, I now have pleasant memories of Berlin. The first time it was where I ate a good meal in Germany because of the generosity and boldness of one African. Then this time around the powers that be helped me to change my pants which were pulled apart by the crooked Pakistanis and Indians. They also helped me replace a number of things that were stolen such as my panties. I am realizing that there is a core set of good people in Berlin which was one of the reasons that Nazism did not flourish there. However, as Edmund Burke said and I quote ‘the only thing that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to keep silent.’ Can you believe it? When I returned to the Berlin library, the nice plastic bags for our things were no more. They now have black baskets, that is all the Nazis and Mafias do go around and cause trouble. Only because I still have the strong plastic bags to put my things in. Once you get the bags they are yours. I also got a few at the British Library. I suppose they have messed up that system too.
I tell you people where those Pakistanis, Indians, Jamaican politicians and Canadians are concerned I will take my prayer point to my grave for every strand of hair(they keep putting something in my hair and feeding me poisonous substances to get me bald and shaving off my hair so I can look like a Lesbian), for every pain in my toe which they have have placed the chemical on, for my two toe nails that they have distorted, for every where on my body that they have discoloured, for all the dirt they have stuck under my nails to make them dirty, for what they did in the election campaign in Brampton in 2006 and there after. Daddy, they shall not get away with it, especially the last point. Uncircumcised Philistines and heathen touching Christians. Not under my watch!! I was in the waiting room at Podago, I did my devotion praising and worshipping when I was alone. I dried my laundry. I was prevented from entering the train at 5:06 p.m. again. I decided to walk to the next train station. On my way night came and I could not locate the entrance to the road to take me to Teglev. I ended up in an industrial area and there were no buses. It was dark. I decided to turn back and returned to the station. I was allowed in the train. The people were obviously looking through the camera and realized that most things that they were told were lies. Their sinister plans for me were thwarted as per usual, because I took the connecting train at Frederica Street at 10:59 p.m. straight to Copenhagen Flughafen airport arriving at 1:50 a.m.
Today I went to the Library, the service was extremely poor. People up to their set pieces and a whole lot of foolishness. I just left! I really do not know what is the problem with these Danes as it was at the train station they had a whole lot of police and soldiers at the library. I ignored all and left. I decided to sight see and look for an Apple Store while protesting. Woman is my name. I can multi-task easily. I asked directions at one hotel called the OsterPort Hotel. I am still looking for one number and one street. Hence, the reason I am at McDonald's, since I was told I should not sleep, I decided to write. I have done some work on my French article. I looked at it while I was in Berlin. I worked on the Conclusion/Recommendations. I need to add some more points and bring everything together. I quoted Edmund Burke earlier in my writings. It is time for us flat bridged nose black people to realize that we have to help ourselves under God. All who want to talk about black and white can continue to do so. They also need to ask those white Evangelists why they are no longer in Africa? I am doing all of this not for the African leaders because they are living in the lap of luxury at the expense of the poor black Africans. It is the time for all this evil to stop.
Unfortunately, the Nazis and the Mafias have all my blog topics so my research on Google was not very fruitful. I need a good library to use some books to delve into the meat of the matter. Before I go over to Rome as I promised you this month I have to share a story with you. I should have shared it on FaceBook but I forgot. This happened while I was in Switzerland. I decided to launch my campaign against the Pakistanis and Indians at my most favourite place, in Geneva at the Palais des Nations. On Saturday, February 22, when I went to protest the Diplomatic Police turned up as per usual, not a problem. They are always driving around when I am protesting. They told me I could not stay under my ‘Broken Chair’. I said, What? Which law am I breaking? We have been down this path before. I was told I needed to get approval from the police. Which police I asked? The last time you told me that when I went to Gare Cornavin, the police did not let me through their doors and looked at me through the doors and laughed at me. They said I should not go to Gare Cornavin again. I said so different police have different rules? I was advised I could only get approval from the station they were sending me. I said, okay what is the address? They wrote down some fictitious rubbish about Graverie etc and I was to take the number five. I asked what was the major intersection? Right in front of my face one of them started uttering some foolishness. I just moved from beside them returned my passport to the case and returned it to my torn pants and tights and picked up my placard and continued demonstrating. They started to harass me. I said when you have the section which I am violating and the law which I am breaking I will move or you can call the real police and get them to arrest me. I went across the road right in front of the United Nations they followed me. By this time there are five of them and one of me. Think about the situations you see in Africa. I walked them out to the end of the plaza. One old lady tried to intervene we all told her to go about her business, Nazi operative. Then two other operatives were standing and looking. I paid them no mind. I moved over to the bus stop section of the Plaza. One of them had the gall to ask me why I did not use other methods. I said I have a letter from your courts advising me that I need an address in Switzerland before they can deal with my case. Hence, the reason I protest, there is no justice for us black people. By this time whoever was on the other end giving instructions was telling them not to ask me anymore questions after I mentioned the law suit. This is the clincher people, I tell you the Rt Hon Michael Manley would be proud of me. I just threw myself down on the sidewalk right in front of everybody and said Unuh kill me, ah long time the white people aah try kill mi, unuh even ah try starve mi to death. Unuh finish kil mi (All of you kill me, it is a long time white people have been trying to kill me, you are even trying to starve me to death, all of you finish killing me). I never saw people move so fast. They backed off quickly. I just went on the island in the middle of the road and continued my protest while they looked on. Then they left and returned intermittently to keep me under their radar. The police also paid a visit. I just moved around with my placard that states
Then the first time I protested in Switzerland there was someone who seems to be in the trucking business, they sent a truck with the French word ‘precisement'. Then this last time they sent another truck with the wording ‘fresher logistics’. I had to laugh!
Now let us move on to Rome. Let me state from the outset that there were two words that were uppermost in my mind all through my visit to Italy from when I hit Milan the two words came to me sleazy and slimy. Sorry Africa now you see why the Italians are attacking you. You caan ketch quaku yuh ketch him shut (you cannot get back at the original party you attack those related to or are close to him).The behaviour of the people even though they were not really different from some of the countries I have been to were reflective of these words. I was refused entry to the St. Peter's Cathedral because I had a green bottle in my bag. People, it is my backup weapon. As it was in the days of Nehemiah so it is now Nehemiah 4 verse 17. That was the Saturday I went to Mass. The Nazis and Mafias are always searching my bags at nights. When I was held captive they had a field day reading everything. When they are unable they send people to sit behind me, the only reason being to peer in my bag. At every opportunity they want people to search my bags. That being the reason that I cannot keep any good hand bags. Now that I am walking with two shopping bags they are over the moon, this suits them fine all the better to search in when I am asleep.Who is it out there that wants to tell me about black and white? Come! Anyway as per usual they called the Security and told them I have a bottle in my bag. The same thing happened at the George Pompidou Library in Paris. I went in with my bottle the previous day with no hassle. Then the security and I had it out the next day. I eventually put my bottle in the garbage bag but of course when I returned the garbage bag had been changed. I was not in the mood to release my bottle so I let St. Peter's Cathedral pass and went and protested in front of the Vatican Museum gate. They had this person out there who looked like a leper. I told the person to come and let me pray with them so that they can see that this is a kingdom of power and not words. It is not about the costumes. The person refused that is what religion does, it binds you up. I drove around Roma it is a lot of old crumbling buildings. There are three squares or plazas or places that are similar to me. Piccolo in Rome, Trafalgar Square in London and Place de la Concorde in Paris. They all have the same stolen Egyptian Poles with the Egyptian art on it. In fact, in Paris there is more than one of the poles. Then of course I was not able to access any libraries with public internet. I spent one whole day running around cobbled streets to no avail, with the Nazis and Mafias showing me all these costumed people, suffice it to say none of the ladies in costumes were Caucasians. They were blacks, Indians, Pakistanis, and Phillipinos. I tell you Rome has sold religion to all of you. Seems the whiteman and his equally crooked partner the Jamaican politicians are advising that if you are not promiscuous or sexually active you should become a Nun. They started this foolishness with me while I was in jamaica. I shall take the prayer point about these crooked politicians and people in Jamaica to my grave. They are so crooked they are bent out of shape. Vatican City at present seems to be the major attraction in Rome. People flock to St. Peter’s Square in droves. The Museums also are doing a lively business.
In my travels around the towns I noticed that there are quite a number of vendors in fact special areas have been prepared for them across from Vatican City and also by Ostende Station. They are very cheap which is suggesting to me a weakened economy. Rome is the only place I have been in Europe and seen quality panties being sold for one Euro. I was shocked! It was being sold by a blackman. I didn't have the money at the time when I returned after deciding that I was going to leave Rome he was no longer there and had been replaced by a Pakistani/Indian. Yes, people discrimination even in the vending profession. I witnessed it again first hand, when I started protesting right across from the Vatican walls. It was a square with vendors selling food one side had the Vatican city across the street was the official shopping district with stores for clothes, food etc. The second day I returned to protest they had placed a new Pakistani stall as a blockage between the pedestrian traffic and I. That only made the people more curious. I just laughed and continued protesting. Then an amazing thing happened! I saw a number of black guys that were sent to the plaza. However, no spaces were actually provided for them. The others were telling them where they could stay or could not stay. It ended up that they had to leave because there was really no place for them. I said to myself discrimination even in vending and took up a lament for my people. I must state to you that in all my time in Italy I did not eat one meal. Thank God for Starbucks. It has been sustaining me over the past couple of months. One lady at the airport offered me some sandwiches. Me Raphleta! I do not buy it and prepare it myself, I do not eat it. I cannot do with another incident of a ruptured anus. I tell you people the Nazis and Mafias set the people at the airport on me. They just came every night and their only assignment was harassing me. They had on these bad coloured yellow T-Shirts they were most offensive. One night I had to switch restrooms thrice from one terminal to the next, other nights I just did my devotion in the passages. Just for the peace. I have never had it that bad at an airport. In Ottawa because they are not into criminality with the government they just eject me. They cannot bother with the questionable behaviour. Then the crooked and corrupt Pakistanis and Indians had given me a red coat. They continually kept dirtying the coat while I slept. I had to be constantly laundering it in order not to look challenged. Someone wanted to tell about black and white? Come!
Here is another set of people who had big mentalities like the British. The Coliseum etc is a part of this former glory. Crumbling glory! As you are all aware I spent my birthday in Vienna, Austria. I did some sightseeing and then did my taxes. I sent it off but it was blocked. I had to resend it when I was in Germany. Canadians, criminally complicit all the free services were told to charge me for the use of their system.
Happy anniversary people this is the fourth year of publishing. I am so happy to have you at the other end. God bless you all for reading my writings. As soon as the whiteman leaves me alone I will give you my first book. I will also invite you to my church. I already have the prospective Pastors. Once again thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin and for believing in me. It would not have been the path I have chosen for my life. What can I say ? God is sovereign in all His ways.
I have been meaning to do this topic for such a long time. As I continue to research the Bible and to discover the truths my only regret is that all these years I did not have the attitude of the Bereans doing my own searching and researching to discover the many truths that are therein present. The people that live under a monarchy would more readily appreciate the concept of a sceptre because it is carried by rulers. That is the major concept God is a king and although the word is only mentioned twenty two times in the Bible it is a basic and fundamental Biblical doctrine.
Significance: The quality of being worthy of attention, importance.
The meaning to be found in words or events.
Sceptre: The most explicit definition as per Dictionary.com
A rod or wand borne in the hand as an emblem of regal or imperial power.
Royal or imperial power or authority, sovereignty.
To give a sceptre to, invest with authority.
- Genesis 49 verse 10 - The Sceptre is mentioned in the Bible twenty times, the words rod and sceptre are used interchangeably. We will go through these scriptures looking at context pretext and post text to grasp the meaning of each situation. In this the first mention in the book of Genesis Jacob was about to go the way of all the Earth so he gathered his children and grandchildren to bless them. Judah’s blessing was that the sceptre shall not leave that tribe nor the sovereign leadership be against their steps. That is why Jesus is of the lineage of Judah. He reigns forever, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Jacob’s statement was actually very prophetic.
- Numbers 21 verse 18 A song of the people when God gave them water in the desert after He had dealt with them severely for their complaining and grumbling.They are now obedient to the lawgivers with the sceptres the authority figures among them. What Moses could not do a little snake bite did, made them joyful.
- Numbers 24 verse 17 This was the chapter of course people with that infamous prophet Balam and king Balak. Balam knew that God had blessed Israel and at that time no one could have cursed them. There was no sin among them. Anyway Balak made the price right so that Balaam in this chapter 24 attempted to curse Israel for a second time. In verse 17 the elevation of the sceptre of Israel which speaks to the rulership and authority of Israel. Balam was very prophetic I see but not now.., I contemplate but not yet. He foretold the destruction of Israel’s enemies. And for those of you who are wondering why you cannot overcome me, read one of my favourite verses in the Bible Numbers 23 verse 23 and insert my name instead of Jacob. You might as well get rid of all your snakes, birds and feathers etc..
- Esther 4 verse 11, 5 verse 2 and 8 verse 4 This is the story of Esther we have now picked up where Mordecai had informed Esther of the faith of the Jews as pronounced by the demon called Haman. Mordecai had requested that Esther go and make a plea on behalf of her people to her husband the king. In verse 11 Esther is answering Jamaican style ‘Yuh mus eh mad, (you must be mad) it is general knowledge and she listed all the people who knew, to emphasize the generality of the knowledge that no one entered the interior court of the palace without being invited. Father, I thank you that the veil has been rented in twain. I can come and go as I please. The sceptre is always raised. She concluded by saying the person risked death if the sceptre is not raised. Just as an indication of how important and significant certain things are. Hence, the reason we cannot take things like the communion lightly. That's why I refuse to just take the bread as I see the Roman Catholics are doing. The next thing I know is that some Pope went to bed one night and didn't sleep well and decided to write a paper to say that Communion consisted only of the wafer. Another error has entered the church. We have to stop the little foxes that will destroy the vine.
- Esther 5 verse 2 you can understand that Mordecai gave Esther some choice words. She had wanted to wait for thirty days but after a three days dry fast she went in. People before I move on I must tell you this three days dry fast is the hardest fast I have ever done. I finally decided to do it while I was on the road. I nearly died and went to heaven. The only reason why I think God did not take me is because he wants a little more peace in heaven before having me up there re-organizing everything. Lord help my Holy Ghost! I must confess to you that I had to be washing out my mouth constantly. I did not want my lips to stick together. They were too dry and because I had not been eating I did not have much saliva. Anyway it is becoming the most beneficial one to date. People are now showing me water through water bottles everywhere I go. I travel for whole days without water, I stand at the computer for whole days without a drop of water. Let me get back to Esther. Of course after the fast and when the favour of God is on your life, it is said that one day of favour can save you a year of work. She found favour in the eyes of the king and he raised the gold sceptre. I forgot to mention people, King Ahasuerus’ sceptre was made of or (gold). I am back to a French Bible again people. Thanks to Hillsong Paris oh I forgot to tell you just for the fun of it. I went up to one Sister at Rome Airport and said can you give me a Bible. The sister said no I don't have any but you could buy one or probably get one (whatever, etc). I just said thank you and moved off. I tell you Hillsong Paris is something else, this time Pastor Houston had a video on the growth of the church itself. It was Hillsong's outreach sunday. Lovely video! I suppose the Pastors were glad it was a special Sunday when they heard I would be there. Lord help my Holy Ghost!
While I am here let me deal with this matter once again. I have already dealt with it in my Blog post The Purpose of Praise and Worship but it seems people are not taking good advice. Praise and worship is not about getting through three or however many songs you have decided to sing on a Sunday morning. People please give your congregation a break, at best they are mumbling while looking at the PowerPoint most times. At worst most times they are just standing there reading the songs. How can you introduce three new songs for praise and worship on a Sunday morning? How can you? Who benefits? When I go into praise and Worship on I must be able to participate fully, I did not come to be entertained. I come to worship. If you are introducing new songs, you introduce them gradually. You do it at Bible study, you do it at worship service etc. As a music ministry you have sung three new songs and only the band and the choir are familiar with the songs. I say familiar because the lead vocalists most times are reading the overhead monitor. Who is edified? I do not care how many albums you have sold. How many have you sold in recent times? Worship service is not like cutting an album. The Bible did not say we all should hit the perfect note. It says make a joyful noise. Another thing that is happening in North America and all over, the choir does not know the song they are singing. Take away the powerpoint and they are lost. I had to tell the people in the supermarket in Salzburg, that I did not start out with a calculator. The same way when we started church the Music ministry taught the songs which are on the programme. That way you left no one behind. I know you all have these monumental churches and everything must move like clockwork. Let me tell you what is going to happen. I went to a church in Atlanta that will remain nameless. I went early because I thought they were still having three services. I had to wait until 10:00 a.m. when I was allowed in the Sanctuary I asked the Usher ‘What happened I thought you had earlier services?’ She said we used to have three services but now we have only one combined service. Just one example is good enough. You all need to slow down God leaves nobody behind. Another thing, what is with these long songs of people’s life stories. I want to be reminded that I serve the omni God who is bigger than all my challenges. These songs are too long and winding and technical. Leave them for the concerts so I can jig at them. If you cannot find a song, sing a part of a hymn like Chris Tomlins. I need to write Praise and Worship II.
Now let us get back to the current blog topic. King Ahasuerus stretched out the sceptre and Esther went forward and touched it. The lifting of the sceptre speaks to access permission to enter. What does that sound like? We have free access through the blood of Jesus. We can go boldly to the throne of God anytime once we accept Jesus is our Lord and saviour Hebrews 4 verse 16.
- Esther 8 verse 4 This was Esther entering the presence of the king again to ask for favour specifically the revocation of the laws passed by Haman. By now we should all be aware that you cannot change the laws of the Medes and the Persians but you can write new laws to counteract old ones. Hence, the king just gave the Jews his signet ring for them to write whatever they please. I tell you people one day of favour is better than one hundred years of work. Thank God for Jesus who has written a new set of laws paid in full, redeemed and covered under the blood II Corinthians 5 verses 17 - 21.
- Psalm 45 verse 6 It is a Psalm of love by Korah. I suppose I should research the background of this Psalm but in the captioned verse Korah is exalting the king for his sceptre of justice and the fact that he hates wickedness. Here again the sceptre speaking to rulership and authority. It is a beautiful Psalm you should take the time to read it in its entirety - Psalm 45. I tell you people because I am jumping between versions. I am discovering that everybody is minding their own business, meaning the French Translation is a bit different from the King James Version. Lord help my Holy Ghost!
- Psalm 60 verse 7 This is a hymn of David. The list of testimonies by the Choir Director. Just establishing the fact that Judah is going to be the major tribe in Israel. The one which will establish the lineage of the Messiah. King David is a part of that lineage. Nobody knows that more than he.
- Psalm 108 verse 8 The exact same thing that was in Psalm 60 verse 7. It is now stated in this psalm as a Prayer and Confession of David up to verse 14.
- Psalm 110 verse 2 This is a prophetic Psalm. This one starts out very strongly imperatively: verse one declaring that we are to sit by God’s right hand until he makes our enemies his footstool. I tell you when you are God you are God! This scripture was also quoted by Jesus when the Pharisees attacked him about His lineage.. St. Matthew 22 verses 41 - 46. Verse 2 speaks to God extending His sceptre of power and authority to the church for the destruction of its enemy.
- Psalm 125 verse 3 This Psalm speaks to the fact that God is a rampart for his people He would not allow us to be overcome by the rulership of the wicked or to be ruled by the wicked less we fall.
- Isaiah 14 verse 5 and 30 verse 31 This scripture is speaking to the judgement of Babylon, stating specifically that the Lord will break the staff of the wicked and the sceptre of the rulers. Everyone shall be taken care of.
- Isaiah 30 verse 31 The punishment of Judah the Lord shall be dealing with the Assyrians who ruled, the Lord will smote them with His voice.
- Jeremiah 48 verse 17 Jeremy, I have made him the most loved Prophet of the Nazis and Mafias ever since I did my piece on FaceBook about him. The Nazis and Mafias will not give me a break. Everywhere I go their generosity extends to dry crusty bread and water. That is for another blog post. Let us attend to the business at hand.This book is a prophecy to Moab in this specific verse the prophet is speaking to the fact that their strong sceptre and rod have been broken. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
- Ezekiel 19 verses 11 and 14 A complaint by the Princes of Israel, however the word is used in both cases to mean authority and power.
- Amos 1 verses 5 and 8 I tell you people, I knew nothing about this book until the crooked politicians and assorted criminals had a sermon preached against me. I just sat there and looked. Fortunately, for me the Pastor was not sneering like the little fellow in Toronto that came to the church and spoke about the Watchman on the Wall. He ensured that he sneered at the part about the destruction. If I was a lesser person I would have ran out of the church. All I sat there and said to myself was, ‘come let us get it on Ezekiel 33 verses 7- 9.’ In the captioned scripture Amos is just advising that because of people’s crimes God has removed the sceptre from the ‘ites’ who had them. God has stripped them of their authority. Reminiscent of Samson who had to pray for the glory to return just one more time so he could do his assignment Judges 16 verses 28 - 30. King Saul had the sceptre but the power was with David I Samuel 15 verses 27 - 28. I think this is what is happening in a lot of countries. Politicians who are still in the job but in the spiritual realm they have been fired.
- Zechariah 10 verse 11 The prophet Zechariah is just reminding us of how God took away the rulership of Assyria and Egypt. The two giants of the time.
As we can see the sceptre represents power and authority both in the natural and spiritual realm. In the natural the sceptre is and of itself has no authority, it is the person behind it. Hence, why we have righteous and wicked rulership. We see that God’s sceptre is one of justice and righteousness Hebrews 1 verse 8.
I thought it was going to be a small Blog post this month but it has turned out to be quite large. Before I go I want to share this with you people, another way of verification of the accuracy of the scriptures. I didn’t know that when black people do not bathe for a season they start to shed. Mamma mia here it is, I saw some flakey things on my pants. I dusted my pants then then I started to examine my body and realized that because I have not had a shower in ages ‘dust I came from, dust I shall return to Genesis 3 verse 19. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I had a good laugh!!
Well, once again people happy fourth year anniversary! We are late again but we will give thanks that we are able to publish. I tell you people cock mouth ketch cock. I was walking around with the complete Blog where I had written that I published in Sweden. On my way to Oslo I said but God hadn’t I written that I would be publishing in Sweden. I was looking for the piece of paper and realized that it has been stolen. I had also written a fantastic thank you note. Let me write the pieces that I remember. Most things that I write people are inspired if I do not capture it at the moment it is gone. That is why I walk around with pen and paper. Jack canfield says he walks around with a little tape recorder. I remembered thanking those of you who have stayed with me for the past four years and reading my writings. I spoke to the fact that it has not been easy especially in the last couple of years. I spoke to the fact that the Blog has really taken on a life of its own. I also encouraged those of you out there who want to do something to go ahead and do it.
Now you see why it is so important to the Nazis and Mafias to go through my bags and get to the stuff before I write them.They just lack integrity.
Well on that note for another month this is me, Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from of all places, my prison in Stockholm, Sweden.
À bientôt